ITT we post our mains and attempt to guess each others personality

ITT we post our mains and attempt to guess each others personality
>inb4 leaguefags

Other urls found in this thread:

League fag. Likes fucking dicks and other phallic objects. Loves long walks on the beach before getting fucked.

Feeder and toxic gold II adc.

Boosted Diamond V support main

Close. Im unranked.

>hardcore toxic asshat
>"lol, you thought i would use my heal to save YOU?"

flamer who thinks saying please at the end makes it less annoying
>>"midlane, can you stop feeding please?"

decent player for the tier hes in, but sees zero issue with the fact that after 200 more games, he hasnt improved his playstyle even just a tiny bit

Silver V who blames teams for mistakes

ults into 5 and asks why noone follows

bans aatrox

Afk farms top and then complains when his team does poorly.

Decent player but doesn't ever push their lead because "muh late game."

an unranked adc fag
silver 5 toxic support main (propably female or faggot)
a decent gold main jungler
a unranked midlaner toxic as fuck (who plays kayle anymore)
bronze toxic top laner

Actually im a Plat 5 player who climbed 2 leagues in the past season lol, im still cancer in soloq

that dude who doesnt even wrongfully assume he got game vision. he just doesnt.
wins many games anyway because his mechanics are on point.
>all wukong players are monkey kings IRL, no exceptions
i have never in ~3000 rankeds had a wukong intentionally ruin my game. i had excellent and bad wukongs, but always good sportsmanship.

Well, OP at least is a faggot as usual.

Tries to be Tobias Fate but fucks up every barrel ever

Either an insane space dragon with god-tier mechanics, or a toxic potato who whines and has no idea how to use the stars.

Tries to ult next to enemy ADC and gets their shit wrecked repeatedly.


Player who's stuck in diamond 2 because people figured out how to counter him

>muh late game
dang, got me. used to be a hardcore splitpusher, but "just waiting" wins so many more games right now.
ranked in 5 seasons
>toxic as fuck

season 3 nostalfag who cant main any skilled champ, probably gold

I make successful ganks you :
a butthurt assassin from the last reworks

decent midlaner bad farmer
toxic silver player , blames the team everitime

Diamaond 3 midlane main. Good at the game, toxic af

Pic related
its you

I literally have over a thousand games played.

When I say I "main" him I don't mean I play him more often than not, I mean I only play him unless I'm unable to.

Wukong jungle or renekton top

Plays an underwhelming assassin in the current meta, won't shut up about the nerfs

Share pics you shouldn't
USE sn,ap,chaty,com before its patched

I main this nigger. Im the guy that will gank your lane 3-4 times in a row, just to tilt you.

Fuck you.

>extremely bored not-a-teen-anymore manchild.
i wonder why there are so few teemo mains. i once had the top teemo of the server in my game, he stomped the enemy so fucking hard.. i was like "wow, didnt know teemo can be useful" after game.
nothing left for guesing then


i love lt. belica, she's my favourite

I'm not a robot

You're one of the most despicable people I've ever heard of. I wish you a long and psychologically painful purgatory after your bitter and cold death. I hope your soul never stops being tormented once you reach the pits of hell that you belong in, you worthless piece of shit.
>also, Renekton top and mid main

im a scumbag i know

wait wrong one

I main Sion, what kind of person am I?


shit i dont know why i have 2 wrong ones, these are from ages ago

A useless member of the team

alright cant find the right one but its kat akali diana both mastery 7



What the heck? I am da best

What's an aatrox?


You are an entitled piece of shit who thinks your jungle needs to camp you because you have a "weak laning phase"

nigga gideon has a good as fuck laning phase the fuck you talking about






Has over 500 karma games stuck in plat 4 because of "shit adc's" still has no fucking idea what Karma says during her ult after years of playing her.








complains about op champs

very hated

doesn't take smite and tries to counterjungle

mvp, always invades enemy jungle, 10/2/32 every game

Still cant right click your way out of silver 3 after years of playing Jax. Probably only plays him because of his satisfying auto sound.



Bullshit she's not out until Tuesday. You literally have no idea how Aurora plays you twat.

Aww yiss Baelica

i'm just posting hero wallpapers at this point my man, my main is Belica


Isn't actually for me, it's for a friend and it's literally 100% right for him

mvp, always invades enemy jungle, 10/2/32 every game

This guy is on point

I wish she was in a better spot right now. I really like her kit but she's sort of half support half carry. How do you play her?


she's alright in mid or support, but there are better heroes right now. her knockup is too easy to dodge


I find that she's not mobile enough for mid, honestly. It's tough because if she gets ganked while pushing a tower she's pretty much dead. zero escape.

I mid Twinblast and even his tiny little dash is often enough to evade ganks. Serath has her quick jump too. Bae has nothing :(


>dropped below 1700 and am hard stuck now
why even live

there's a lot of changes that need to be made to heroes still, iggy needs some sort of ability rework like TB did on the monolith update

Sion otp over 2mio masterie points dia3

patronizing, flaming adc if he doesn't play well
invading early, flaming in all chat
meta slave, decent player though
double asshole
op champ abuser, hit skill ceiling. flamed in rito forum when karma got nerfed.
plays season 6 champs, too slow to follow meta changes.

>lee sin main.


played many champions as main and at diffrent lanes, but lulu will be my favorite.

Level 7 300k Sion main.
Say what you will.




I'm the dick that's in every bush in the jungle, kills you as soon as you walk into it, and takes every fucking buff.








>gets kills by cheesing in a brush
>Takes buffs but does nothing with the lead
>Stalls the game until 40 minutes with a huge lead that slowly diminished due to no understanding of macro.
>Sees a teamfight breaking loose!
>Jumps in 1v5 not even able to get one reset
>Flames team for no followup when you dive the backline
>Complains to friends about elo hell after being stuck in gold 5 for 3 years straight.



lvl 7 200k mastery, praise the moon


