What do you imagine when you smoke weed

What do you imagine when you smoke weed


being at the beach on as foggy day

nobody fucking around and can dop whatever i like

also, same ending, gj m8

Mewstly about how I'm gonna live in London and be a rich millionaire and have people killed.

Whatever comes to your mind, you see.

I imagine smoking more weed.

me too... tssssss

i like to listen to my favorite songs and imagine i'm playing them on a big stage.
playing air guitar solos with all your passion is fun.
i also like to ride my bike without a plan where to go, pic related

I just think about how soon I'll run out and how hard it is to find more

i keep a pound on deck

I imagine my mom caring about me.
I imagine my stepmom being kind and caring.
I imagine my dad defending me.
I imagine having siblings so im not alone.
I imagine i learned great social skills through trial and error.
I imagine my girlfriend loves me for me, not the size of my cock or my wallet.
I imagine ill be happy one day, with a family.
I imagine ill find a bunch of friends through league that arent toxic.

Totally just ruined my high you bully :(

enjoy a lot bro.

i only smoke weed when i'm drunk
cause i'm a faggot while sober
so i cant remember not because of the weed but the booze

I used to imagine a ton of shit but now I just get a really bad headache every time I smoke recently. Sucks, feels like VR sickness and just gets worse if I try and tough it out.

switch to heroin, seems to help with headaches


That I'm alone and everyone else is dead.


I hope this is a troll.
As im high here, im telling you.
All weed does is make you have ideas.
Your brain produces ideas so much faster when youre high.
Theyre all short term. You come up with ideas so fast, you quickly forget other things to input new data. Ayyyy

Cannabis is specifically known for its ability to boost creativity. That's like saying coke makes you tired.

yeah man talkin bout dang ol trips man

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