Political Compasses? Judge me

Political Compasses? Judge me.


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jesus fucking christ, this is longer than my SAT

>Guns and weed but what's the point master race

I always considered myself impartial, this just proves it.

I'm jealous. Wish I could be this impartial. It appears I'm slightly libertarian biased and I feel filthy

>inb4 the entire thread is muh centrists and libertarians

If you're not at the top-middle just bin your politics tobehonest


I'm just one ''klick'' left of you, even though my friends call me conservative and rightwing.. topkek

I dont feel like ghandi

But this is what i got

Only because they haven't had you answer a fuckton of questions that would place you at one side with some then at the other with the rest, only to end up in the middle.


Bout what I expected.


Almost every college aged person lands in the green.
The meme that 'all politicians are actually in the blue' is really shit.

It's shifted to the bottom left by like 3-4 squares.


Idk how I feel about this.



Well, time to be an hero.

almost every politician is most definitely top right.
ffs, even Obama was top right.
the only ones i know who are not are the Bern (green) and Rand Paul (purple)

Georgia :/ adam



anyone not in the purple has zero capability for logical thought.


If you're not purple or blue you need to get into the helicopter.

Don't make me start posting ancapballs.
You're better than the commies though, I'll give you that.

Yeah, no

Republicans generally aren't even that far economically, let alone on the authoritarian field. To even end up half-way on the authoritarian spectrum you have to give some answers that are pretty far out of accepter discourse
Go find Obama's positions, put them in that test, and see where he ends up.
Most Republicans would be near the center and most Democrats in the green.

But I guess you're leftwing yourself and you don't want to admit that you basically just enforce common opinion of the media popular culture.


>media popular culture.
media or popular culture

Fuck I don't want to be LEFT BEHIND when when the new world order takes over.

You're redeemable. Go lurk Sup Forums for a few weeks.

Thought I'd be farther to the right than that honestly

rational human being master race.


you sure about that buddy?

It's actually kind of hard to move toward the right or toward authoritarianism because of the underlying assumptions of the questions.
>Would you be okay with neoliberal kikes destroying your country in the name of shekels
>"fuck no"
>ur a left-libertarian lol

>Trump is now Pinochet

The entire point I mentioned it in the first place is that site displaying it like that, you retard.

Okay Hitler

I'm almost center libertarian left.

Judge me

keep saying that to yourself buddy
the political spectrum in the US has moved so far to the right over the years that being only slightly right is seen as democrat.
Democrats =/= liberal, just less rightwing than republicans

Hmmmm I'm center Libertarian Left, yet I'm pro guns and weed.

I believe it

Problem is im 13
Jk mods pls

>third-worldists and marxists are now right-wing
Trump is two units away from being a fucking monarchist on this chart, you stupid faggot. Jesus fucking Christ you are a moron.


Lol, Your version of the political compass is skewed if you think that republicans are fucking centrists, you delusional twat.

What rightwing opinions could you possibly mean?

On social issues it's impossible to be right wing without the media firing up a storm and the establishment of both sides trying to take you down.
Even Trump, who on social issues isn't really right wing at all considering Bill Clinton was saying the same, is portrayed as literally Hitler.

On ecomonic issues, well, even Republicans are lobbying for socialised healthcare.
Obamacare is something the heritage foundation created, Obama merely just enforced it.

Consider that 80 to 90% of people said they didn't want blacks to be allowed to live in White neighbourdhoods in 1930. Do you really think social issues have moved right?
Consider that the US has a massive welfare system, most of which agreed to by Republicans. Do you really think economic issues have moved right?

What the hell do you think has moved right?

Maybe they think it so that they can continue to believe they're anti-establishment.


Where would Lenin be?

[muffled helicopter blades in the distance]

Did Bill Maher tell you that the Russians are trying to distort and falsify the positions of Republicans?

Deep in the red, about four X units past


nice strawman fag
and do you really wanna say that Trump isn't authoritarian as fuck?

the people have not moved right, but the policies have
think of a left wing idea like obama-care, which was in fact the republican idea against the left's single payer. Obama-care was proposed by both Bob Dole and Mitt Romney.


So what the fuck is your definition of right wing? Socialised healthcare is right wing?
You're saying that because the Republicans have moved way to the left on everything, they've actually moved right?

What has moved right?

>nice strawman fag
It's not a strawman. The corner of quadrant I on the political compass is monarchism. According to you Trump has ambitions to literally become the God-Emperor.

The Overton window has shifted left since 1950, not right. You either believe what you do because you have no understanding of politics or history or because you desperately wish to believe that the left are still rebels and not the Cathedral that they used to hate.


Ello Gandhi

I think Hitler was a decent person but there are plenty of areas where he was wrong. Like calling germanic and slovenian people a different race.

this is pretty accurate

I've moved.

Idk how accurate this is but I remember coming across it.


You want to be able to buy nukes with bitcoin.

This one's better.


Post those ones that have 4 pictures of the same guy wearing different clothing, like the george costanza one etc.

i like you comrade

Mah comrade.


this seems pretty correct.
way better than the other "explanations"

Absolutely disgusting.

its an epic nazi maymay

except 1984 is capitalism and not communism you western pig.

14 - "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children". Nationalist slogan.
88 - Heil Hitler. Optional, but it pads the number out pretty nicely.

14 = We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children
88 = HH = Heil Hitler

Alternatively 88 words from Mein Kampf:
"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility."

Alternatively again it's 88 precepts but almost nobody knows those

this on is guud, sgt Pilippino!

I thought it was referring to religious oligarchies or something, but that works too.

(I don't know why I'm in the red)

What a shitty writer.


...but it's socialism, tho

Orwell was actually criticizing specific variants of communism that he had kvetches with.
1984 is a shit book and would be better as a political treatise.

The Stalag translation is better but no one's read that.

Hitler didn't write it actually, he narrated it to Hess as if he was giving a speech.
Mein Kampf is basically one long speech in text form.

And then German uses a lot more words than English which makes it seem even more longwinded.

not really


So, I was in the red, more to the left a few years ago.

My opinions haven't much changed since then. A bit I guess, but not that much.

Because nowadays if you believe in facts you're considered a racist sexist conservative.

and you'll move more to the right the more you realize the people on the left are all whiny faggots who want everything handed to them.


Don't have a finished one saved, but I always get anarcho capitalist on Spekr.