ITT Sup Forums has to give black people compliments until somebody gets trips

ITT Sup Forums has to give black people compliments until somebody gets trips.

They make pretty gud soul food.

They're pretty good in watermelon eating contests.

They keep the watermelon population under control.

They're good at being niggers

Black lives do matter

They're good at getting arrested in disproportionately large numbers

They make the spics look better

They have a low chance of scurvy from all of the Vitamin C in watermelon.

When they get crossed with Asians just right they're fucking divine. The tiny eyes with soft chocolate skin and thicc kissable lips.
Pretty sweet.

They sure do know how to steal well.

They totally have rhythm.

This is truth.

They make sure that prisons don't go out of business.

They know how to dance.

Niggers provide job security for judges, cops, parole officers, prison guards, and executioners.

-They make sick ass music
-They make sick ass food`
-They have that easy going attitude which always make me smile
-They know how to have a good time
-Dem dance moves
-They overreact at anything remotely funny, which itself is funny to me

Broad generalisation and personal opinion on this.

They look beautiful hanging from trees.

a good ol' mississippi windchime

They keep the chicken population in check

They make me feel better about having my huge white dick

They make beautiful tree decorations

Tbh I play with a bunch of black dudes on Rainbow 6, and they are usually pretty chill/funny on there. This one niglett I know has something like an 8.0 kd, and is god tier.

Dey fuk dem wite gurls

They are untrustworthy drug dealers but once you get to know them, they are the best drug dealers.