Ok Sup Forums how is Mexico going to pay the wall?

Ok Sup Forums how is Mexico going to pay the wall?

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James sells avocado grown in US. John buys avocado from James instead of Jose. Jose can either lower prices back to the original price to make his foreign product more appealing, or starve to death. Jose either dies or pays for the wall.

How much do walls even cost I mean they're made of rocks which is what the whole world is made of so should be easy right

FPBP also trips of truth, OP on suicide watch.

>James sells avocado grown in US
>for $16 because the price of land, equipment, business, and just about everything else is higher in the US than it is in Mexico
You missed a bit

The wall is an idiotic idea from beginning to end. It's going to cost billions of dollars and millions of manhours, blow the shit out of our carbon footprint, and even if they actually manage to finish it, it's not gonna to change a goddamn thing. First of all, illegal immigration across the Mexican border is the lowest it's been in about forty years. Second of all the ones that are coming in aren't just sauntering through open desert, they're coming in through the checkpoints like everybody else. Y'know why? 'Cause there's already a huge fuckin' fence. They're coming in legally and overstaying their visas and shit. Thirdly, the idea that Mexicans are 'stealing jobs' is a misdirection. The truth is jobs are simply becoming obsolete. Like elevator operators and pocket calculator manufacturers, the jobs are simply going away and they're never going to come back.

Renegging on the wall bullshit would be the smartest thing he's ever done.


You have to go back González.

James's production costs are 3 times what they used to be, now that he can no longer hire illegal immigrants. James can't sell avocados at the original price. James goes out of business and ends up on welfare.

Meanwhile Jose is selling his avocados in Canada.

Confirmed, James on suicide watch, get cucked faga

In a free market you can't just multiply your selling price by 20%, if so you're dead, it's called competition

Learn2economics kids

Trumptards have no rebuttal

when liberals try to economic

>I don't understand how international trade works

We send Mexico 50 billion dollars in aid, and still end up with a 40+ billion dollar trade deficit. This means we're taking a net loss of nearly 100 billion fucking dollars annually thanks to Mexico. We don't tax their imports the way we should, but levy a heavy trade tariff on our own exports. What does that mean? It incentives US companies to move manufacturing jobs outside the country, import parts and assemble in the US. This stunts our exports and GDP growth.

By placing a tariff on Mexican imports and removing export tariffs on US goods, we re-balance things so that companies are penalized for moving jobs outside the US, while also pushing US consumers to buy goods produced in the US. How? US based manufacturing will no longer face an export tariff, so large companies begin to move their operations state side to increase profits.... which increases jobs... and GDP growth... while imported Mexican goods increase in price, thanks to the tariff.

I'm not sure I'm explaining this well, but all in all, this is actually a good thing. A very good thing. Not to mention the projected 10 billion a year in tax revenue that will completely pay for the wall and (once it's all paid off) add a sizable chunk to the annual budget, all while making it easier for US based companies to export their goods to the global market.

>you're a cuck

Tax Mexico for wall
Mexico forced to raise prices to make same profit
Americans buy domestic instead
No tax revenue from mexico


The mexicans (lower case) can pay the Americans for the wall in two ways. They can stay in mexico or they can go back to mexico. We do not want your rice and beans bullshit. We do not want your murder and drugs. We do not want your ugly women. We do not like hearing your language being spoken every time we go grocery shopping. Sorry but you have to go back.

>multiply price by 20%
you are now selling your avocados for $1

But I like fucking your white women while you're out working. I think I'll stay

California grown is about $1.5

Avocado from Mexico is $1.3, and the tax would make it $1.56.

So the average trumpcuck buys domestic instead and doesn't generate any tax revenue from Mexico. Brilliant.

Jose selling his avocados at a lower price in the us, we still buy them and have to pay the 20% tax

Who paid for the wall

No, Mexicans would have to drop their prices to compete with Americans.

Simple, we just steal all the Mexican's underwear and they'll be so embarrassed they'll do what we say to get their underwear back

Or Jose just starts growing poppies, which gringos will pay top dinero for and no wall will stop

I'd rather buy avocados from Mexico than California, even if they're more expensive.


Your trying to get people to say that Americans would would pay for the wall. While that would be true, it's cutting into Jose's profits without changing the price of the avocado for Americans in theory. If everything goes to plan, a part of Jose's profits goes to the government.

never seen a first post this good

Then Mexicans would make much less money than if they just lowered their price.

Then do that.

John should have bought an American grown avocado, or at the least from china/japan. If john is too dumb to do price research, john might as well be a filthy mexican.

Frankly, the only reason Mexico isn't on my list of places to escape to is because global warming is likely to render it uninhabitable before I die.

Spoken like a true uninformed individual to the point its obvious you are just baiting. That being said I replied, so well played sir... well played.

Original cost was $1.30 from mexico.
Original cost from local was $1.50.
So it was originally $1.30. If the tax comes in, Jose will have to charge $1.60, so he lowers his prices to $1.50 to compete.

So the americans WERE paying $1.30, and are now paying $1.50 for avos. Sounds like americans are paying for the wall to me.


Dude you just dodged some nice quints

No. Besides, most of the crime in the U.S. is caused by blacks. And apparently, Americans love drugs. No, I'm staying.

You missed the part where a single California avocado goes for $1.50 and a kilogram of avocados from mexico goes for a low as $.94 provided you're not a dumbass and buying them from Tijuana.Even then you're looking at $2.29 for a kilogram.

A kilogram is about 5 avocados, so at the most expensive it's still less than $.50 each.

Then less people would buy from Mexico still. Mexicans would have to make the total cost of their product be less than $1.3, but lets imagine they didn't. This would cause more people to buy from American companies.

John buys avocados from Guatemala instead. Jose's fruit rots unsold. None of this happens because Mexico's president shits a brick and pays for the wall?

jesus christ people keep missing the point
> Mexican avacados go up in price to consumer
> Murican avacados become price competitive

Murica wins

>Mexicans would have to make the total cost of their product be less than $1.3
Why? All they have to do is make it slightly cheaper.

>This would cause more people to buy from American companies
OK, sure. American products are more expensive, so americans start paying more than they were before.

So before, we were paying less, and now we are paying more. Tell me how that is a good thing?

They're not.

Having them make less money is not having them pay a bill.

Not giving them money you were planning to is not having them pay a bill.
Saying something will be done is not the same as doing it.

>implying tariffs are the only way
also wgaf, a wall is in our interest bc the past 8 years the adminstration refused to enforce the law, now we have to do "crack down measures" aka follow the fucking laws already on the books

>Why? All they have to do is make it slightly cheaper.

Meant to say $1.5, but they would have to make it more than slightly cheaper to make people want to buy from them. I'd say OK, sure. American products are more expensive, so americans start paying more than they were before.

So before, we were paying less, and now we are paying more. Tell me how that is a good thing?

Because it would go into American businesses. The same businesses that are looking at investing into the American economy more than before the tax.

Anyways, it's late so I'm going to bed

But trump said MEXICO will pay for the wall, not the US. Pick your battle, Sup Forumsrother.

U monster dont do it

actually, drug trade and human trafficing is at an all time high at the border. A wall would make their efforts more challenging.

Also, Trump saved the US $200billion plus earlier today and over 5.5million hours of paperwork. look it up. That paper saved will help save plenty of trees lowering our carbon footprint and leave plenty of money for a $25 billion wall.

With sombreros

How did he do that?

Did he already get rid of that 2/3 of the EPA he intended?

How? What did he do to save $200 bil?

This has to be the most pathetic and childish attempt to Insult a country:

I'm not only going to put a word that should be in Upercase to show disdain, but I'm going to tell you I did in (brackets) so you can understand that I want to offend some country.

Because no one cares that is in Uper or lower case.

tl;dr this kid is a joke

I can't wait to see all the white people on the avocado fields working hard so they can compete. The best part is they will do it so Mexico can pay the wall.

>2017 looking great

Damn I wish I could cuck someone as hard as you've been cucked.

>more americans working harder
>more of us pays taxes
>we pay for construction

How much clearer can it be? Trump said MEXICO will pay for the wall, not us.

If give the choice, most people that voted for trump would gladly pay for the wall, if the option included deferring taxes that are taken from their pay check to pay for welfare, SNAP, WIC and any other welfare program illegals suck down along with lazy ass shit ghetto people, regardless of their skin color.

And fuck Mexican avocados! If that is a huge concern, grow your own. I grew up not far from where the Haas avocado was cultivated and my neighborhood consisted of acre upon acre of avocado trees. There are still there today and waiting to be picked.

Fuck Jose and his gay tree testicles. I'll eat mine here and he can choke on a cactus.