How often do you shower?

How often do you shower?

Body once a day, hair once every two days

Twice per week

body, twice a week. hair, once a week.

barberfag here btw

Once a day.

im very organized, i shower every month without fault!

2 or 3 times a day.

>Once a day.
This, like normal people

once a week.

if i notice my armpits stinking sooner i will wash them at the sink or if my hair is getting too greasy i will wash it with the shower head over the side of the bathtub.

Yeah you fucking monsters. Every morning because I'm not a degenerate.

enjoy your autoimune diseases

Once every five days or so.
>so many faggots falling for the once-a-day myth
>have fun destroying essential oils and healthy bacteria necessary for proper health
>thinking a shower is the only way to stay clean and fresh

Every day.

enjoy your dermatitis

4-5 times per week.Not too hot temp


Showering give you AIDS now

I also go outside like a normal person, this is not a concern.

How do you people not become greasy messes, especially you hair, after going a couple days without bathing?

Mind boggling.

About tree fiddy

Once a day, or else I start to itch from my own filth if I don't.

every morning just to wake up and get ready for work and then one more time later if its my workout day

have you ever been to a anime convention?

All the time

they ARE greasy messes
>Sup Forums

Every day /every other day in winter

1 to 2 times in summer

And after every time i work out

i know a girl who showers up to 5 times a day. her skin is pretty ok, but she has to apply undisclosed types and amounts of products.

twice a week, shower n shave


6 days a week, 5 times after workout just water and once with soap and shit

Every morning without fail, Twice a day, before bed if i get dirty.
Like some people who say their useless before a morning coffee, i'm useless before a shower, it's the first thing i do.

25 years strong, hope the showering diseases kill me soon

I'm naturally more oily than others I'm pretty sure. once a day

3 to 4 times a week usually tuesday, thursday and friday if im going out, the morning after or on sunday at least.

differs when i'm about to meet a girl, which almost never happens.

Try every day maybe?

Once or twice a day.

>Have to shower with kids every night
>Sometimes shower again later that night so I can actually get clean and have me time

Every two days

twice a week

if im super sweaty due to exercise ill probably shower straight afterwards

once or twice a week

im 18 and i work in a kitchen everyday i would stink like high heaven if i didnt shower everyday how do people manage it

>Not having "me time" with your kids

only after ive worked out

Had a medical condition and couldn't shower for a week.My hair never greased.

They stink

I worked in a kitchen for a few years. There's always that one kid who doesn't shower after work and it's outrageous how bad they smell.

every other day

Seeing as everyone in my house is constantly sick and im not even though ive been walking home from work in the cold everynight and they all shower everyday while i do every other, i think ill stick to it.


Some of you clearly had terrible upbringings. How often do you brush your teeth? Every other day??

I'm a programmer and I rarely sweat thus I don't stink so I don't need to shower everyday. Also thanks to muh genes, my hair only become greasy after like 5 days of non showering. As simple as that

>My hair never greased.
Yeah, it did user.

I've put a Days Counter widget on my cellphone:

1. hours since last shower (currently 2587), but at least I shampoo and change panties and wash my private parts every 7-10 days, and shave my beard every 15-20 days

2. days since I've fallen in love for my oneitis (currently 8491, and yes, it was November 1993)

3. days since getting out of the basement for reasons different than buying food (currently 26)

If I'm having a depressed period, once or twice a week otherwise every day.

I already have eight kids. I don't need a ninth inbred one buddy.

>cum in da ass

yeah, my hair gets greasy after 2 days but it's not visually noticeable (by me at least) until about day 3 to 4.

i don't ever expect it to be touched, but it has happened. noone has ever gone "eeew". i gues that's just politeness. either way i give too few fucks to wash more often.

she'll be quite a grandma way before turning 30

depends. i have phases when i shower every day because it feels nice, but most of the time body 2 a week or so, hair once a week or every two weeks (it's extremely dry, never really gets greasy)

people who say ' i dont't stink ' ARE the people who are the smelliest. Ask another person if you stink you degenerate

few times a week cigs, make me have to brush my teeth

Every day.... but 2 times a week i shower cold

no this is bad for the skin, it dries out faster in cold tempretures and the hair gets dirtier when you wash it every day. like this i have more time in the morning and i give my body the chance to use it's own cleaning functions.
i also stopped using deodorant on a regluar basis. now i have zero skin probklem my hair is more vital and the smell of sweat got far less.
all those body hygine as it's brought to you by commercials is wrong and not far as good as they try to tell you. dont swallow that pill.

I can't fuck anyone in the ass if I changed their diapers at some point.

>he doesn't know the rules

I'm so alfa I shower in pussy juice

teeth are serious business. mornings and nights without fail.

You're fucking disgusting and there's no arguing that.

Your hair cleans itself after a while (maybe 2 weeks)

All you have to worry about it BO

>my hair is more vital

There is nothing wrong with washing, washing with antibacterial shit is a bad idea and yes deodorant is shocking and I only use it when I have to.

You have 8 kids, please stop it. Nobody needs 8 kids if they aren't a farmer.

Why use severity of stink as the measure.
Basic human hygiene is a daily wash, and why wouldn't you? Even if you didn't think you need one before work, wouldn't you at least want to be washed and clean for bed? Instead of lying in the day's crud all night... and then going back to work?

what's the right way to say it? that was just translated from my native tongue

Body 4-5 a week and Hair 1 a week

Every two to three days. I clip my nails and shave/cut once a week.

Sufficient. It's healthy to get a bit funky here and there.

If you don't shower daily you should seriously consider suicide.

its not that I think its healthy. I simply just enjoy showering twice a day. It always cleans up my mind.

Once every other day. I take cold showers so I get a clean body without the drawbacks of dry skin. Literally just turn the cold on and go.

I didn't have any before I joined Sup Forums. There is probably some correlation there.

Every day I leave the house or had a workout.

So never.



I live in Florida, I shower whenever I come home from going somewhere. Usually ends up being 1-3 times a day. I wash my hair every other day.

I'm always soaked in sweat and hot, I cool off

I've showered all but maybe 5 days in the last 17 years. This is a true statement.

I'm not using the severity of stink as the measure, it was just to illustrate my point. I don't consider myself "dirty" until 3 or 4 days without showering. I mean there are no stains on my skin and it's still pretty smooth, my hair looks normal and no terrible body odor (except maybe a little bit the genitals but it's ok) = not dirty imo.
I'm single (obviously) so I don't give a shit if my genitals smells a little bit, it's not unhealthy. And I like to tell myself I save some water for the planet

about once every 2 months, truth spoken

and with clothes on nobody can smell your genitals

Twice a day

*I cool off with showers followed by sitting in the AC and smoking weed. I smoke almost every time after I take a shower, it's so refreshing.

There are some people with serious "nose blindness" here. If you don't know who the stinky one in the room is, you're the stinky one.

I don't know how people don't feel the sweat and dirt that gets in you throughout the day

Inb4 "daily showers make your skin MORE oily".

You neckbeards just don't know what actually feeling clean looks like.

I bet yall cum all over yourselves and dont even take a shower inmediately afterwards.

>I don't know how people don't feel the sweat and dirt that gets in you throughout the day
just don't be a pussy and be a man

I havnt showered or changed sheets or clothes nor brushed my teeth for over 5 months

This, also it shouldn't be about doing the vare minimum to not smell like ass. You should FEEL dirty if you don't shower all day. Even if you don't go outside.

Showers feel so good and are so refreshing, I don't know why people don't like them. I take showers whenever I feel tired, sad, stuffed up, or sweaty and it always makes me feel better.

Hot as hell shower at first, then ice cold for 20 seconds before I get out.

>consider myself
Do you think others would consider you dirty?
Would you shake hands with a man who hasn't washed in 4-5 days considering most men jerk it once a day, the thought of his ass crack gone unwashed for a week, let alone any other matter he's collected on himself from public area's like bathrooms or public transportation? Would you want anyone you cared about being near such a person who cares so little about their own hygiene, appearance and even health?
Do you think a man so lax with his own basic life skills would make for a good friend, housemate, employee or partner?


i have only ever noticed 2 types of BO that i can't stand; one of them is hobo tier, the other is a type that i'm sure is due to genetics, because only certain people have this stink and only when sweaty.

Nah, I'd rather feel good and be clean.

not like it matters if I am, I don't leave the house

Be honest, how many of you jack off without taking a shower right after? Let alone DAYS after?

You disgusting fucks. I used to do this, so I know how disgusting it is.

Daily when i'm active, every second day if i don't break a sweat

Do you not like the feeling of minty fresh breath at least once a day after waking up?