Is she right?

Is she right?

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Are black people American?

You decide...

Doubt it, even if she is, take a look at whats happening in Europe. That could easily happen within our borders if we don't do siemthing, znd we are doing something which is good.

Yes. Guns should be banned if Muslims are going to be.


Found the Trump supporter. Racist moron.

She's probably factually completely right and I STILL think muslims need to Be more tightly controlled.

did u crop out the source we cannot tell if it is legit if we dont even know where its from

He's saying all the dumb nigs are killing eachother with guns. Why would you support those shooters dumb piece of shit.

Based on attacks taken out by Islamic terrorists or attacks claimed by ISIS, no she is not.

as you can see by the various numbers, those are links to the sources claiming those stats you absolute knobhead.

One of Trump's first backed operations was in Yemen. A few Navy Seals were injured and one was killed.

Tell me again how putting this fucking dipshit in charge of the military was a good thing?

what about the fucking boston bombings, the orlando nightclub shooter, the rapes, that dude and his wife who shot up a party?

Did like 50 gay people die cause of that one muslim guy in just one incident? I think the numbers might be a little higher than 11

>citation needed

out of all those, which is the responsibility of the president to protect us from

remember when obama killed an entire innocent family with a drone? signed off on it even knowing that intel on the vehicle wasn't confirmed.

wow faggot, almost as if people make mistakes

Not everyone whose Muslim is an Islamic terrorists. The dude just hated gays and I'm sure many conservative Christians discreetly lauded him.

The being shot by one.

Yes the fat stupid cunt is right but....lets keep the ban before US turns into Sweden Germany France

>Not everyone whose Muslim is an Islamic terrorists.
Okay Mohammed

so she's admitting that islamists are a problem

being shot by another American?

responsibility of your state, go complain to your governor

fucking lol at the extreme chance of death by an american with a gun compared to terrorists

Found the Nigger or Spic

Prophets aren't real, newfriend.

yes...but she's a fat, ugly, attention whore. so nobody really cares what she has to say.

wasnt this fat weak ass cumdumpster gonna leave the country if trump won?

>"hurr durr da liberals and Mozlems are lying about not all Mozlems being terrorists"
>"Hurr Trump didn't ban Saudi coz dey is our allies! dey not terrorists!"

No, she is incorrect. The deaths due to Jihad are significantly higher than what she has listed. It should also he noted that they would be much higher were it not for the fact that we are constantly on the lookout for possible attacks.

How dumb are you kid?

It's a more pressing federal problem than domestic terrorism. I'm sure Trump will be the number one creator of jihadists.

if he could protect us from the scourge of armed toddlers he'd of gotten my vote

You think this is the end of it? It's only been a week, user

> Nothing personal kid!

Can you leave now?

All gun-grabbing Jews are fit to DIE.

the point of terrorism is not to kill as many people as possible, it's to keep the population in fear of a potential attack
killcount comparisons are pointless

> You have to go back.
> Net immigration too Mexico higher than leaving.
> Let's build a cage!

Thanks Trump.

so the entire bush presidency pretty much

No since that info graph only claims two were killed by islamic terrorsists. Omar mateen syed farook & tashfeen malik have a pretty nice body count.......also 11,737 number includes suicides and gang perp on perp killings....

So if you get your wisdom from anyone in hollywood you get what you deserve

Show this video to your lefty friends.

Also, its stupid to believe that we need thousands of dead Americans from Islamic terrorism before we can defend ourselves without being labeled as racists.

> Two wrongs make a right.

Whats bait is doing something illegal and unconstitutional.

Correlation is not causation, for whatever traitorous kike point she's trying to make

Also, please show me 'thousands' of terrorists because numbers matter.


> traitorous kike

Let me guess, you're 'not' for a police state?

Spot the ignorant American game show time.

Oh wait... that was quick.

It's true, since 9/11 just over 3500 needless deaths have been from the result of Islamic Extremists (not Muslims), but in that same time frame just over 250k Americans have died at the hands of another American, most of which is White perps.

The American Government will spin a lie constantly in the media etc to put fear in to you, so you will keep supporting them with large contracts that they profit from.

And it has been going on for decades.

Also 9/11 wouldn't have happened if the US didn't get greedy with oil prices and pay Saddam Hussein $1 trillion dollars to remove the new power in Iran back in the 80s.

That is why Islamic Extremists have been targeting the west for such a short period of time. Before the 1980s no Islamic Terrorism even existed against the western nations.

So you can thank Reagan and the corrupt Senate and Congress for it all.

Yes, she is

Ah the anti-jews may may in full swing.

Nope she's a fat cunt and should stay out of politics. I hope this unfunny fat slob gets breast cancer and has to get her tittys chopped off.

We don't need a police state if we can stop ourselves from becoming a welfare state, we all know who is really causing gun crime

>population control
>nig control
>innovations in policing and firearm-related technologies
>"Survival of the fittest"
>Data in support of the fact that niggers commit a disproportionate amount of crime regardless of income-level
>People like you don't like it, and you're soft; you'll be dragged into reality whether you like it or not
>I live far enough away that errant fire does not impact anywhere near me and I only benefit from the deaths of others because we all still live in a society with resource scarcity and I can now fuck their share of women easier if they're dead.
All reasons to support it.

>yells like a 12 year old
>fails to notice the word American in the stats

just another day in 4chiggy

Gotta keep those immigrants inside! Trump basically cucked all those trumpfags

>most of which is white perps

Stop lying Shekelstein

Yeah feeding the sick, homeless and elderly is the problem and not corruption in politics. How about non crony capitalism?

More or less, the chance of getting killed by a terrorist is very small.

Mattis runs the military you fucking cuck. Trump signs the go orders.

You know the peeps who hit the twin towers came from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, why didn't Trump ban those countries?

Because he has business interests in those regions, and it would financially hurt him.

He is a hypocrite and you people just believe the lies told to you.

Americans are really fucking dumb, not all, but the majority.

The have no idea about how to solve problems. A laser wall would be more cost effective at this point. They're making this big ass government project to build Chinese technology from two thousand years ago. What the fuck is wrong with my country.

This is how 1984 begins.

Change shot by American to shot by Black person and be amazed.

Guess your FBI is lying then kiddlewinkles... Also not Jewish.

But you are American, that is your thought process, "well he doesn't think like me so he must be something I hate"

When is your 14th Birthday?

Only a fool would trust the numbers without actually seeing what they refer to

that is some serious mental gymnastics you're pulling off here.

It's been said before and I'll say it again. The only reason that number is so high is the blacks running amok. They need to be put on a much shorter leash.

now pull those same statistics from Germany, France, Italy, Norway, or pretty much any other Western European that has let these fucks in and tell me what the numbers look like.

But yet Whites still commit the most crimes right?

According to the FBI that is.

inb4 "but dah percentages of populations because that way it makes it look like blacks do more crimez, while ignoring the fact white numbers are so much higher."

I'm in germany. Really is no problem here. every few months might be a rape or somthing that gets hyped up by sensationalist media

then some frustrated, uneductaed, socioeconomicly disadvantaged retards who stack shelves for a living start a big mass outcry further the cycle, all the while voting for 'angry' right wing parties that actually just want to get rid of their minimum wage.

What about niggers

>muh statics

During WWII the Nazis built the Atlantic Wall. Several feet of steel reinforced concrete with turrent ecampments spanning from southern France to northern Norway in just two years.

We can build a fucking wall on our borders.

The same very low, because the lies said to you don't exist.

No no-go zones at all in Europe.
In Sweden, Swedish nationalists still rape the most, since taking in asylum seekers and immigrants the numbers of Muslim rapists are 0.1% (check on Swedish government site for the stats every year - the link is being flagged as spam)
As for Germany it is also a low negligible number.

But can you prove other wise with legitimate sources and not some shady far right bullshit site?

Well? I guarantee you can't.

Also not Muslim, before you get salty.

We need a travel ban on a toddlers. Immediately.

Finally someone who isn't blinded by the bullshit media frenzy and far right propaganda.

You unironically think most gun crime is committed by whites, I do not need to say more.

>Picks one state because it is the worse for blacks
>Ignores other states that have a different story

Redneck ahoy

Yeah man only a few rapes every now and then no big deal ya know what's a few rapes at the expense of virtue signalling

Someone should tell her fat ass about heart disease.

Right, but that makes logical sense?
There's obviously external contributing factors with the crime rate of "Blacks" when contrasted with "Whites".
If you took the lowest crime rate of the demographics and set it as the baseline, it's clear that "Blacks" have problems that other demographics do not. Exactly what those problems are is a controversial subject to speak to (part of the reason it doesn't change). Humans are stupid. You're stupid.
I'm stupid.
OP is stupid.
Did I mention you're stupid? That's the most important thought.

lol, really dude? You don't think the fact that 16% of the population committing 50% of the violent crime is a bit of an issue?

Gross statistics are the reason the electoral college system was invented. Gun crime statistics that come out of overpopulated inner cities should not dictate the law of all the united states. Crowded Chicago, for instance with it's projects and gun inner city gun violence, is not allowed to have mob rule over the laws of arkansas. It may be the same country but these are different lands allowed to have equal say.

I'm in germany. Threre really is problem here. every few months might be a rape or somthing that gets hyped up by sensationalist media - all other crimes are not reported on, bc. politics prohibited police to tell nationality or ethnics of the suspects.

then some frustrated, uneductaed, socioeconomicly disadvantaged retards who stack shelves for a living start a big mass outcry further the cycle, all the while voting for 'angry' right wing parties that actually just want to get rid of their minimum wage.
^^^thats what leftist apologets say. they cash in on social industries and waste taxpayers money, while bashing trump, all the time...

not 2016 chart (FBI still to release that) but look at 2015.

Hmmmm yeah Pretty much even on murders, by a few hundred.

But Whites still commit 3.6m more crimes than blacks.

I guarantee last year was pretty damn similar also.

Look at the Asian column that includes Orientals and Muslims etc. Yeah so much high stats there huh.

I await your shitfest of a reply.

Are you from Arkansas?

Not even close. My point was contrast. Are you?

savage af

That's not what the Atlantic Wall was.

Of course we can build a wall, but you do know that there is already a 12 foot tall barbed wire fence there, right? If barbed wire doesn't stop them what makes you think concrete will?

The only thing that will stop Mexicans coming in is if the vegetable growers stop hiring them and paying them utra low wages. The day that those agribusinesses pay legal, American wages, then legal Americans will do the work and the Mexicans will go elsewhere.

Either that or hire enough people to actually patrol the border, but Trumpksi doesn't like that idea because it doesn't benefit his pals.

The problem is that more black crimes happen in poorer towns and cities. Like Gary, Detroit etc which has had very little funding for a very long time.

So the situation was created from greed by congress and senate members to profit from it.

But if you look at other states the situation is fully reversed.

So it isn't a "Black" problem, it is a society problem.

So in specific states where White crime is massive, does that mean there is a problem with them?

That is the problem with the whole percentage bullshit, because it is used when your argument fails, but the real fact is Whites still commit more crimes. No matter how you try to sugar coat it.

The "Atlantikwall" was not a wall. Read properly next time and go back to school.

^^^thats what leftist apologets say. they cash in on social industries and waste taxpayers money, while bashing trump, all the time...

^^^^^^^^ That's what right wing facists say when facts trump their lies, they then try to blame the other people for their ignorance.

But it's still mob rule - and it's even worse because uneducated fucks in red states actually vote - gamngbaning niggers don't. All the elites have to do is scare the hicks enough about jobs and terrorism and they'll vote however they say.

I'm truly in favor of an oligarchy of educated elites. Not elites based on income, but based on education and IQ. So far, the closest thing we could have to that would be a popular vote system without an electoral college, because blue state voters demographically are more educated.

How many "americans" were jihadists?
How many "americans" were black criminals?
How many "americans" were illegal aliens?

Here is including sources


Saw this earlier, doesn't include 9/11 (it's everything after) so probably not

They can't be "americans" if they are illegal dumbshit.

deal with reality - trump is an ass, but he is potus. better than hillary, at least.
and now eat shit, commie...

>support party of "working class"
>fucking stupid hicks we need an oligarchy of educated elites

I don't think you'd qualify for your own standards