Am I ugly ? be honest

Am I ugly ? be honest

Yeah but it looks like you can coast through life on charisma and Oblivion cosplaying so you'll be fine.

get out greek

Hehe xd


Shit nigger. That's a mug only a mother could love..

pretty ugly

You ain't bad looking, bit of a tidy up hairwise and maybe a suitable bit of facial hair and you get another point or two from me.
Other than that, you look like someone who'd have a good sense of humor, comedian style. That would go with your current look.

You look like a younger, fatter Gaddafi with a 'fro

>Am I ugly ? be honest
No but you need self esteem. people will expect you to be like Kramer from Sinfeld or Bob Marley.

I'f fuck you in the ass.

You sir, need self esteem. That is All. Bitches would bang 10/10


Honestly, anyone who gets fit, gets a good haircut and grows a good beard can get laid regardless of their actual face

pizza face meat ball looking motherfucker

Love you Greek


I know you from somewhere ; )

For fuck sake g.g.g.greek what did I tell you about posting you fucking beta


yes kys

Agreed with both.
I wonder what dictator humor is all about.
