Anyone here who is or know someone schizophrenic? Specifically looking for people in their late teens or early twenties...

Anyone here who is or know someone schizophrenic? Specifically looking for people in their late teens or early twenties. More specifically, has anyone else encountered Wither or Departure?


I am

Me, 18, not too hard tho, I take 3 fluoxetina and 2 risperidona pills a day, ama

im interested. lurk time

Do either of you have hallucinations? What names do you associate with them?

I've dated 2 girls (yes, 2) with schizophrenia. The one was a high-functioning engineering student, and the other went full-blown a few years after we broke up.

fuckin check-tizzle


I have schizoaffective disorder

Nice 1111, I have known individuals with schizophrenia.

What are Wither and Departure?

Im the 5 pìlls man, now I dont but when I was a kid I had one, I saw multiple me at all the windows, I didn't named my other mes

Two of eight hallucinations. I'm hesitant to post pictures or give out other names for fear of trolls feeding me my own information

Yeah, I sometimes see people who aren't there. One of them is called Sarah.

It's not so terrible

What types of things do they do?

this thread is giving me the sp00ks

Research. I know two people who do not know each other, both around the same age and childhood schizophrenics, and both have similar hallucinations.

I understand.

Some talk to me. I've had a few bad experiences in public when seeing people who aren't real...they'd come up and talk to me and then my mother or sibling would ask who I'm talking to


Eh, I know a few people, but they're well beyond the criteria you've given.


Can i ask you guys something?
Can you really see ghosts?If so what do they do?
Do you view into astral plane or just see trippy images?


That must get really awkward. Could you ever tell which were illusions?

I've always been interested in schizophrenia. I have a friend who says he's been diagnosed with it and also says I have it. I don't believe him though.

Try me anyway. What types of things do they recount to you about it?

Alright my kind of thread since I'm kind of experiencing this kind of thing.

Sometimes I hear things and see things that aren't there but it's only for a short time, like 4 seconds max. I'll see someone staring at me around a corner or just someone watching me when I look around but they disappear when I look back. Thoughts?

Yeah my friend in college got a random roommate from Nigeria. The guy was pretty weird and had no understanding of social norms. We thought it was a combination of him being weird and from a different culture. He got much worse over time. He tried to stab his own dad. Later he somehow remembered where my friend lived and visited that friend's family. He gave a full story of his life from the past 3 years. The family was in full "WTF" mode and just consoled him and called his family.

Before we knew all of this, he saw me walking down the road at the apartment complex he pulled over and asked me to get in the car to help him move a mattress or something. At first my thought was this was sketchy and I told him I was heading somewhere and was late. He raised his voice and said it would only take a minute and said get in. Looking back on that I think I narrowly avoided a severe confrontation with him. After then I forbid my friend whom I was living with from ever contacting the schitzo again and especially from giving any personal info to him.

Basically we got the nut job out of our lives when the lease ended and moved to a larger apartment. There have been two people in my life I've been scared might want to kill me. He was certainly #1.

Lesson of the story: Get the certified crazy people out of your life. I know abandoning them isn't good for their mental health especially considering they don't understand the reality of "why".

Pic vaguely related. They have a messed up view of the world.

Pretty much. I've noticed a few familiar faces now and then and try to stay away but they always fin me.

Why does he think you have it? What does he suffer from through it?

Engineer girlfriend: When she was off her meds, she had auditory and visual hallucinations and severe paranoid delusions (mostly about the alphabet agencies).

I once woke up to her talking to the FBI on the phone. She was talking about a non-existent van outside of her apartment, and that they were trying to steal secrets from a school project she was working on -- needless to say, she had gone off her meds.

Girl #2: She was pretty much the same, only her hallucinations involved religious things (angels and demons and stuff). She also was also much more aggressive. The first time she was committed was because she was walking around her backyard, firing a shotgun into the woods because she thought there were evil demons.

sorry you have to deal with that. it sounds annoying

Truth be told, none of them necessarily recount anything about it. It only comes up when there's a personal crisis of sorts.

A few of them live lives that I believe strain relationships with a lot of people they know. I know it's that way with me and them, at least. I know it's not their fault.

I've told him I've seen things that aren't real and maybe a few voices. Some paranoia mixed in as well. As for what he goes through I don't know. Never asked him about it.

>evil demons

Yeah, it could be worse.

That shit ain't no joke, brother.

why do so many schitzo sufferers fixate on the FBI/CIA, etc.?

Come on, anons, I need answers. This shit makes me think I'm slowly going crazy

I think it's because they have a lot of secrecy around them. A lot of conspiracies.

I see alot of people. Maybe 80ish?
Sometimes they tell me to do things. Sometimes they don't.
When they don't it can be just moaning and mumbling.

They don't scare me. Other ones do.

this shits sp00ky af

The two I have in mind both hallucinate about snake-like creatures that are 4-8ft long and can fly

What do they tell you to do?

What are these 'other ones'?

Jesus. I can't deal with anyone who detaches that much from reality. The issue I see is that they may be making rational decisions however the information they take in is much different from a more normal reality.

It makes you wonder a lot about how others see the world in general because the truth is all relative to what lens you use to decipher what you observe. Schitzoprenia people are way off the charts though. I absolutely refuse to deal with someone whose that bad. Granted though I have a low tolerance for others who can't keep themselves together

my first two girlfriends were this fucking crazy. I used to joke about how all women are crazy some just hide it better than others. I was right all along.


Yeah, when I visited her in the psych ward, she showed me some drawings of them and they looked like regular people.

Looking back, I can't believe I didn't see the warning signs. She was always eccentric and used drugs, so I chalked up her erratic behavior to too many drugs and a slightly atypical eccentricity.

The first things I remember raising some red flags were when she started telling me about her neighbors spying and plotting against her. And then I pretty much knew what she was dealing with when she kept asking me if I heard certain things.

when my youngest boy was 4 he would say that he had a friend with the same first name as himself. He always ended his stories about him with "... he died" my boy grew out of that phase but some of us never do.


Some are huge animals. Like owls that are 10 feet tall. When I talk about them they show up. They always look like theyre angry.
The other people are the ones that always stay right behind and touch me.
They always talk about terrible things happening to people like they're responsible.
Ugh I hate talking about this.
I'm medically diagnosed schizophrenic and psychotic.

were are this close to fucking up. this fucking close.

I dont know what Wither or Departure is but i do know a 17 year old schizophrenic girl

Simple shit. Like clean up after myself or write a song or watch TV.
There's always a violent voice in there, but it gets drowned out in the noise.
I never would anyway.

Wither always talks/ed about how she was the reason people had disorders and was quite please.

Damn. That's some scary shit. Did the owls ever do anything?

The first girl was perfectly fine when she was on meds, and she was very smart and attractive.

The second girl had a super rich dad and he payed for EVERYTHING. I feel like a shithead for using her, but she bought me expensive clothes, computers, and pretty much anything I wanted.

But yeah, never again... never.

Heh, it's good to have these experiences so you know the warning signs. Now all I want is normalcy.

what is wither?

Girlfriend wasn't the best about keeping up with her medicine and saw skin crawling in the walls and angry eyeballs in the ceiling.


They just never break eye contact and have huge pink and red eyes.
They look really agitated and then fuck off.
They used to bite me. God it hurt.

My uncle is schizophrenic - due to his medical facility he also has contact with some other schizos. As far as i've understood it's really rare that the person actually 'sees' another person or 'hears the voice'. It's more like getting thoughts that don't seem to come from yourself and the only way to deal with this is to distance yourself from them. Some give these names and even a personality, but it's really not as flashy as in the movies.
>Wither or Departure

Mild levels of this shit are easy to encounter... My first girlfriend would always turn around in the street and "catch" people laughing at her, or us... No efforts were sufficient to make her understand that she was just convincing herself of such things. She'd sometimes swear she'd heard people who were half a block away talking about her negatively. This was just a very bad case of low self esteem and insecurities.

Worst thing I've heard is about a friend's patient (dude's been a psychologist for a few years and some of his practice in an asylum), who would see "shade people" walking around the ceilings, crawling up and down walls and crouching in corners, just staring at her. My friend said that working with this girl was a nightmare because she'd always tell you there was something staring at her.


>When I talk about them they show up
Even online?

I hear my name all day in a crowd. It really sucks because I can't be impolite so I end up turning around and checking all day.


Yep. Itll be here before sunrise.

This dude's full of bullshit.

Wither and Departure are not my hallucinations, but someone I know whom I've collected a lot of information from. Basically, eight foot long snakes that are rather cruel. Wither had feathers and Departure was a snake skeleton that was always covered in steam or smoke.

This is terrifying, it reminds me of dreams I have had, so real... and in retrospect I enjoyed them so very much.

The word Hell does not begin to describe the horror and pain I experienced in those places.

I would not wish that on anyone in waking life though, I will pray for you all tonight.

No. I'm not making it up.
An owl can spin its head all the way around.
Really horrific feeling when you know it's staring at you.

Doubt it. Girl I know gets bitten by her hallucinations when she forgets to take meds. They actually managed to threaten her enough to stop her from "killing" them, so she just sat and cried until someone found her.

>has anyone ever encountered Wither or Departure
Naw, man, that shit's in ya head.

I love the names that schizo's come up with. Seriously, you're an amazingly creative bunch.

why you delete this?

Hey tell me about departure. I think I remember it.

anyone know how to download or record snapchat videos? pretty sure that sites a scam

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Wither and Departure are your hallucinations. That other person likely doesn't exist as they couldn't have information on something that doesn't exist. But what the hell you won't believe me anyways



a site spammed 24/7 on Sup Forums is legit. dont you know anything.

As an Occult researcher and historian, I know I've seen those names before, and it junk it was in this sort of context.

Not mine. But a friend and a man I met. Both the same age, but didnt know each other, yet had very similar hallucinations.

My cousin is, he's about 24. What questions you got?


I talked about and now remember my friend telling me these shadows were often described as being made of something like grey smoke.

I'm also thinking about how people who consume the same hallucinogenic substances will often coincide in the description of their visions, many times being the same types of animals, shapes, etc...

Wilt Wither Sting Departure Benji Death Fade Decay

It seemed appropriate since I do not suffer as you do.

It was a thought which crossed my mind when I tried to "channel" the mindset of a schizophrenic person.

I felt it was in poor taste, it felt mocking in a way after I posted. Sorry.

Do these mean names mean anything to him?

you are using confirmation bias to turn yourself into an insane person.

Idk, I used to hear voices when I was younger but my folks were so convinced I was faking it I eventually kinda stopped hearing them. I still hear them from time to time but mostly only when Im really tired or just woke up. Does that count?

Ok, dude. Sorry, I believe you. Thought I could call your bluff.

what do they say?

what's his name?

From what my uncle tells me most schizos over there "are" reincarnations of powerful politicians - there were two Mao Zedongs for instance. Didn't go into too much detail because he's weird talking to.

I used to have tons of night terrors as a kid. I still remember them vividly but I don't experience it anymore

Can't imagine what its like to be seeing and hearing shit that isn't there all of the time

Well, you're right about Wither, but I can't find anything on Departure. Either way, they're mythological creatures, user. The only way you'd "encounter" them is in your mind.

Got a story for it, or was it all ambient experiences?