Last thread cause im bored out of my mind right now

last thread cause im bored out of my mind right now.

ask a transgender faggot that went to jail anything.

Will you post pics?

of course i wont!

Why were you in jail

felony theft and misdemeanor theft.

jail for what? current age? age of arrest? time done?

what did you steal?

Hormones I bet

apple products

What did you steal

faggot with apple products huh, who would've guessed

10,000 dollars worth of shit

i was actually going to sell them to the re seller for a new car and other shit i really needed

Did you go to jail?


Are you a transgender faggot?


Are you bored?


how long were you in jail

not very long only a few weeks but i got bailed out and now i still have to do court services and shit. still going to court!

how was jail?