Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world

Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world
>Reduce unemployment from 7 million to 3.7 million in first year
>Introduced wellfare
>Lead the country out of economic depression while the west was suffering from it
>Abolished interest on loans
>First anti smoking campaign
>Introduced laws to protect nature and wild life
>Priority was given on educating the youth and free wellfare for pregnent women
>Free health care
>Was a great patriot who willing went on the front lines multiple times

Seriously western media is cancer, the victims of holocaust are also greatly exaggerated. He want wanted the country to be aryan because aryan is a hindu word for farmer in this case he was representing the common man which was a farmer not because he wanted blue eyed white skinned blonde people. Swastika is a hindu symble for peace. Nazi aren't evil monsters they are people with orders and the term nazi is for national socialists party. The media and your education system tells you to hate hitler so you do so but did you ever try to think why did he hate jews? The jews were the ones who were against his type of government, they were the reason germany lost ww1 and the country was in this condition. Hitler was against marxism and communism which the jews were supporters of. He wanted drive jews out of germany.

Shorter version: Hitler dindu nuffin, he was the greatest leader. The jews are evil

>implying the holocaust happened

More people need to watch his documentary, adolf hitler:The greatest story never told

> Rebuilds Economy
> Abolish communism in Germany
> Defeat most of Europe
> Hold every city on the continent and not even amerifats have a chance
> Gets fucked by Bolsheviks and Babushkas

And they say the commies are weak.

They were fukin jews thats why, behind everything funding both sides of the war getting rich. I'm not talking about the moderate ones or your average jew, im talking about zionists and their leaders. They were promised land after the war which now is israel

yes, he was a great leader but the winners write the history, sometimes i think he was too lonely in his fight, also the people around him was kind of retarded that make the bad worst

Now there's a rumor that they could have killed hitler at time but because he was a lousy strategest and person who will replace him would be worse for the allies they didn't kill him

>west was suffering from it

you double nigger America was making bombs and building planes more than they were having sex

man remember when hitler/jew jokes used to be a little bit funny?

i miss 2007 too

Found shekelstein

i might be from israel but im not a jew, i swear on david!

What kind of idiotic history teachers you had, son?

What else do you expect from burgers

am i autistic??
the second world war and roosevelts new deal are what pulled the us out of depression right?

seriously please let me know if im autistic

Why is anti smoking always seen as a good thing? What ever happened to each to their own? Who are these cunts roaming around trying to restrict people's smoking ability?

You Sir, are not autistic.... OP, that is another story

>turned his country into a smoking crater a few years later

> Who are these cunts roaming around trying to restrict people's smoking ability?
This is why whites are 10% of the worlds population

Also can't win a fight in snow, right conrade? Kek

>was a great leader
>lost a war he should have easily won because britain france and america were complete cucks coming out of WWI
>killed himself rather than face his crimes and die with those he led

yeahhhhh no he may have saved Germany from economic ruin but he was still a coward and complete faggot. No great leader would kill himself rather than facing his defeat and end like a man.

See this is the thing, winners write the history. He willing went on the front lines many times, got his arm wounded but refused to return, got gased so his face swelled and had temporary blindness but still wanted to participate in the war. He was promoted corporal for his bravery but always volunteered for the most dangerous jobs. For all we know that suicide thing could be bullshit

>>Reduce unemployment from 7 million to 3.7 million in first year
Killed people to let other people have their jobs.
>>Introduced wellfare
With the money he stole from the people he killed
>>Lead the country out of economic depression while the west was suffering from it
and went bancrupt way before the war was even over.
>>Abolished interest on loans
>>First anti smoking campaign
>>Introduced laws to protect nature and wild life
>>Priority was given on educating the youth and free wellfare for pregnent women
>>Free health care
and all that only to people who blindly followed him to keep their loyalty
>>Was a great patriot who willing went on the front lines multiple times
not true

good luck with the rest of your life. it is obviously going to be an uphill struggle for you


He was a patriot who volenteered for the front lines, its true. Its was in his youth

but not multiple times and not willingly.

babuskas got lucky because of "muh russian winter"

He was awarded the second class iron cross in 1916 and first class in 1918 for repeatedly voluteering for the front lines

OP is right in everything he said
jews are the fucking aggrevators in everything,. everywhere.. all throughout centuries they have been casted out from every nation
google it



So much wrong, idiot


Care to enlighten me

Hitler was quite good leader but he was too stupid. The german reich would have fallen after his death. Its stupid to have one leader in a country. Sure, it might work for a while but one of the leaders will crack. Nazis were stupid, believed in god, thought their "race" is superior to other, etc. And dont give me that "blacks fought for nazis bullshit" It would be stupid to not use "inferior" black soldiers to fight, after all their only job is to die for you.


Stalin and Lenin!

his personnal doktor fucked him up with all these drugs

He couldn't make sane decisions on the eastern front

I don't know user, I heard that Allies spy spiked his food with stuff so he couldn't make good decisions. Maybe his doktor too

you're probably autistic

i bet you think america had the first stealth bombers in history or jets
>inb4 it was germany