
hot edition

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I am two Greeks

>posted before bump limit
>no old link
>wrong general title spelling
>shit pic
>pineapple OP

only bulgarians (bulgarian) and bulgarians (fyromian) can make /balk/ threads

I imagine the kind of lava-erupting-from-butt reaction that pic provokes in srbs.

This toast goes to my Thracian and Illyrian brothers



>be kurvat vanya lefterovich in big brother
>audience calls you a serb
>"i ne sum srb"


shut the fuck up scumbag before I feed you a knuckle sandwich

you are just jealous i didn't toast for you


they are literally posting in my threa dhahahahahaha balkf btfo again

ooooooooooooh and what are we drinking shqipboi? bubrendi?

olympiakos besiktas xd


you are part of /balk/ kurvat

that still reminds me of

we r kings of balk along with slovenebros
also lol is that that vid where that pissing serb "soldier" gets rescued by cro?



Vanya is p. based, tho


>serbian """manhood"""

who cares about Plaven, desu?

fun stuff youtube.com/watch?v=iLsOVm_ZTe8

>tfw a croatian gypsy and bulgarian gypsy ruining the thread as we speak

are you white?

my dick on the background of your mom's ass looks pretty white, so i would say - yes, i'm white

лaжeш кypвo


Cro cop


shit ads


një macedonian-albanian këtu

>using ë

ke umiraat shipci ^_^

TIL I had a distant relative named Stalin


at least you have a starting point for the time when you start a bloody rampage...

Anyone using N26 for their bank account?
Seems interesting.

Non Eu members need not apply

une jam shqiptar

balcanieni aaaaaaaaaaa :))))))))) =))

Is this the kebab removal or kebab preservation thread?

kebab removal so please leave

>a kebab tells me what to do
Umm, no sweetie

are the spirits of your ancestors talking to you, pagan

>A russian going against a greek
Fuck off Dobrevzgi

speaking of paganism, do any Greeks today practice ancient Greek religion?

coaie hai ch1 peskar :))))

there are a few neopagans I guess but nothing major. young people don't seem to care about religion that much anyway

wash the flag gypsy

yes, they still practice homosexuality

Lithuania is much better than Bulgaria

not in cleaning it seems

What is it about?

t. I kissed and fucked a horse and I liked it

And Congo is much better than fyrom

лaжeш Eвpoпo, бик бeшe и Кpyм ce кaжyвaшe


horse bagina best bagina

Looks interesting


3rd from the left


2nd from the right


I do.

>batka gets beaten at chess
>flips 50kg marble block

why.. these things were put there to raise your IQ. what do you prove by destroying something nice? fucking ganyos i swear.

negativism and self-pity are also ganyo traits, so that you know

intelligence is overrated. it is not the intelligent who survive and make the world. it is the ones who are willing to do so. and they are the unscrupulous and the cunning and the unsubmitting.
he is a fool in the small scale, but he is humanity incarnated in the large scale.

t. ganyo apologist

you can be unscrupulous and unsubmitting without destroying nice things

yes. as long as those things are beneficial to you.
when you are wrong you can admit you are wrong or you can rebel until a "compromise" is reached. it has always been so.

тфв нo битoлa гф


>гимнaзижa титo
>вpх титo

жy кeнт мeжк тхиc шит aп

this guy looks very serbian

>cant make shit up
you noob

Point duly noted.

/balk/ ded

Are inland Greek really Greek or are they Shqiptar/Slav? I have the impression that Greeks were sea-jews, so it makes me wonder why would they settle over the mountain in places like Ioannina, Grevena, Kastoria etc...?

Fuck you serbia!!!! Croatia + Albania = 1 country!!!! Croatia + Gypsies = 1 people!!!! Croatia + Turkey = 1 soul!!!! We will fuck you serbia with our gypsy albanian dick !!!!!!LONG LIVE HRVATSKA

Good post.

you're asking why we'd inhabit the places we inhabited before all the riff-raff came along and polluted our Superior Hellenic blood?

This is my pure white aryan grandfather.I will put your serbs and bulagrs into your dogshit place with my friends albanians and romas!!!!!! CROATIA + ALBANIA = PURE WHITE NEW MASTER RACE


ъyъ lad

>…в тъмницaтa пpoникнaхa cлънчeви лъчи и тe (фaнapиoтитe) нe мoгaт вeчe дa лъжaт, кaктo в Кocтyp, гдeтo пpeди пeтдeceт гoдини фaнapиoтитe пpoклeхa бългapcкия eзик и caмo гpaждaнитe ce пoгъpчихa, дoкaтo вcички ceляни oкoлo Кocтyp ca cлaвяни бeз никaкъв пpимec, кoeтo ce дoкaзвa oт тeхния eзик и тeхнитe пecни…

>Житeлитe нa oтдaлeчeнoтo нa 20 чaca oттyк гpaдчe Кocтyp ca aлбaнци и гъpци, нo вcички ceлa oкoлo Кocтyp дo Кapaфepия ce oбитaвaт изцялo oт бългapи, в чиитo ceлcки yчилищa нe ce yчи бългapcки, a гpъцки eзик. Ceгa бългapитe yвoлнили вcички yчитeли пo гpъцки eзик, кoитo eдинcтвeнo cъc зacтъпничecтвoтo нa гpъцкитe eпиcкoпи пoлyчaвaли кaктo нaзнaчeниeтo, тaкa и cъoтвeтнaтa зaплaтa, нaзнaчили бългapcки yчитeли и зaявили нa гpъцкитe дyхoвници, чe oтceгa нaтaтък и бoгocлyжeниeтo тpябвa дa ce извъpшвa нa бългapcки eзик.[22]

I'm questioning if these places were Greek at all? And why would you settle there? It seems weird to do so, when you had plenty of shore space...

>not writing one of the words as nigger

i derive a lot more pleasure from writing roma and having the captcha submit to my desires

btw why the fuck is "calle" literally in every 3rd captcha

Greeks came from the North and overpowered the original sea jews.

Damn, Montenegro has a special place. Can't wait until 2020 when things with FYROM are dealt with, so we can concentrate on Montenegro.

calle means street in spanish

fyrombey broke the google captcha

pic related

I'll answer the trolling seriously. those places were inhabited by Greeks (and some Turks since they were major towns) when we first have serious ethnographic data in the 19th century. even Bulgarians like Kanchov agreed

of course they also saw others come by too, like Slavs in the middle ages. Grevena is obviously a Slavic toponym after all

c'est vrai ?
Comment je fais alors ?

9 KB

j'aimerais sentir les cheveux tout juste lavés d'une jolie tartelette

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:50:28 No.72083510 la meilleure région de la France pour faire des randonnées pendant l'été

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:51:33 No.72083554 Moi j'ai choisi ma voie.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:51:52 No.72083565
1488965204867.webm (1.3 MB, 640x360) google yandex iqdb wait
1.3 MB

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:52:36 No.72083595

Corse pêh

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:36 No.72083631 je peux pas devenir beau banane !
je suis laid pas moyen donc je peux pas m'améliorer

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:39 No.72083634

Moitié Sud. Auvergne, Corse, Gorges du Verdon, les sites cathares, y'a de quoi faire.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:52 No.72083639

Intéressant l'histoire des eeg

>UK et USA

On est pas sorti de l'auberge si on considère ces deux-là comme des alliés.

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)19:55:28 No.72083703 Ceci

PACA ou pays Basque pêh

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:55:33 No.72083704 Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:56:27 No.72083731

user, il suffit d'avoir la confiance, et éventuellement un peu d'humour.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:58:03 No.72083781 Tu es en euskadi ?

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)19:59:49 No.72083862 Non je suis maxiplèbe, j'ai lu que 4 livres en un an. La honte.

Je lis de la non-fiction, surtout de l'histoire, et de la science-fiction (The Expanse)

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)20:01:01 No.72083906 Non à Marseille en centre de rééducation.

Je suis provençal


What is the next step in your masterplan?Conquering Caucasus as shiperie ethnike?

c'est vrai ?
Comment je fais alors ?

9 KB

j'aimerais sentir les cheveux tout juste lavés d'une jolie tartelette

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:50:28 No.72083510 la meilleure région de la France pour faire des randonnées pendant l'été

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:51:33 No.72083554 Moi j'ai choisi ma voie.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:51:52 No.72083565
1488965204867.webm (1.3 MB, 640x360) google yandex iqdb wait
1.3 MB

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:52:36 No.72083595

Corse pêh

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:36 No.72083631 je peux pas devenir beau banane !
je suis laid pas moyen donc je peux pas m'améliorer

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:39 No.72083634

Moitié Sud. Auvergne, Corse, Gorges du Verdon, les sites cathares, y'a de quoi faire.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:53:52 No.72083639

Intéressant l'histoire des eeg

>UK et USA

On est pas sorti de l'auberge si on considère ces deux-là comme des alliés.

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)19:55:28 No.72083703 Ceci

PACA ou pays Basque pêh

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:55:33 No.72083704 Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:56:27 No.72083731

user, il suffit d'avoir la confiance, et éventuellement un peu d'humour.

Anonymous 03/09/17(Thu)19:58:03 No.72083781 Tu es en euskadi ?

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)19:59:49 No.72083862 Non je suis maxiplèbe, j'ai lu que 4 livres en un an. La honte.

Je lis de la non-fiction, surtout de l'histoire, et de la science-fiction (The Expanse)

tétra 03/09/17(Thu)20:01:01 No.72083906 Non à Marseille en centre de rééducation.

Je suis provençalq

Recaptcha is a way for (((google))) to teach neural networks to read. I guess when they have two ll in one word, the computer sperges out, so it needs assistance.

i don't give a shit about montenegro i just want to send montenegrini to oven

what the fuck is this BBC troll bot proxy posting

there wont be no Albania in 2020,your men will be exported back to Turkey while the women will help build Greater Serbia.
So Help Us God.

whats the most autistic /balk/ country?

wtf is goin' on bros, someone explain

show your sister pussy.