Ask someone who once fingered a 6 year old girl at her request anything

Ask someone who once fingered a 6 year old girl at her request anything

Why do my spaghettios keep making lightning?


take the spoon out

Go kill yourself sick fuck

I second this

I also second this though

I was 14, at a friends house, and for some reason found myself in the house alone with her, i think their parents had to take my friend to the doctor or something. Anywa, I was trusted so they asked me to look after the little sister.

We were watching some shitty cartoon when she sidled up to me, waiting a few minutes then quickly asked 'will you stick your finger in my 'gina?'

I was 14 and horny, so I obliged, not really seeing anything wrog with it, after all, she asked ME

It was awkward, but fun. We're still in contact. Haven't mentioned it since tho

Can I smell your finger

greentext it nigger, with details

Full name and addres plz

then how eat?


that child was probably raped or something, either way post greentext so i can fap

Were you sheltered or stupid?

Put spoon back in bowl afterwards


No. She just had an older sister who thought nothing of fapping in front of her

topest kek of the day I'm done shitposting bye

You're in serious trouble. Call us, if you need
> Not an FBI Trap

You talking to the pedo or the guy putting the spoon in the microwave?

A little bit of both
I Pity that poor microwave