Dubs decides how many days until Trump is assassinated

Dubs decides how many days until Trump is assassinated.

22 days will fly by.

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Roll for 11


I doubt he'll get killed, though a 70 year old obese man doing a stressful 24hr job for 4 years might just do the trick

At least 2890 days

Jesus I would love it if it happened in the next months. His angry pep squad wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

There might even be a mass suicide. Please, please let the Pepe loving faggots have a mass suicide.

Trump smokes way too much weed for him to die from a mere bullet. They'd have to cut his head off and, let's face it, how the fuck do you even do that? His neck looks machete-proof.

There are probably 5 more Trump bots charging in the Whitehorse basement. If he was shot they'd just use the next one and pretend he got off with a graze.

Not a fan of the guy but this is fucked

I guess we got a WinRAR here

Trump will be assassinated in 333 days confirmed.

Start the countdown

less than two weeks.

Thank fuck for that

30 years

we had a black man in office for 8 years and he is still alive.
no one is getting shot.

Obama was a good president



Whats the sotry behind tbe original pic? Why the fuxk he lying on the floor

9 or 11 days

Not gonna happen snowflakes

And when it does your lonely basement will be the only thing you have


real fucking smart bud

The white cord going across the screen is a wrestling ring rope so it must have been something to do with his Wrestlemania 23 appearance


Rolling for 00. I'll be watching the news waiting for the report to come in starting now if I win

In order to get peace you need to use a knife


Never. He'll live forever.

Congress hires shady South America hit man.
Kills The Don
Media blames Muslims
Congress high fives all round
More high valued military contracts inbound with shares soaring for the Congress members.

Welcome to America

Sorry to break it to you, but if the Secret Service didn't let a traitor like Obama get killed, they are sure as hell do all they can for Trump.

Is rather another war than have to listen to his retard following anymore. Hell I'd probably fight in that pointless because my life sucks.

He's definitely too young to get that reference

it just takes one isis fighter to end his life if siis want they would kill him and putin in seconds who knows even a muslim with a gun could be pissed off and do it after his racism

isis is too busy fucking goats to even find their way to the usa, and if they get here by chance they will get arrested at the closest kebab store

I would bet a grand on it being an American.

You can bet your hairy hole that it will be blamed on Isis though.

I agree, but there were loads of racist threats toward Obama from the 2A squads (who did not think he was a good president,) and there weren't any major incidents.

its prohibited by islam to fuck animals get some school atheist boi isis and muslims are the strongers assasins tehy do it free suicide missions not even special ops would do it knowing no escape

Muslims are so cool.
Assassin creeds style

alt-reich you mean?

dub confirmed by dubs dubs



>mike tyson
>malik Abdul Aziz
fuck yes

exactly 19 days 3 hours and on 32 minutes

>333 days
December 29, 2017.

Screenshot and remember, Sup Forums.

America forgets it's greatest boxer became a Muslim also.

Muhammad Ali

>love trumps hate

1. You dont want a President Pence. Donald is the single most liberal RINO to ever be President. Pence WILL outright roll back LGBT issues over night.

2. Considering Mosques are going up in flames by the day, I wouldnt bet on a mass suicide. Id bet on the beginnings of a genocide


Obama was a shit bird from day 1. His "legacy" is dead Americans and apologizing to the world for it.

>Trump loves hate

>Ttuump hates love


Shoo shoo back to Sup Forums with you cuck nationalist

Well the real threat in America is ISIS-inspired lunatics. Those motherfuckers will be a dime a dozen of Trump keeps up his bullshit.

Luckily for us, actually carrying out an attack isn't that easy since those guys are usually morons.

Every US President that has been assassinated, as been killed by a liberal or registered democrat.

next friday

I dont think you know what that word means

If I live to 100, I doubt I'll see a president as good as Obama again. We're pretty much fucked from here on out.

England best boxer of World Tyson fury and even new best anthony joshua are muslims converts
All strong man are muslims thats why girls love us especcialy femminists


fuck yourself you retard liberal faggot

>Attack an anti-Muslim meeting in Texas

kek how'd that turn out?

Lol. It would be blamed on every liberal.

You live in one fucked up world if you think Obama will ever be anything other than a footnote to history much like Carter.

go jack off to hilary nudes faggot


If Dubs, this guy does it and screams "BOOM HEADSHOT"

If I use your window licking logic, it means what i want it to mean.

the doubles doesnt lie

keep him alive. he is part of the prophecy.

>>iam i god?

Thats...not even a retort.

He's the most consequential President since Johnson. He'll be top-15 and probably considered near-great. He'll look even better if Trump actually lasts through a full four years of fuck ups.


Dubs of truth

Nah. What better way to reunite the country then to blame to muslims. I mean America is completely fucked otherwise. A common enemy is your only hope.


Yeah, it's the truth.

0 days

Have fun on that watchlist bros.

He did nothing of consequence. Passed ACA...repealed within a year of leaving office.

Russian reset.... reset before even leaving office.

Presided of the first US ambassador to be killed in decades, and the largest terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11.

He is Nero playing a fiddle. The one dam thing he can actually point to is now there are women in combat and fags can pee in the girls room


18 days now Check these dubs


Maybe itll come true just like hillary winning the election

Civil War and resulting genocide in 284 days. Check it



Praise KEK


We can only hope

Already dead and replaced by clone (true story in japan)


not genocide of muslims i hope yo uwould want the entire umma on your ass full of kamikaze not even your american special forces will sacrife theyr lives for money but muslims do it for free

Sean Spice: Media reports of the Presidents death are wildly exaggerated. While there has been no pulse for over 18 min, he's ready to sign another Executive Order.
Kelly Anne Conway: The President is not "dead", he's alternatively alive.

Trump is going to be assassinated in 142621732476543234203568263828521181904 days

Shut up.

I'm counting on this. I'm only concerned about the closeted bible thumper who'll replace him.

EVERY president for the last 25 yrs has exercised regularly and taken care of their health as well as looked like utter shit once the term is done, regardless.

This is a man that gets red in the face talking. He won't see 2019.

A US Civil War wouldnt result in a muslim genocide. It would result in a socialist/communist genocide.

I wonder if Canada will take the 90-120 million US refugees in once things kick off? It could be great for them. Refugees are awesome for an economy, and Canada could quadruple in side overnight.

If you look at the Assasinated presidents. Its only those who wanted to make everything open to the public. Trump wants to close everything, seal it, lock it up.

My point is. Never. Not a single president has ever been assasinated by "the people".

A President Pence is what a lot of America wanted from the beginning.

Cant wait until its perfectly fine and encouraged to electrocute the fag out of fags

He has had an attempt foiled against him twice.

Your logic has failed.