Source of this image? Reverse image search didn't turn up any useful results

Source of this image? Reverse image search didn't turn up any useful results.

It's from a show called Secret Princess Himegoto.


Thank you kindly.

No problem. Funny thing is I also found out about the show because of that image.

This is now an anime trap thread.




Is there any fug in it? Is it worth watching regardless?

I assume by fug you mean sex? No there's no sex just a bunch of panty shots and girls dressing the boy up I only watched a little of the first episode and quit so I'm not sure how good or bad it might actually be.




Some gay anime. I think its episode 1. The episodes are like 4 minutes long.

If you go to then click on anime and search himegoto you'll find it

Thats right I forgot the episodes are all short.










Done keeping thread alive.