Continued thread from yesterday, the spider was still under the glass when i woke up this morning

Continued thread from yesterday, the spider was still under the glass when i woke up this morning

i just set it free in my backyard


What kind of cave are you living in?

a pretty dirty one

i just hope i dont get a fucking spider plague on my house

uuh. I guess you knew that all the spidershits would have spread if you killed the big one, you eighter have to set this free or burn it all

420 blaze that

OMFG where do u live? You should of killed it :(

indeed, i used to kill them with a lighter and deodorant or just boiling water

Looks like a wolf spider

Biggest spider in the world

You could just keep them in a container. They'll expire.. eventually.

The bite is stronger than pit bull

they are pretty common here in South America, but i don't find spiders with hatchlings very often

Well, thanks for the itchy skin, OP. Good luck to the spider-bro tho.

FUCK thanks for the nightmares coming up.
i cant believe you let it go.

their bite looks pretty worst than the pimple on the picture

dude,there are spiders on your spider. sort that shit out asap.

yah, it was fucking awkward to sleep knowing it was by my bed

That is a pretty spider. I like how some of them take care of their young.

Nature is awesome

thats a wolf spider with hundreds of babies on its back. i once tried to kill one because i thought it looked cool and i thought dirt flew off of it everywhere when i smushed it but when i realized they were babies i lost my mind. the spider mommy and babies all survived though

she was really violent, obviously because of her hatchlings, but it was quite heartwarming so i would've feel like shit by killing it, it still creeps the shit out of me

Look, if we could have some sort of truce with the spiders, then they would all be my Sup Forumsros but as it stands they want to fucking skitter around in my house and terrorize my family, therefore there must be war.

could you imagine being a mother and needing to carry hundreds of little versions of yourself all voer yourself? Like, 100 mini human babies crawling on mommy at all itmes

and everybody trying to burn you down just for fun

that bed's leg was in your bed room? your bedroom looks disgusting - you deserve that.

I never really got how people are creeped out by them, I've always found spiders adorable.
They're in your house to eat the actual bugs you don't want in there. They're trying to be symbiotic with you, but you're saying no.

jesus, good point. Fucking clean your room you fucking slob

There was a spider bigger than my fucking palm in my room once. Had a real battle with that one. Thank god I'm never visiting the UK again.

no no, Like, we need to sit down and set some rules, the spiders and humans. Like, yes please stay in my house and eat other creepy crawlies, but don't fucking creep up on the wife and kids, when i try to relocate you dont fucking freak out, and we would be cool. Same with house centipedes

I feel lucky to live where the spiders never are bigger than a quarter at the most

Jesus christ do you live under a house

You'd have to find some way of communicating with them then, I'm sure they would be up for some rules if we could talk.
House centipedes can fuck off though, those guys are assholes.


I'll look in to it as soon as I get done cleaning the bar, the gang dicked me over and headed to the pool

hahahah that's not the bed's leg, but i admit my room is dirty as fuck, it's because of the floor, its almost made of just a not very well made cement, so just walk a little and it gets full of dirt

I can recommend dancing and making vibrations, some spiders communicate like that.


i found this one the other day, i dont know what it was trying to do, it looked like a dung beetle with that orange... pretty sure it was trying to climb it but it was soaked so it just looke lite it was pushing it


Lol no. I have them all the time. They are not much larger than a hobo spider. Maybe a half inch larger from leg tip to leg tip.

This shit is huge.

You in 'straya, cunt?

Well, you do live in South America so it's understandable. Poverty's a bitch user



third world at its best dude, i'm lucky to even have a house

have you been in coma for the last few years? fucking hell.

you may just burn that place.

yeah during late summer/early autumn spiders in the UK can be fucking monstrous and they always find their way into my fucking room