Why cant i use Tor ??

Why cant i use Tor ??

too stupid

What you on about? Its literally the same as using fucking any internet browser.

Im not a jew

But if hides your IP

So does a VPN....

because CIA is tracking you

But Tor also protects against DNS leaks and changes your ip frequently, so it's safer to use

If you honestly believe your safe and secure on TOR then good luck to your intelligence. Once you use the internet all your information is on there. You cannot stay hidden on the internet. its virtually impossible.

But it doesnt spoof your mac adress. Tails does though.

Burner laptop + public wifi. How are you going to find me then? please tell me.

Then use a burner laptop and public WIFI haha
Are you really that desperate for CP?

Can you find out my information right now? give it a shot. See how far you get.

I'm not OP, I have nothing to hide. Im just like tech. Please awnser my question.

i just like*

People can still trace you with other methods. Just because your IP is different and your traffic is encrypted in a tunnel doesn't mean you can't be tracked. There are other ways people can track you. For example:

they can find who you are by doxing
your IP isn't the only thing that identifies you on the internet
your VPN service can see your IP and what you are doing and if hacked or owned by someone who wants to find you they can
they can install malware that is hard to detect and can be installed without you knowing, which means your info will be leaked from the malware
your VPN can leak your real IP at times.
There are MANY more things that people can use to track you that will take too long to explain.

If you want to be safe, install an anti-virus, anti-malware, and firewall (if you don't wanna pay there are free versions, but remember you get what you pay for), don't mess with anyone (even if you don't suspect them to be a hacker), and don't act tough on the internet. I recommend you still use a VPN because it is another layer of security, but remember you can be tracked if you are their top priority and if they are smart.

to quote my good buddy Andy
>don't do it if you can't do it
find a new past time OP. maybe fly a kite or buy a body pillow waifu.

Doesn't answer the question

How will they do it? You dont know shit

ok :)

That's why I use a PC, dumbass

You can download it from younow.com

>trust me, i'm an internet doctor.
phew, hurts to know i'm genetically related to one as mentally deficient as yourself.

hurts a lot.


lol baited to bits you handicap hahahaha i literally know nothing about computers hahaha

> But it doesnt spoof your mac adress.

it also doesn't shoot cops

your mac address is not transmitted on the internet

Yeah but I know your mom's address and you live in her basement so it doesn't matter.


You can't transmit your mac address on the Internet because it's one infinite loop


tracking dogs with drones attached, BITCH

the police can stop you for any reason and laptops are usually something they look for, as they are something that regularly gets stolen

you guys are so fucking lame sometimes

Encrypted drive with boot dongle


I use Tor anytime I connect to questionable sites. I only run it on a Virtual Box image that I periodically refresh. I use Veracrypt for external drive encryption. I am not totally safe, but reasonably safe.

You can play as many MiniClip games as you want without getting spied on.

Getting video of you isn't hard with timestamps.


Your weak link is probably Virtual Box. I'm not sure what it does, and that's exactly the problem.

Are you running Tails in VB?