Trump on Foodstamps

Trump on Foodstamps

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>be 18 year old with no college education
>fuck my 18 year old girlfriend without a condom or birth control and she gets pregnant
>start working at a dead end job to support my new family
>no longer able to pursue a career because I was an idiot and did not make good decisions
>can't provide for myself because of it
>want other people to provide for me
>since I am extremely low income now, my child will grow up and I will no be able to pay for their college education

Yeah fuck them poor people who can't get jobs that pay a wage you can live off of. Why should they get to eat? They should of thought of that shit before being born poor!

And those people expect sympathy from me. Let them starve.


Totally right dude. Having kids is a rich man privilege. So are condoms and birth control, that's why we need to defund planned parenthood which helps out with BOTH.

Or you could just not have sex?

I can go to the store and buy a pack of condoms for $8. If you can't afford $8 for condoms maybe just wait until you get $8?

Success in the future requires good planning. Stop fucking up major have having kids before you're ready and able to financially support them.


TFW when you put the gun in your mouth and you pull the trigger but the bullet take 80 years of your life to fuck you


you're trolling us with a shoop, right?

its from the animal kingdom

>be 18, get a job right out of high school
>plan to go to college later
>still there after 17 years, never went to college
>making over $70k
>mortgage is paid off already

A degree isn't as necessary as the media would have you believe.

Or you could have oral sex. Or anal sex. Or use toys (improvise, if you can't buy expensive ones). In other words, you could take the slightest bit of responsibility for your life, your future, and that of your sexual partner.

But no. You want to act like a baby, and be taken care of like baby.


>born into a rotten culture that idolizes criminals and scoffs at education, hard work, and personal sacrifice
>live off welfare and foodstamps
>have kids out of wedlock
>abandon them because my culture is cool with that
>they grow up on the streets scoffing at education and hard work
>never got any discipline at home from struggling single mother
>live off welfare and foodstamps
>have kids out of wedlock...


Retarded comparison.

if you are that poor its because you are either really stupid or really lazy so its your own fault, others shouldnt be responsible to take care of those who cant take care of themselves

if you cant afford to raise a child dont fucking have one??

That's not a reasonable thing to expect. People fuck and they're not going to stop fucking. We're all wired for it.

Defunding Planned Parenthood and not providing sex education will only make people fuck irresponsibly.

So they should starve.

> implying everyone has a crystal ball that lets them see 18 years into the future

Humans are animals as well. You'd be dead wrong if you believed we somehow operated differently when it comes to our own well being.

No they shouldn't

Funny how liberals get more angry at people who want to keep their hard earned money than the people who have kids they can't afford and demand others pay for them.

What if the companies actually provided their employees with decent pay rather than grubbing huge profits for themselves so that America can have a middle class again?

Why don't you give up your luxuries to pay for others' birth control? I want to control my money in my own way

So you admit you don't want people to be personally responsible for their own actin?

>I want to control my money in my own way

taxes aren't your money, idiot. In fact, money isn't something you can really even own. The government owns all the money and they let you use it. It's a service they provide to aid in transactions.

Then why aren't you giving your extra money to them?

I do, it's called taxes. The entire point is supporting things that private industry won't take care of.

Taxes ARE my money you fucktard. They come from MY check and wouldn't exist if I didn't work you cuck. Is this really how retarded the Left is? Unbelievable...

So you're dividing the society into
- hard workers, supporting the population
- parasites, living from taxes

Great deal, if you're in a second group

Funny how it's not the child's fault that their parents are deadbeats and liberals are only suggesting everyone chip in a little to provide for the innocent victims of childhood neglect. Yeah, liberals are such assholes.

If all those marching women would have used the money they spent on travel and protest to pay for PP, we wouldn't need federal funds. Ideas like yours are why countries fail.

>still being THIS mad about 11/8/16, the greatest day in modern history

>being this retarded

>Taxes ARE my money you fucktard.

Oh yeah? Try not paying them. I dare you.

You have no fucking control whatsoever over your money. It can disappear out of your account at will if the government wants to take it, or they can inflate it out of existence.

No, far more than two groups. Makers vs takers is too simplistic.

Ass backwards
Setting up "safety nets" to protect people from falling off a dumbass decision to walk a tightrope encourages them to walk that rope

Republicans have always been more charitable than Democrats. How is it helpful when I go without things I want or need because I lose 40%+ of my check to various taxes?

Found the economic imbecile

> Taxes ARE my money you fucktard.

No. You do not get to tell the government how to spend tax dollars. If you can't exercise control over it, it isn't yours.

Tax money is the government's. End of story.

47% of the country doesn't pay taxes. Neither do big name liberals like Al Sharpton. They seem to be just fine.

I do tell them how to spend it when I vote. And like I said, if I didn't work they wouldn't get it. It's stolen from me every month.

>You have no fucking control whatsoever over your money. It can disappear out of your account at will if the government wants to take it, or they can inflate it out of existence.

That's... actually good point.
But also strawman - the discussion was about "taxes are money taken directly from my paycheck", not "muh government can take my money"

So Some 90 year old guy can't afford to get by without social security and unable to work to pay His bills you would consider a parasite? The whole idea of "pull up you're bootstraps" is backwards and this isn't the 1950's.

Nope. You pick representatives. The reps decide how to spend it.

> it gets stolen from me

No, you chose to live here. It's the rent you pay the government for living here and benefiting from their management of the economy. You wouldn't have a job to work at if they didn't.

No it doesn't

Republicans are not more charitable

>Republicans have always been more charitable than Democrats.

Absolutely no proof of that.

>How is it helpful when I go without things I want or need because I lose 40%+ of my check to various taxes?

If you're being taxed at 40%, then your income is high enough that you're not being deprived of much of what you want, and certainly not anything you "need".

Taxes are the price you pay for living in a cohesive society - a society that functions with viable laws and regulations that allow businesses to thrive and people, like yourself apparently, to earn a generous salary.

If you think you can hack it in a place with zero effective taxes, try Somalia.

So your position is that people would be as likely to make a risky move if there were no net to catch them if they fall as if there were a net and they knew there wouldn't be serious consequences. And you say that with certainly but without logic. Okay.
In fact they are. Largely because liberals think they are charitable by voting for more spending.

Don't bother, they're too stupid to understand. All they understand is that their life is miserable and it has to be somebody else's fault.

>>Republicans have always been more charitable than Democrats.
>Absolutely no proof of that.
In fact there is proof. Arthur Brooks, when he was at Syracuse University, reviewed all the data and published Who Really Cares?, a book that spells out how much more charitable republicans are. It's simply proven fact. Live with it.

>their life is miserable and it has to be somebody else's fault
and you're NOT talking about niggers in the hood and poor people who blame society?

No, I consider unemployed poor with guns, constantly demanding money a parasites.

Additionally I'm not against giving a fishing rod, but against giving fishes out everywhere.

Yes, believe it or not poor niggers don't have a monopoly on a lack of self awareness or lack of responsibility

You're right. But why stop there? You know people can't be trusted to resist their urges. Let's just sterilize the poor.

>ever since the fucking Enlightenment its been advised to only have children after finacial stability
>modern 40% throws that shit out the window and enables hyper materialism

Sup Forums used to have a lot more intelligent visitors - now it's just a haven for radical conservatives. Don't these miserable sods have better places to be?

You're wrong about everything but I don't really care

He's right tho.

Fuck off newfaggot.

03-06 chan shunned political discussion and only tolerated it when it was ironic.

Wow, one persons biased literature
Fuck off

I've seen that book and it's findings aren't valid since it considers church donations a form of charity, which they aren't if the money is used to fund private jets for the clergy and missionary trips to Tahiti.

Try again, Mr. Generous.

Why sterilize the poor? Why not just trust them to understand that they are accountable for their own actions? Why not just stop encouraging people to fuck up by underwriting their bad decisions?

Uh, yeah, that's what I was getting at. Been here since 2006 and it's only gotten worse as the years go by.

Great. Now extend that lack of caring to fuck-ups who don't take any precautions and who don't plan for the future, and you're gold.

Donations to religiously centered PACs aren't charity. They are a means of buying the votes of people, the influence of politicians, and the absolution of wrongdoing from bureaucrats.

>look at me, I can dismiss an award-winning study of a hundred studies that I've never read with a wave of my faggot hand

This was predictable. Never mind that churches fund soup kitchens, build housing, etc.. etc. Fuck Good Will. Fuck St Vincent de Paul. Fuck those fucking assholes actually feeding the homeless. In the end, the only charity liberals believe in is statism.

No I'm going to continue that part. I just don't care enough about you.

Oh, okay. Retards gonna tard.

hence why abortion and contraception should be legal, free, and easily accessible...

I ain't read this here thread but my two cents is if I have to pass a drug test to pay for your welfare, you should have to pass a drug test to be eligible for welfare.

Poor decision making got you into your predicament, continuing those decisions without punishment will never teach you to not make those decisions in order to be apart of a stable and well oiled society.

Institute a probation for government assistance.

>Having kids is a rich man privilege.

Yet you see those savages on the streets with 8 or more children (the 5 year old girl is already married to some 30 year old Mohhamad btw). They are winning. Even if some of them die in starvation, at least 5 of them will survive and it'll repeat once again.
And here we are, masturbating to some "celeb threads" or "god-tier porn webm thread". Allright, maybe some of us have children. But how many? 2 children is the maximum ammount for for us.
True, children need food and a place to call home. I get that. But just once, I'd like to see when the citizens of the land just do like those shitskins do. Get a bunch of children and then demand welfare along with all the latest technology for "living" (I'm looking at you, melanin-enriched gentlemen with the latest Iphone).

TL;DR the privilege of having children is for immigrants or shitskin's apparently. We will not breed because we think of the children's future and all that shit that come's along with it.

meanwhile we operation dumbo drop condoms and birth control into Africa...

we know black people in America have a baby-mama culture where they tend to abandon the mother.

we should provide condoms bc and would cut back welfare spending.

Do you happen to know what proportion of church funds go toward feeding the homeless? I doubt it.

If this people were working the lower end jobs, instead of on welfare, then we wouldn't need millions of illegal immigrants in the first place

That sounds good and warms the heart which is all liberals are interested in. The sad reality is that it created dependence which not only leads to more suffering for future generations but it's also unsustainable. What ends up happening is you have decades of suffering before an inevitable collapse under the weight of all these entitlements. Which obviously leads to more suffering. This is what Europeans are learning the hard way.

Liberals can only see outcome. If you have money and another doesn't, you must have stolen it from them. You must have done something awful to gain your position because you are the one in better shape. There is no thought given to the idea that those who have actually work. Rich people just stole it or had it handed to them from someone who stole it.

>only Republicans got to church

the few dollars my conservative christian grandpa puts in the doation basket vs my ex gf's super liberal democrat mom who literally donates ~30% of her paycheck to various charities...

Depends no how comfy safety net is. If welfare can get you a room of your own and a choice of food - it's too much.

Just enough not to die while you search for a job is fine.

>I'll take anecdotal evidence for 1000 Alex
Pull your head out of the echo chamber and get some facts

Taxes are important.
But part of taxes that are spent to provide services for taxpayers should be way more than taxes that are given away to freeloaders.

A conservative knows what anecdotal means?! Color me impressed

this is absolutely correct, and the vast majority of the american people agree with this as well.

I used to get foodstamps when I was a kid. My parents worked day and night and could barely keep the lights on.

ITT: Faggots who have never fucked anyone telling other faggots how to fuck.
Also if you were born into a rich family that doesn't mean you're a hard worker, it makes you a money grubbing kike swinging from your mommys tits and suckling on the tip of your father's penis.

Karma's a bitch. Shit happens. Your words may be forshadowing your own future homelessness and poverty.

I've seen some shit. good luck with your cold arrogance

We used to qualify for food stamps, and I've been on welfare for over twenty years and have Medicaid. Voted Trump.


>What is natural selection?
I bet that's why rednecks and other scum of the earth are creationists