Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

A, cause dude is already there no-one else deserves shit. he fucked up by looking at em

Fuck the seat there is a zombie fam finding guns and shelter asap

B but I never leave my seat for anyone
Call me an asshole but they won't fucking die and if you leave your seat to any girl young old or pregnant they take it for granted and I just can't stand it


fuck them

E can fuck off, he's stinking up the bus with his gradual decay.

that leaves B,C,D.

So, I tell the bloke beside me to shift too, give seats up for B and C, and take a handrail, and make sure D's going to be safe on one leg till another seat clears.

Yes, I admit it, I'm zombieist. Fucking rotting bastards.

E. A is fucking capable of standing. B is prego after being prego, didn't fucking learn the first time. Make her learn the hard way. C is fucking angry for not being entitled, plus exercise will kill her sooner. D needs the rehab. But E. That mutherfucker got aids. I'd be running.

It doesn't matter. There's a fucking zombie in there. Get the fuck out.

Who deserves my seat? Me, I got there first - it's my seat.

Where I am, trains have a designated special zone.
Anyone can sit there, but if an Elderly person, disabled person, or Pregnant person wishes to be seated there.
You have to move.

Anywhere else, it's first ass on the seat gets the seat.

I am E. No one ever gives me their seat.

Deserves it? A, First person who got there.

Who could use it the most? D, The guy with a medical injury that could be worsened by standing on a moving bus.

Who could also use the seat? C, The old lady.

Who could have planned ahead better? B, Woman with a child and another on the way.

Who should be using the seat? No one there is a fucking zombie.

>tfw too socially awkward to tell someone they can have my seat

They all look like entitled assholes, but I'd give to C or D if they asked nicely or didn't ask at all.

are you a sandnigger!?

you could just get out of your seat.

No one deserves a seat. It's first come first serve.

>tfw too socially awkward to get out of my seat

well for starters b,c,d,e can fuck off there are seatts behind to the side and in front of a

No one deserves it but I'm giving it to C, I have a soft spot for old ladies

Would someone enlighten me why B deserves a seat at all?

So you can avoid being called a rapist.

Definitely not B or C women are garbage and deserve nothing more than a savage death. Probably E because he looks breddy ill.

look at my answer

kys capitalist

I'd stand up just to see them duke that shit out.

Not B she is raising and carrying some other man's spawn, fuck that.

A most definately

B is a fucking Dyke with an adopted dissapointment

C is gonna die soon

D who the fuck cares about cripples?

E 2spooky4me m8

Would grab B's baby and throw it to E, E will be too busy munching baby brains to care for a seat, B can fuck off. I'd tell C that she should already feel privileged that she doesn't have to pay a fucking ticket, so forget about the seat.

That leaves D, to whom I'd tell I won't inconvenience myself for his misfortune, so kindly, fuck off. I'm A and I'm staying right where I am!

It's my seat and I'll sit in it if I want. I'm not weak and will not be pushed around and limited by societal standards.

I will especially not give it to anyone who claims to be entitled to it or asks me to move.
Depending on the scenario I might offer my seat to D. D is obviously dealing with an unwanted temporary situation and I don't mind giving him a hand. B can fuck off, if she can't stand on the bus she should have had a couple abortions. And C? Nobody is more entitled than old ladies, if anything I believe they need to be put in their place on the daily and will never get my seat.

The edge is real.

I once saw a woman with a kid glaring at this man who wouldn't give up the seat for her and the kid. She just stood there for a solid 6 minutes glaring until the next stop. When the stop was called out the man got up, unfolded his white cane, and the woman instantly stepped out of the way as the man blindly walked his way off the bus.

Never thought I would see a woman attempt to stare down a blind man.

Depends on who asks nicely. I Don't respond to demands.

They all look like they have an attitude problem so they can all fuck right off

D deserves it because of the medical injury.
A decided to fuck a guy with no car more than likely
C is just a nice old lady and she would deserve it also
E is pretty chill. depends on whos next to me


A, because he's better than these inferior, damaged humans.

A already has his own seat, why would I give him mine?
E is an impossibility, as no-one would be around it for me to worry about him not already having an empty seat nearby.
D is the most in need of a seat, due to the lack of stability in standing.
B is 2nd most, as if she looses balance, she has no means of catching herself w/o causing injury to either her or someone else (the baby).
C is 3rd most just b/c I can more easily stand than an elderly.

For all you autismos who couldn't already contextually deduce it, *YOU* ARE PERSON A.


No, you are wrong


Hence the question...

>Who deserves YOUR seat and WHY?

Its been established its your seat but who of the five actually deserves it?

B sits behind A.
C and E sit in the 2 empty seats on the right.
D sit in the disabled seating.

I'm not getting up. Fuck everyone, lol

Hmmm, that makes sense.


Push the elderly lady, the mother with kid, and the disabled person into the zombie to give you time to get away

Only correct answer is E. The guy died, likely from suicide from the pressure of his job, and as punishment is reanimated as a corpse to forever walk the world of the living to... go to work. Chap deserves the seat.

>English much?
>Answer makes no sense
>A is you
>B is woman with child or "babby" as you put it
>Other side of the wall for you!

Epic get! Checked white man!

Nice trips

Are they on a trolley about to hit 5 people, or maybe just 1 fat man?


A, tbh.

Me fuck off I was here first


Welcome to my country fair citizen!

Get out of my seat and deal with the zombie.

I'd maybe consider giving my seat up if they all weren't giving me looks of derision. They all feel entitled to seat A for literally no reason.

Back to your garbageboard, nazi trash.

da fuck

You... out.... also get dubs!

other user here
In Germany you got this as well, we got this too

Script kiddie son.... welcome to the new Sup Forums

If they are all giving me an angry look like I am required to give up my seat they can fuck off. I'll do it out of the kindness of my heart, not because these fuckheads demand it

>"nice" old lady
>glaring at a guy for his seat

South America?

>using public transportation
>has a baby with another on the way
>that fucking scowl
I'd pay to see a bus driver brake-check a bitch like this while she's standing.

you do
why this corrosive idea that man should work for others?
fuck that!
unregulaed capitalism and women dont have kid until you earn enough money
sterilize women until earn 500k and have signed contract from man he wants the kid
fuck women
read the short story the monster by ae van vogt
control the breeding tanks or we will control them for you!

You know, faggit, and this is not as funny as I'd hoped...

I AM actually a Computer Programmer, but I DON'T know anything about the Sup Forums API.
>Mostly, b/c IDGAF
So, it's true, I can code, but it's NOT true that I use it for Sup Forums.
I actually get these more frequently when I don't even use Greasemonkey and all that other shit (but I hate using Firefox, anyway, so I don't have that)

These GETs are GOTTEN PURELY with Skill, sweat, perseverance, and MOSTLY
Yes, luck.
Also, I only GET like this maybe 1/(50-100) times. So, I waste posts like a faggit, but it'd kinda be nice not to be called a Skiddie when I actually DO accomplish something.

Fuck, man... you really ruin the value of these GETs...

I used to take the train all the time and I have never actually seen it full. I see a bunch of people sitting on the end of two and sometimes even three seaters trying to block people from getting in, and a bunch of pussies standing up because they are afraid to tell someone to move over.


so close

A, of course. The other ones are weak and will be devoured by the zombie, and zombies have trouble sitting down anyway because of rigor mortis.. Rules of nature.

Yawn... also check my singles x2

>Implying I'm not taking the seat with me when I leave.

Oh shit

damn, look at them dubs


I deserve my own seat

A) Some beta numale faggot must've found the wrong chair and should btfo
B) Thot lets losers cum inside her who don't have a car
C) She should just fall dead already
D) White nationalist probably got jumped by niggers. What a cuck loser
E) Nigga been dead probably longer than I've been alive. He had so much time to rest