So I want to exterminate all smokers like the shit smoking cockroaches they all are

So I want to exterminate all smokers like the shit smoking cockroaches they all are...

They light something on fire and inhale it.

So whats your fucking problem? deal with it bitch

Just wait, they'll die eventually.

we all will, user, we all will

how does it feel to be 11?

exactly. it all gets solved in the end.

wait i dont like smokers but killing them?
dude get off your "im healthier" high horse and smoke a blunt cool down

Druggies like you are pieces of shit! And the problem with America. I hope Trump does what Bill Clinton attempted back in '96: reclassify Tobacco as a Controlled Substance under the N.D.A of 1939. That means finally banning that shit. You drug people stink! In SOOOOOO many ways.

yo dont compare us with some meth head that isnt us man
we just chill
btw i smoke weed only at parties so im not a excessive stoner

Damn right we do!
I LOVE watching pussies like you cough at my smoke

All you smokers are the same! Trump should jail all of you pieces of shit!


At least we get laid

Your hot! Just as long as your not a filthy, stinking smoker. Then you would be just plain disgusting.

Let's ban alcohol while we're at it!

I hate people that smoke by the entrances to stores. Other than that do what you do.

I'm an excessive smoker and drug user. I do extremely well In life, and voted for Trump.

Nice b8.

is this a new Truth campaign or something? some viral marketing shit they cooked up?

their commercials are insufferable enough as it is. they make me want to pick up the habit again out of spite.


good for you i hope it stays that way

Fuck me too. Sometimes things get a little out of hand

Good idea not like the alcohol prohibition in the 1920's failed miserably

Stoner thread?
Stoner thread.

People have been drinking since ancient mesopotamia. The Sumerians swabbed the decks of their ships with beer because it has antiseptic properties. There are SOOOOOOO many reasons why Prohibition failed. Smoking is different. Smokers are grose. And that's not even an intelligent argument, comparing something that emits poison smoke (because that's what it is) to something that has been around since literally the bigging of recorded human history. That is a false argument, a mute point. You are comparing apples with pomegranates. You see how dumb, stupid and uneducated smokers like you actually are. Why don't you go read something the next time you feel like lighting up. You might learn something. No, don't want to do that? Then why don't you do all of us normal non-smoking people a favor and just kill yourselves already. We don't want people like you in the same world as us.

hello friend, taking dabs, then going to class!

you should feel really bad about how hard you're trying right now, but i'll give you this one for making me reply.

Yeah Dude!!!!

Nice dubs

Can we exterminate the jews after cigarette-whores?

i fucking wish i had some heelys still, I remember when i was a youngin, i played hockey growing up, and at one point these were the fucking thing to have, and all the guys on the team had them. we'd roll around and fuck shit up man it was awesome

I'll never understand antisemitism. But I'm not racist. Stands to reason, I'm not a stupid idiot like smokers are. The members of the NAZIS who were smokers should have been exterminated too in the Holocaust. Chew on that.

I believe we should deport every one from the west back to the east. Whites to europe and blacks to Afirca. Then recycle the existing cities. Make the whole west a protected area. And restore the east, most of it's power is windeling away and the rest is in poverty/war.

wheelys were dope man i wish i could still ride them without looking like a fag

Natural selection man.

Smokers will kill themselves by giving themselves cancer/throat cancer.

>smoke a blunt and cool down
But isnt he against smoking?

WRONNNNNNNNNNNNNG people die all the time who dont smoke and people live till 100 smoking. there is no god. just do what makes you happy right or wrong cause they;re both things we made up any ways

He's too stupid to get that.

God fucking damnit, someone beat me to it

tobacco smokers are such tools...

You're fucked, you're all fucked . Smoking in general is bad for you may it be tobacco, cat nip, weed, or grandmas ashes.

Should of specified.
Smokers who smoke a pack a day will die.
People who smoker occasionally or space theyre smokes between will just have built of tobacco in theyre throats and suffocate on it when they sleep.

weed is not good for your health, but comparing it to tobacco is like having to chose between a beer and crystal meth...

you must be a troll, have you ever seen the PSAs? Just one can cause a stroke derpppppppp

OP, is this you? Way to discriminate smokers while you're smoking cocks, you hypocritical faggot.

God is real. So is Cancer. Nature and Nature's God. The founding fathers knew better. The secular atheists, who are all AGENST your Constitutional rights as an American citizen, do not understand what they are talking about. Your rights are devine. JFK said it. He knew it. He was right. Not they. This is the fundamental problem facing the blue states like California - lack of observance and respect for peoples constitutional rights. This is why people move from California to Texas. Freedom.
They should still ban all forms of Tobacco products though.

fucking wrong you goose you silly goose you, vaping is an appropriate form of inhalation may it be tobacco (not the chemical shit they sell in store, also not great even then cause its a nightshade but no different then eating a tomato but I wouldn't touch either), catnip, weed, or grandmas ashes (hmm not sure if charcoal would work here as a detox protocol)

Right on. Right on.

Was my sarcasm that hard to detect?

Not to be rude but you are most likely under a mild state of psychosis.

I suggest you seek help.

did you miss your daily dose of meds you mentally ill faggot?

Wasn't this from Schindlers list? or is this a historic picture that Schindlers list based the scene off of?

I think smokers are the ones who are mentally ill. That's why they should euthanize them. Like Australia does to genetic defectives at birth. They do have the technology, you know.

I don't really smoke but you make me want to smoke big boy

The problem is when the rest of us have to breathe their stinky shit.

And you make me want to shoot you, even though I can't.

Amen, pass the ammunition.

schindlers list is black-white you retard

Cars exhaust pipes spew out poison smoke, maybe you should stop driving. Or ban cars

You know that people smoke just to get those 5 minutes away from you since you smell like you haven't showered for a week and you're stinking up the room with your cheeto breath. You truly need some help if you think someone here values your opinion on euthanising smokers. Their life, their choice.
Sincerely, a non smoker.


So what comes out of your cars tailpipe?
Axe body spray?

I'd like that we can swap address if you want been stab before but not shot

Humans exhaust pipes spew out poison gas, maybe we should kill all humans. Or ban humans.

Why bother killing us, we're doing it ourselves, let us die slowly in peace without some shrill twat bitching in our ears

If smokers aren't allowed to smoke because of the smell then every fat chick/old lady that bathed in perfume should be banned. Oh, AND all the faggots that think axe smells good or any of those gay ass vape flavours that little faggots like sucking on.

Not a choice for allergy sufferers like me, that's why they should just ban them already, smokers infrenge on our civil rights under the ADA of 1990. Smokers are all dumb punks and they are the ONLY ONES who form dumb opinions like your stupid druggie ass has, you smoker piece of shit. Now go die.

No, that's the scene from the film itself

Those that smoke will be consumed by the tar and will turn into ash.

I agree.

>ignore logical counterpoint to argument and insert idiotic reasoning and meme

Your youth and autism is shining bright.


no shit you fucking mongoloid, i'm asking if that picture itself is either from the film or an old picture which the film then based that scene off of.

Ever heard of
Reverse image search?

Oh it's real, I got it off of Google images. These things actually happened.

By your own logic we should euthanize you since you're the genetically inferior human, don't you think? I don't use drugs nor do I smoke cigarettes, now what you fat fuck?

I'm not questioning whether it's real or not, simply if it's from the film or from History.

I'm skinny. You don't know me. Dumbass.


Skinny is just as bad as fat yo

God willing

be sure to mention that to every smoker you meet so that if I'm fortunate enough to run into you sometime I can force feed you a pack

is it yo

is it really yo

what the dilly yo

They don't call it dope for no reason. That's what you become when you use it too much

>what the dilly oh

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

There already is a cuck thread

my dick is bigger you faggot stop trying to suck it

Doesn't matter, you're still unhealthy you fool. Sure, we'll get rid of smokers, but we'd also kill you. Does it still seem like an utopia to you? You getting racked up with all the smokers and killed with a pentobarbitone injection.

12 year old who just found out what D.A.R.E. is, spotted.

mad cuz you don't have an easy outlet for frustration

I like nazis they make feel nazi ;)

Most of the founding fathers smoked tobacco. Good day.

I have one. I'm on it. LOL

Fuck you I smoke my grandma's ashes all day every day RIP420

sybian/dragon dildo?

choke me daddy

In modern times they would not. They were smarter than that. Smokers are all dumb punks. Good day!

Yeah smoking is your biggest allergy trigger right? Couldn't be the pesticides or the millions of tons of hydrocarbons that factories spit out...oh or any of the diesel/vehicle exhaust or gmo food you eat. I've met idiots like you before, just find something to hate and run with it...

Right. Correct about the first part at least, you stupid smoker. Now go die.

Well they don't. So they did. Then, while puffing upon their heathen death sticks, gave birth to a land of freedom, where babies like you can whine about whatever you want on a Japanese monkeyboard.

As well as proceeding to get all of the pussy.

Hoo. Hoo. Hoo. (Monkey sounds.) LOL.