Just got back. Ask me anything

Just got back. Ask me anything.

Official Ranking: 2/10

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are you racist or just misogynist?

How were the crab legs?

What is your official ranking?

Didn' serve them at the "good goyum" stand

No, but this movie made me both

Is slimer in it?

Why did you give them money you fucking retard

Can you stop wasting your money and funding shit movies?

Because I am a faggot, please rape my face.

Yes and his wife. There is a 3D gag which he and his WIFE is apart of

I wanted to be ready for the Half in the Bag review

Half in the Bag review


NO. I wanted to see how bad it is.

what was the worst scene in the movie


About the first ten mintures of the movie. There is a ESP recording device and the land whale tell s kristen wigg to come listen to it. So she leans in and it is a fart LOL

Sony is a plague


You either didn't watch it, are a fat misogynerd, or both.

The movie isn't perfect, but it objectively a solid 7/10.

>4.7/10 on IMDB

Sounds good fama

Are you Seven-peso Pedro?

>I wanted to be ready for the Half in the Bag review
Are you ready to change your opinion of the movie when Mikes says he loves it (and when spineless Jay cowers ad agrees with everything he says) because you're a mindless sheep who can't form opinions unless two fat retards from Minnesota tell you what to think?
*slaps face*


Not Sorry

Why do you hate women?

>Empty cinemas says no

Shitty reboot is shitty whooopde-do what a twist.

Anyone else wish all women would drop dead?

They're from Wisconsin, doofus.

Post ticket or fake

I wish your mother had dropped dead before she shat you out.

I knew aids Moby posted here.

What is this crab leg meme?

wow, thats higher than I expected. I guess women can do anything almost as good as men.

you a good goyim to pay to see that garbage

Most kinomas in my city offer crab legs, I thought that was just a normal thing, like coke and popcorn, or no single policies.

>So she leans in and it is a fart
She actually said it was a queef, which is like one billion times funnier because women are just naturally better at fart jokes.

Sorry, Mike. I forgot. Pls forgive me. And tell me how awesome Star Wars Ep 7 was and how much you want your buttbuddy Max Landis back on the show.

Makes more sense for Ambiguously Gay Jay.



It wasn't THAT bad, jesus

I feel like some of you guys are just giving it such a low rating because memes.

It wasn't great, prolly a 5 or 6/10, but 2/10 is way too low

Or are you guys really whining about "muh women can't play major roles" like the reviewers are saying?

Your Kinoma doesn't serve crab legs?

It was shit, Sonyshill
>unfunny Queef joke
>unfunny chinese delivery man
>characters have no chemistry
>Unnecessary Stay Puff Marshmallow Man cameo
>Slimer has a girlfriend who looks like him drag
>GB defeats badguy by shooting him in the balls

First you rape Spider-Man, now Ghostbusters. What do you plan on raping next?

>6/10 for Shitty SNL Skits: The Movie: Female Edition

I bet you think Master of Disguise is a 6/10, too.

I tried to watch as many clips as I can and I founc the problem.

There are lots of setups for what should be fantastic, '84-tier level jokes, but you're constantly pelted with little distractions nagging at your suspension of disbelief, like someone's flicking water in your face.
>"God, that line read was terrible."
>"That timing was way off."
>"What human being would say that?"

That is why so many jokes fell flat. They butchered their jokes.


I just saw it as well. I'll give it a 3.5-4/10.

The good:
- Good special effects
- Some passable jokes
- Played the original theme song
- Had quite a few talented actors, some of which I wasn't even expecting to be in this.

The bad:
- Didn't really explain the villain and his motives very well. He was just kind of an asshole.
- Confusing/underdeveloped characters. I like Kate on SNL, but I really don't understand what was up with her character in this. She was just a cardboard cutout of a weird scientist.

Overall not a good movie, but not horrible either. I was expecting it to be at least on par with Dumb and Dumber To, and it was, so I wasn't disappointed. Honestly the effects alone put it above the original Ghostbusters, which is boring as fuck and not worth watching in 2016. If you want to cry about a good franchise being butchered, go rewatch The Last Airbender.

>the effects alone put it above the original Ghostbusters, which is boring as fuck
sloppy bait


>not horrible
Well with a review like this, I think you should be a topic critic on RT.

think he's ever done fag shenanigans?

is this true? is yours empty?

>Tfw I saw it but didn't pay
can someone post a smug pepe for me

Lol itd . Ghost

>>Slimer has a girlfriend who looks like him drag
Slimer owned.

>Characters have no chemistry.

Holtzmann and Kevin were probably the only funny things about the movie.

My theater audibly groaned at the "I don't know if it's a lady thing..." line

Wasted potential.


Slimer owns them to joyride in Ecto-1 with his bitch and Ghost Bros.

Very BELUSHI and it made me smile.

Also the bust of Harold Ramis in the college nobody seemed to catch was a nice touch.

Movie had a ton of problems....like, a ton.

answer this

I guess you could say it was a real...wait for it...ghost town.

I'll find my way out.

Go back to watching Jurrassic World, Mike

>Not pictured: The ghost occupying the empty seats.

What's Bill Murreys cameo like in it?

He shows up to question the Ghostbusters on TV, then shows up at their base and ASKS to see the ghost. It knock it out the window and kills him.

He acts like a less-gay truman capote, complete with funny hat and cane.

In regards to this, I gotta know: Did Murray come back for the ghost rampage scene?

If Murray had come back from the dead and was the one shot in the dick, that might have actually been funny.



Irritable Jose's review and rant. I don't like this guy, but it's hilarious watching him rage stroke about this movie.

Did your wife's son like it? Thinking about taking mine.

did you fap during the movie?


That's fucking stupid! That has got to be the most obvious brick joke the movie could have had and they totally blew it! Hack writers!

Because it opened on a Monday. Duh. Who opens movies on Mondays?

>2/10 is way too high
I agree, 0/10 is a much more accurate score

>Ghostbusters reView basically says Mike and Rich aren't excited for the new movie at all
>Implying it'll be good enough to make him do a mental 180

Literally a nothing place for nothing people

Everyone agreed that it didn't have enough adult humor in it. The "BOYS LOL" lines made everyone uncomfortable.

There are some good parts. I wish hollywood quit knock it off with this bullshit and keep movies in a vacuum.

Why the fuck would you go and see it?

what's the boys line?

>implying they won't pull a "my expectations were so low I liked the movie" cop out

It cuts to Paul Feig in his office in the middle of the 2nd act and he just says "Boys! mmmmmmmmmmmm" into the camera.

Its kind of jarring to be honest.

Off the top of my head:
>Abby showing Rowan is a sad virgin.
>Patty's Race/Female Line.
>The scene at the very very end during credits where Holtzmann (who was actually likeable and "quirky" enough for a GB role) meets her mentor, who scolds her on not using safety measures. She responds by saying "those are for DUDES"
>Rowan self-depreciating himself while in Kevin's body about how he should have worked out more when he was alive.

is that "mmmmmm" like Lex Luthor "mmmmm" or is Feig lusting after little boys in the movie?

Don't know if intentional

>Abby's Wonton's an analogy for "equal pay"
>the Mayor secretly throwing them under the bus.
>in the big battle, they fought old quakers/pilgrims (males only besides for the first ghost to appear in the movie), and the Logo Rowan nutshot.

What's with the giant Jew balloon? Offensive af.

Why is Sigourney Weaver in the movie? Is it a reference to the old movies?

She was a character in the first two movies, broski.

What the difference?

Its BvS all over again.

Kino...Kino...KINO...KINOKATS HO!

Could you describe the cameos from the original Ghostbuster cast?

>Just got back from the supporting Girlbusters. Now start giving me attention Sup Forums , ask me anything

Oh look this thread again......

That kind of looks like a Dr. Seuss character.

>paying £12 to see crap

thats £24 if my gf wants to go, this is not including either a restaurant or snacks

A night out to see a shitty movie could cost you upto to £50-£60 and I am not wasting it on this filth

that's fucked up man

>Paying to see a movie you don't like

did your wife's son enjoy it?

Why do you hate Woman and blackness, OP?

>No, but this movie made me both


I thought it was fine.

is that one dance scene still in? how does it play out?

Who gives a shit what brit shits think? They don't matter.

does wiig still have it?

Post your generalities so you can be sent to a re-education camp, you bigot.


every time I watch this gif the girl on the right just gets sexier and sexier. whatever chad she's dating is the luckiest fucker on earth

>dem bingo wings

Just buy a ticket for a good movie then walk into the "wrong" theater.

thanks bruh , appreciated

she never had it

Fuck off, it's a 4/10 or 5 at best. 75% of the jokes fell flat, all the leads were boring or way over the top and cringey, and the story and effects were just lame. If you think it's a 7/10 then pixels and dragon ball evolution are too.