So whats wrong with this chick

so whats wrong with this chick

is it meth,or was she born this way

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she's got a case of the baltic states dude

don't be so judgemental

She just ran out of makeup.

It's an act to take money from people

you're looking for people to insult your crush, why?

>your crush

she looks like your average meth head why would i be attracted to that

I don't see it.

What's wrong with you?

Did you mother drop you 1 to many times on your head, or are you just general dumb?

>implying you wouldn't bang her given the chance

i never said i wouldnt bang her though

point taken

>would bang/10

Nothing my dick in her mouth won't fix.

wut? have you seen a meth head?
You're fucking dumb dude.

eastern_europe.jpg Nice tits though.

yes,i city is infested with them

right... go get your eyes checked

doesnt look to much better with make up

fetal alcohol syndrome or whatever it's called.

She's fucking ugly, but autistic splerglords like to believe they have a chance if they whiteknight for her boobs.

Professional troll, just ignore.

When you pop tit I will sub to your channel Brittany

>She's fucking ugly, but autistic splerglords like to believe they have a chance if they whiteknight for her boobs.
that makes no fucking sense

Colors her hair, used to be way heavier, sunken eyes are from genetics, the dark bags are from not sleeping well, possibly from a child? (Stretch marks on the breast) Pupils are normalized to the lighting conditions, musculature is relaxed, obviously not craving a fix and not actively under the influence. Jewelry around the neck looks to be made of real gold, hasn't been pawned for drugs. Skin is clear, no smoke damage, no stress lines, veins not darkened from intravenous use.

She looks like that from genetics, possibly northern states, they have a lot of those facial features, I see them regularly in the Northwest.

Shes not nude

Does she have nudes though?

>Be me
>Lurking on be in catalog mode
>see this thread
>drop in to sage and call op a massive faggot
>Thread 404's seconds later

Excellent tits tho

She doesn't have fetal alcohol syndrome. She has wide-set eyes, puffy lower eyelids, and low cheekbones.

I still find her somewhat attractive, plus she seems like she has big breasts

She lives in Connecticut

Round 2, different necklace, possibly white gold and cubic zirconia due to size of rock. Teeth are straight and white, obviously from a middle class household and still holds dental insurance. Hair color fading in picture, hair is frizzy but styled, doesnt have many occasions to go out. Dramatic smile lines on her face, she grins regularly. Eyes aren't lit up, she doesnt want to be out at a bar. Bland colors in her outfit, doesn't want to stand out in public, possibly a little shy or just wants to live a private life. Plaid overshoot tied around waist, most likely likely lives in a semi rural suburb where that attire is socially acceptable. Also makes sense with big fat friend wearing comfortable athletic gear but still being fat.

there nice,but they dont make up for her face

It's called Waardenburg syndrome. She has a mild case. Also called Hypertelorism

Regardless, she ain't on meth.

You wanna fuck her, dont lie


i understood every word

anyone got her nudes ?

There aren't any (yet)

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.