TFW you weren't born a Cro-Magnon

TFW you weren't born a Cro-Magnon
TFW you will never be given a loli as a present on the eve of your 13th summer and first hunt
TFW you will never rail her in front of your whole tribe

>not hunting for 12 summers

TFW you have indoor plumbing and modern medicine

And toilet paper

>TFW you can actually post on Sup Forums, unlike the Cro-magnons.

>TFW you're self-aware and at least 50+ IQ.

TFW you wouldn't have made it to adulthood to bang a loli

Be me
Be human
Be 20000 years ago or someshit

Se cro magnon shota raping cro magnon loli while the rest of the cro magnon tribe is jumping and yelling around them like a bunch of apes

>fucking luddites

be going home to my mud hut village
be telling everybody about cro magnon filth in the foothills

>someone yells "fucking shitpainters"

that evening we mount hunting party with our bronze swords
go to cro magnon caves
kill every last one of them (except shota and loli)
we fuck shota and loli
then we kill shota and loli

go home, drink beer, have a good time.

What has modern medicine ever done for you?

You don't need toilet paper if you don't have a toilet , or wear pants.


What is an anachronism for 400, Alex.
Also check em

Please fucking go away, you lowlife avatarfag.

>someone yells "fucking shitpainters"
Keked and checked

>tfw thank fuck none of those things happened

i just used soft toilet paper to wipe my ass and had soap to clean my hands of germs.

shit was cash

I've had life threatening throat infections several times in my life that were treated with medicine as well as surgery. Are you fucking retarded? Because I'm sure we have some pills that will keep you from embarrassing yourself on the internet.

Would disinfect again

This guy.
I like you.

I'm pretty sure there were adults in the stone age user.

Sorry to hear that user, I guess not all of us can be cro magnons

Why is he black?

>ota raping cro magnon l
my point was I though OP was too soft and wouldn't have made it to fucking age anyway.

You've completely missed the point of the first two posts you replied to. What the two posts are getting at is that the life expectancies of people without modern medicine is extremely low. The infections in my throat were common and easily treated by medicine but would have been life threatening had I been in your retarded fantasy land. You would not survive to late adulthood because you would die from stubbing your fucking toe.

Good luck continuing to delude yourself into thinking you would be able to survive longer than almost any of our ancient ancestors could.

tfw when no face

Yeah probably

The Quest for Fire....look it up

Find a mirror, friend.

TFW women don't dress like this

But the assumption is that he would have survived. Someone that died would be able to make the same thread.

But I've never had any such condition and was born naturally at home.

Just because you wouldn't have made it, doesn't mean 1/5 of the rest of us wouldn't have

That's not completely accurate. That woman is shaved . Should have hairy man legs to be slightly more accurate.....

And the pits of a French woman

The matter of your birth is of absolutely no import to who you would have been if you were born in the setting you've described. Not to mention the fact that the diseases that would ravage your body and end your life at a very young age don't give a single fuck about your opinions.

Pic not entirely unrelated

>I'm pretty sure there were adults in the stone age user.
Life expectancy was 30. In the rare case you lived past that, you were the venerated elder and patriarch, until you died at 32.


Well obviously. Cro magnons were from france.... cro magnon itself is a french originated word.

I thought the whole hidden meaning of this post is that OP wants to be french.

Unga bunga baguette

She could have been all yours, user.

That's a neadnerthal.




Life expectancy was 30 because of the child mortality. Elders were actually old


No, average life span was low because of child mortality. Life expectancy was low because people died of everything including minor infections.


I hope you know those are literally the same thing.

Everyone that knows anything about the stone age likes to point out that humans often lived into old age despite the low life expectancy. Tribesmen still do today despite the increased pollution and enhanced diseases.

Tfw someone thinks tfw means that FACE when

>I hope you know those are literally the same thing.
Those are very much not the same thing, and you are a fucking retard if you can't tell the difference.

TFW modern humans don't have 1600 cc cranial capacity

post more hot paleolithic bitches

You could at least fact check before being mean :(


I was aware of the facts before I posted. A child should know the difference. You must be the product of the laughably useless 'murikan educational system.

where did the stone age touch you user?

ITT: dumbasses actually believe that diseases weren't a result of civilization and hundreds of thousands of people being in close proximity to each other and sharing things like cups, not washing after shitting,

The reality is that the so called "civil"ized world you live in is the most unstable form of human society, and is prone to collapse at any instant

This. We are the shortest era of "civilization". Merely a spec in the timeline. Oh the vanity