Love trump hate

love trump hate

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What hate?

>Make white
>America again
Would love to sea that

Don't Dead
Open Inside

That swastika isn't even facing the right direction. They've drawn the Buddhist one, not the Nazi one. Trumptards are so fucking stupid.

That would mean we would have to go back in time . us Europeans and not bring any black slaves with us.

hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

I know what you are trying here...

loving trumps hate

Was confirmed to be a hoax intending to vilify Trump supporters.


>love trump hate
It's the best, huh OP? Watching these people lose their minds is Fucking great. They're mad as hell, and they're going to take it a lot more.

it is facing the right way... lol

lol this pic is a mile from my house. I shit when I saw this got world news recognition and shit

The proof is in the pudding


So Trump supporters did it unless proven otherwise?

I know there is a possibility Trump supporters did it, but it was most likely some high school kids fucking around.

95% chance it was high school kids just trying to get a reaction whether they hated Trump or not. They just wanted to troll people

>5% chance actual trump supporters

you want me to remake it?


I know who did it, a couple of white trash, Budweiser drinking , confederate flag raising skin headsThey are indeed Trump supporters

>high school kids can't be trump supporters

i love trumps hate. that's why he won. people love his hate




Are you trying to say that monkey did that painting?

To be fair, a majority of high school kids are fucking retarded whether or not they support Trump

>thinks saying "proof?" Is an argument
>innocent until proven guilty
>retards in anti trump rallies destroying and rioting somehow isn't proof enough

Actually most instances the perpetrators were black women. It's fuccin rediculous the lengths some go to be victims


He said "confirmed to be fake" I'm not saying its true or not, just looking for that confirmation. So you can come down from anger mountain friend :^)

bite this bate

ill bite your *bait

>hey Rabbi whatcha' doin'?

An entire website devoted to ousting the bullshit perpetrated then reported by butthurt losers of the election


Awesome, thanks!

I hate BLM as much as the next sane person, but those people weren't BLM you insufferable mongoloid.

BLM doesn't have a coherent power structure or documents specifically laid down for their beliefs their MO is rioting, destruction of private property torturing and terrorism. You don't "join BLM" like you join the KKK. It's more like ALF- commit a crime (or "act of revolution") as BLM and that's it. They're blm