The greatest idea has been achieved at this moment Sup Forums

The greatest idea has been achieved at this moment Sup Forums.

Let's make everyone happy and put solar panels on the southern border wall!

Keep the immigrants out, while becoming more energy independent.

Everyone can get behind this idea from communist to fascist.

Sign this petition.

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President Trump's new administration has stated the necessity of a border wall on the southern border.

The benefits of a utilizing solar panels:
- The United States will be more energy independent.
- Solar panels are a source of clean, renewable energy.
- The energy provided will generate revenue to pay for the wall and maintenance.
- Solar maps indicate the southern border is the prime location for photo-voltaic cells. This is the best region of the united states for producing Solar power.
- More American citizens would support a border wall on all sides of the political spectrum if the wall were to utilize solar panels.

This petitions proposes solar panels are build along the border wall.

2,000 miles at about a meter wide.

How much power could this generate Sup Forums?

This is some stupid hippie shit

We're going to build that wall, and the SUN is going to pay for it!

It'd be great until mexicans throw rocks at the south facing panels

Ur a gay

HA!!! Told you losers

Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

Trump is going to put fees on visas and tax money sent to mexico from the United States.

That is all.

The panels charge lasers to shoot at people who throw rocks at the panels. That is their only purpose.

I think The Trumps have had enough sun


Plenty of Sun down here


I like the idea of a solar wall.
The world will be jelly.


Implying they won't bust all the fucking solar panels you fucking moron. Not only that it will triple the cost.


The wall is going to be paid for by Mexico first of all.

Secondly, it will generate revenue by generating power to pay for itself over time.

Use your brain you massive faggot.

Also, throwing rocks aka missles at the wall across the border by a foreign nation would be considered an act of war. Then we could solve our Mexican immigration problem REAL fast

You skipped the part about them busting the panels dipshit


They already shoot at the cameras and we have to replace them regularly. If you don't think they will fuck the panels up you are autistic

Why are you dipshits so negative. There is no Elon Musk in you.

Bump this fucking thread, this is the most important thing in the history of everything.

I'm not a scientist but I think the shape wouldn't really be right for to capture energy efficiently. Solar farms seem to be arranged in a circle.

Because it's a bullshit plan by a bunch of fucking idiots who haven't thought it out. Sure seems like a good idea in a perfect world but we don't live there. They are going to break panels, steal panels. Not to mention trying to steal the coper wire need for connection and transmission of power

The shape doesn't matter....

It's like those stupid solar roads

speaking of autistic fucks.

There are guards at the border. You shoot these people. Also, there will be a lot of power going through the wires that would likely NOT be on the Mexican side. Not to mention the panels could be on the top of the wall.

I googled it. They have mirrors arranged in a circle around a central point that picks up all the energy. Having just panels on top of a wall would be wildly inefficient.

That's pork for Idaho. This is pork for California.

No, these solar panels would be in the perfect place for solar panels...

Oh right, and no one is driving on them. You stupid son of a fuck.

That design doesn't really work... It just likes to break down and catch fire.

No it wouldn't. That is one particular design to try and get the most energy out of a given area as an experiment.

Solar panels on homes for example are not arranged in this way.

How is it like solar roads exactly?

Sure but they aren't exactly efficient. Most people with a solar panel on their roof only offset the cost of electricity or at most provide very little to the grid. I mean any output would be a long term positive but the question is when does it become cheaper.

Ok, fair enough. But it doesn't have to be perfectly efficient.

It gives the wall a dual purpose. It is the perfect place for solar panels. Ultimate there is no down side.

>There are guards at the border.

Hasn't stopped millions of tons of drugs from entering this country or stopped illegals. You really think it's going to stop them from climbing on the wall to steal shit?

>You shoot these people.

We know that isn't going to happen

>Also, there will be a lot of power going through the wires

You implying it would electrocute them? First of all it's DC power not AC and second and most importantly solar panels don't make fucking power at night

>Not to mention the panels could be on the top of the wall

Again thinking they won't climb up there. Also the panels still need to be at the proper angle or you are wasting your time and money.

Bad idea and a waste of money

It doesn't really give the wall a dual purpose.

Yes, I think building a wall will reduce the illegal immigration.

No one claimed it will solve all immigration problems. It will help.

The electrocution was a joke. The wires could be under ground, or simply on USAs part of the wall. All these are very easy things to solve. Use your brain.

It isn't a waste of money. It is a step in the right direction. It will also generate revenue to help pay for itself.

Even if it didn't generate revenue, Mexico is going to pay for it either way.

aside from the cost to the tax payer. the reason solar rooftops make sense is that there is zero transmission losses to incur. border solar would have to be gathered every couple of hundred yards to keep dc transmission losses down, then converted to high voltage ac (big loss there) then transmitted to a city grid (another loss). it might repay in like 20 years (just panels + infastructure, it will never pay the 20billion for the wall itself) if they don't cheap out on the solar panels, but america doesn't believe in its government anymore why should this be any different

Rounded panels built into the concrete would be nearly impossible to steal. Or a dual mirror setup with two mirrors angled to reflect light to a center pickup would be way too fucking hot to steal. Any illegal trying to hop the border in the day would incinerate.

>Mexico is going to pay for it either way.

Mexico is going to pay for the wall. We can also make them pay for the solar panels.


oh, ok friend. if you say so!

>The wires could be under ground,

So you going to burry the solar panels because it's going to take thousands of miles of wire to interconnect all the panels and this will all be above ground. I'm starting to wonder if you even know what the fuck you are talking about at all.

I do say so. It is easy enough to accomplish.

>It isn't a waste of money. It is a step in the right direction

What direction is that endless maintenance and replacement of stolen and broken panels


You cannot think of any easy solutions for these issues you're being up? What kind of simpleton are you?

>The electrocution was a joke

Sure it was dumb ass

sounds gay, everyone knows (because germany) that renewable power is useless because of heavily subsidized LIBERAL GOV'T encouragement.

if it weren't for liberal hippies in office coal would still fuel america

How are we going to electrocute those bad hombres if the wires are not exposed.

>bullying another country into building something they have no business building is easy
damn, americans sure work hard at mantaining the stereotype theyre all retarded.

keep being the butt of the joke

For the 2000 mile wall that is 55ft high as in trumps proposal, that would have 110,000 square miles of solar panel surface area. Which is more then enough to meet the whole United States power demand. However, it would take decades to construct, would be extremely expensive because we would need to construct batteries to store power at night and it won't be efficient during cloudy days. Power substations would have to be built all along the wall as well as switching stations. Not even talking labor and concrete the thing would cost trillions to complete. Not a constructive idea. You lose OP.

>Rounded panels built into the concrete would be nearly impossible to steal.

And impossible to replace when they break them. Smart thinking

hahah yeah its fucking glass, you can't have troops guarding them day and night to prevent people from throwing rocks at them

This project could be mostly solar focus.

Like "We're going to build a solar farm and put a wall in front of it."

Instead of "We're going to build a wall and put solar panels on it."

>The wires could be under ground, or simply on USAs part of the wall.

And you think Mexico is going to pay for billions of infrastructure and wire buried on us soil that has nothing to do with the actual wall? LooooooooooL

That is true. Americans do work hard.

You sound jelly.

itd be better to make a standard solar farm just beyond the wall. keep them seperate to lower costs of an integrated project. plant them far enough back to avoid any shade from wall upto 60 ft tall. the land will take up a bunch of money but thats a drop in the bucket compared to the wall itself

So what's the easy solution dumb fuck? It's like you have no experience with photovoltaic systems at all you are just spewing stupid shit and getting called out on it

Actually this could scale as little or as much as needed for whatever purpose that might be needed. From lights and sensors just to keep them off grid to along the wall in metro areas that are all ready well maintained and have easy grid hookup. To full blown solar powered greenhouse farms along the border.

You put fees on their visas.
You tax money being sent from the United States to Mexico.

I invited photo-voltaic cells. Three times.

Love this is user keeeeeek

damn bitch never came over did she

jew mad niggas?

>"We're going to build a solar farm and put a wall in front of it."

So you are putting it behind the wall so during winter when the sun is further south the wall casts a shadow on your solar farm. Got it

MAGA no holds bar

because you can't plan for how far the sun sinks behind a static structure and put the panels farther back. got it.

At this point you've surely entirely stopped arguing for your point and are just suggesting an independent solar farm.

Why don't we just put land mines along the border?

>itd be better to make a standard solar farm just beyond the wall. keep them seperate to lower costs of an integrated project. plant them far enough back to avoid any shade from wall upto 60 ft

Then why put them near the wall at all there are better places to put solar farms. Why spends billions on infrastructure to run to the solar farms when you can build them closer to pre existing infrastructure

How many invites did you send?

not the same user who started this fight, but if youre pouring money into a useless object might as well pour gas on the fire to make things even worse, so yeah regional solar farms (close to cities and staffed areas of the wall) would make more sense than putting panels on the wall esp in rural areas

because the govt has more control over land near the border than they would near populous areas


The solar wall is a great idea. Sign the petition and lets make it happen. All the problems that you guys are on about are up to the engineers to solve that are tasked with the challenge.

>because the govt has more control over land near the border than they would near populous areas

No they don't have you even driven down most of the border? Most of it is unpopulated desert areas and agents are few and far between. I've been down most of it while doing pipeline work

>Non-engineer suggests a project
>Engineer calls it retarded
>"The engineers will figure it out"
Problem with modern day.

I am an Engineer actually.

Waste management engineering?

they do, but :
putting panels on the wall itself is ineffective
putting panels in rural areas is ineffective
putting panels near well guarded existing infrastructure would be at least useful, but the capital requirement may exceed the cost of the wall itself

Doesn't matter. Mexico is going to pay for it.
Also, the revenue will help pay for it over time.
We need to work on getting clean renewable energy.

>mexico pay for it
hahaha pls
>pay for it over time
the panels? yeah.
installation and infrastructure? eventually.
for everything and the wall? not likely. the citizenry doesn't trust the govt enough to let it do anything productive

>reduces pollution
>builds jobs
>renewable energy that is at economic performance comparable to fossile fuels
>injects more money into U.S. economy
>people get money and environment is better off
Shit, figure out the logistics and it's genius.


Indeed sir! Finally some positive input!