So Sup Forums sup with my crotch? Been itchy as hell...

So Sup Forums sup with my crotch? Been itchy as hell, just now noticed the weird circle-like shape of whatever the fuck these pimples are. Tried googling but found nothing similar. It's just the pimples that itch, not the skin around them. They also mostly itch when contacted by something, but once they start itching it's persistent as fuck. Any ideas?
>crotch cancer

fungus or rash

Tinea corporis

I'm pretty sure that's ringworm, bruh. Get yourself an anti-fungal ointment.

Looks like a fungal infection. Completely harmless, but needs treatment to go away

Stop shaving your groin so much. I've had this before.

yup, ringworm. Or at least it looks like ringworm but it could be a fungal infection.

Its just friction. basically you junk has gotten moist and that has caused a rash. Just try and shower more often or at the very least make sure you dry your balls really good.

Go to see a dermatologist.

Yeah ringworm most likely. Protip: use antiperspirant on your balls and crotch, especially if you are a fat shit.

are you moist a lot?

do you chronically masturbate?

makes you sweat there. its jock itch.

Ringworm. Get an anti-fungal cream (like for feet or something, everything like that works) and follow instructions.

Been around any skanky pussy lately?

Tinea cruris -- just google it. Your case is textbook. Need topic antifungal.

Definitely ringworm, I'm a PA-C at Johns Hopkins

Does the rash fade if you roll a glass on it? If not it could be meningitis. Best check if I were you

haha how's going taking orders from MDs ? Cuck

Looks a bit like lyme bullseye. Had a tickbite recently?

yeah, def need a medical degree to Dx jock itch

Looks like jock itch. Get some Ting antifungal spray. Clean your clothes and use a seprate towel to dry your balls

Jock itch. Fungal infection. Keep it clean and dry and get some some anti Fungal cream or spray. Should clear up with a few days treatment.

i believe its candida, see a doctor and he will tell you what to do

That's a fungus. Notice how it spreads like a spilled liquid on the floor.

Go to the doc and get the right anti-fungal cream. I've had fungus on my leg before, exactly like that, and with the cream it only took 1 1/2 - 2 weeks to disappear.

OP here, did not expect so many serious replies.
this is actually very accurate with the clear center and everything. Still, most suggestions in this thread are noteworthy so I guess I'll go see a doctor.

is that like some regional condition exclusive to canadia?


Crotch rot. Shower more often you cretin.

Also realized most suggestions in this thread are the same exact condition by different name. anti-fungal cream it is.

Thanks Sup Forums, you guys are alright

Also dude, I shower once, sometimes twice a day. I fucking love showering.

I've had jock itch before. Tinactin cured that shit right up. Go buy some and if it doesn't go away then go see a doctor.

Looks like a need for amputation.
what do you think doc?

If topical creams have no effect, consult the dermatologist and check for lyme disease. Lyme can seriously fuck you up later in life.

Jock itch, put tinactin on it for about a week, it'll clear right up and stop itching immediately.

How is Bratislava this time of year?

Take an antihistamine. You don't need a prescription. If that doesn't solve it, go to a doctor. If you don't get much sleep, get more.

>jack off too much
>shower too less

semen drips from you tip after jacking it, it sits in the crease and bacteria feed on your stale organic body fluid.

Sometimes a fungus will form, usually ring worm or jock itch.

Hemorrhoid ointment does wonders for the itching, as far as the rash, just keep yourself clean brother it will go away,

Be sure to try Ting or Tinactin (Tolnaftate). Have had this before and the other stuff didn't work!

THAT is ringworm / jock-itch / fungal infection. Like some other people said before me, its harmless, but you need an anti-fungal to make it go away. Cremes work quickly, and are the easiest to use.

Antihistamines only reduces itch to a certain degree. It doesn't cure anythingm Also, antihistamines can make you seriously sleepy to the point where you are not allowed to operate machinery or take part in traffic.

Just finished treating myself for the same thing - it's a Tinea infection (AKA ringworm, Dhobie itch, Athletes foot). Treat with 1% Terbinafine Hydrochloride (Lamisil is the European brand - get the normal not the once version) for a week to 10 days and it'll heal completely in a month.

Jock itch, you filthy fuck. Keep it super clean and use baby powder to dry it.

Its fungal

Wash with apple cider vinegar.