13 year old me circa 2010

>13 year old me circa 2010
>Nothing to do so I look up animations on Youtube
>Find this pretty cool guy called Egoraptor
>Click on Metal Gear Awesome
>For the next couple of months I can do nothing but spout the good word of my new favorite youtuber Egoraptor
>Couple years later
>Find out he's starting a show with some filth called Jontron
>Decide not to watch the show because I prefer to watch Egoraptor make animations
>Months pass; no videos
>Cave in and finally give the grumps a chance
>The first series I watched were Kirby Super Star and Goof Troop
>Much like before
>Jon slowly but surely becomes my favorite
>Spread the good word of Game Grumps to friends
>They fall in love too
>Friends and I spend time watching grumps while playing whatever we did back in 2012-2013
>Uh oh
>Ode to Jon

>Jon's doing his own thing now
>Some musician named Danny Sexbang takes his spot
>Don't really have an opinion on Dan at first, but I don't think I cared for him
>The Game Grumps are fucking amazing
>Mr. Wilson rap
>D club
>"Thanks for having me"
>It's so good
>Couple years pass and I start to watch the Grumps less and less each and every passing day
>I catch up on them every now and then
>But one fateful day I watch a Pokemon Sun video they did
>What the fuck, Arin
>Nothing but that for about a good few minutes
>Dan is yes manning the whole time
>Absolute regret and never watch them again until today
>Playing some golf game and it seems pretty cool, but nothing is the same anymore
>Deep down I know Arin is a sellout that sees Game Grumps as a cashcow
>I actually used to look up to this guy and now...
>Now... he's a big fat disappointment

It's like watching your father go down a long line of alcohol abuse and addiction

Other urls found in this thread:


Check out game grumps animated or best of game grumps (insert month). You'll absolutely die of laughter

its almost like he realized that he needed more money

Thanks but I'll pass

It's OK OP. I thought Metal Gear Awesome was dope too. Honestly though, I realized EgoRaptor was a fag shortly after. I showed him a flash animation a friend and I did and he dissed it harshly.

I'm glad someone else has realized this too. Also, fuck Jon Tron. That nigga has had $$$ eyes for years.

they didn't change you just grew up

the fucking andy griffith KILL MEE!! thing had me crying

i miss being like 11 and enjoying letsplayers like the non fat version of uberhaxornova

You sound like a virgin!
So you must be a virgin!
Even OP!

Yeah. The fat fuck called James took his place for a while. But Nova is back at CowChop and it's pretty good.

maybe your flash animation sucked

Seriously? Do you mind linking me to it? Talk about a god complex.

why is everyone such a bitch when their favorite youtuber becomes successful?

answer: prolly jelly cuz they do what they love for a living.

grow the fuck up.

dont talk shit bout based jontron

JonTron's actually really cool in private. I suggest checking out the stream he did with Sargon of Akkad. Yeah, he did a podcast with him. It's like five hours, and they talk about everything, honestly. It's great. Recent, too.

Watch 5 random episodes of Sonic 06

Then watch the first 5 random episodes of Sonic Adventure

I guarantee you will notice a drop in quality

What does he even do anymore?

He posts like one video every couple of months with a higher production value than before, but none of the laughs or charm.

>not watching underappreciated youtubers


Christmas and the Kranks was pretty good, honestly. I agree, the editing hasn't been as good on his recent videos, but I think he did better on his latest one.

>implying videogamedunkey is underappreciated

he's like the most watched puerto rican youtuber

another example -
pokemon emerald with jon

pokemon fire red with danny

racist as fuck too

>Game Grumps as a cash cow

they would really be wise to switch off the 10 minute episode format but they wont cause

>Game Grumps as a cash cow

Mm, sure.

Danny and Arin are a great comedy duo, Perfect timing, solid "yes and", and "Looks like you've got a baby penis" was one of the funniest shit I've watched in my life.

Psychicpebbles had Jon on for his first Podcast Ep. Schmucks if interested. A nice glance into what Star Cade really was

dan sucks dick. randomly starts talking about a text he gets. or just yes mans arin. he's retarded and cringy where jon was just retarded.

Game Grumps with Jon: Actual discussion, funny jokes, originality

Dan Grumps: Haha remember that one time I made that joke, homosexuality jokes

I think Danny and Arin work well together, but they've been on the show together too long. They're out of material, they don't have any more stories to tell, they both know everything about each other (etc so on so forth)

I'm wondering if they should adopt a rotating cast to keep it fresh, but they're so ingrained in the "game grumps" format that I'm not sure if they CAN leave

kitty kat gaming is also pathetic and arin should have had the balls to block that shit

Conspiracy grumps

I enjoyed game grumps more with Jon and there's a lot of speculation why he left but I think a lot of it has to do with steam train, expanding their brand and suzy

As if

So you're mad because someone you liked is making a steady income.

she has nice tits

I guess you could put it that way, but I'm not really mad as much as I am disappointed


I know that feel OP. That's why I just watch Oney Plays.

Gimme dat webm. Been years but a good one

Free my nigga jontron

Ayyyye. Ding Dong and Julian are great. As well as the lads from SuperMega



Yeah, what a fucking asshole for making a living hanging out with his friend.

Yeah. I'm watching their RE7 let's play now. Little too nitpicky but I'd chose this over the grumps any day.

James is fit as fuck now. Check out his instagram.

Do you really thing

Only once.

anymore nudes of suuzzy

no fucj

no but you can this holly look alike

ya that about sums it up. Maybe Im getting older but I feel like Aarons comedy now a days is just yelling about his dick. Doesn't feel like his heart is in it anymore. Dan is still cool and funny but Id be more likely to watch him solo.

Holy shit I thought that was really her at first

This is the exact same thing that happened to me user. I just watched some of their RE7 stuff the other day after not watching for a few months. It's good but it's still a shell of what it used to be. I'm still grateful for GG though. I found Jon's stuff because of it and Danny is the most lovable person ever. Arin kinda fucked it up with all the new shows like Grumpcade and Steamtrain, and the new grump members just clutter the channel at this point. Gamegrumps was what I grew up with in middle school and high school but now it feels like a distant memory. The content isn't as good as it was and I don't watch it anymore but I will always love the Gamegrumps for being an important part of my childhood.

I'd love to see OneyNG take Dan's place. I thought he and Arin really had a chemistry with the Let's Plays they did on his gaming channel.

thats real niceeeee

fuck you dunky is black



Yeah. Even now I don't find Ross or Barry as entertaining as Arin and/or Dan. Dan and Ross maybe.

Or maybe they just need to take some vacations separately so they can pick up some stories.

videogamedonkey is half irish you mongoloid


Yeah. That's Nova. The fat one was James. Get it right.

Is there any actual prof that those 2 people are Arin and Suzy?

I haven't watched uberhaxornova since they were doing that Sumotori game

did they ever wind up finishing even a single goal on any of their minecraft maps

shit that was years ago wasn't it

no hence the file name

Also, checked

I know what the file name is, but people have posted that image before and said that it was most certainly Arin and Suzy

>meets celebrities

grumps vids are ok in small doses...had some funny moments peppered into all the content they do. the fucking fanbase though is horrible

file name is right

I've noticed the same thing with their content now, Arin just talks about balls and dicks and Danny just laughs, but some of their new stuff is still pretty great it just depends on the series. But I have been watching grumps for years and it's really sad how it's gone down hill. I've been watching markiplier a little bit and I love his subnautica series.

Anyone have the faucet reflection nude that suzy accidentally put up?

underrated post

kill your elf fagggouth

When did this happen?

Sometime in November I think, she was doing a bathbomb video and you could see her naked in the reflection of the faucet.



Ha remember that whole Etsy scandal where Suzy sold other people's work without their knowing and then made a profit.

Why are you so negative!@#$%^&*()_++_{"|>{:L}{>"|

suzy has no value

>Hate Grumps after Jon leaves.
>Initially hate Dan, but Arin's still funny at times.
>Immediately fall in love with Ross and Danny as soon as they do Sierra games.
>Continue to love the duo.
>Barry becomes a funny foil to the group.

2 years later.

>No more Dan and Ross Steam Train. Ever.
>Danny the heart and soul of the group, finding stuff to laugh at constantly.
>Arin is a blackhole of happiness.
>Barry is now trying way too hard to be funny, and failing.
>Ross seems like he hates life.

What the fuck even happened?

pleas gib (zou)ssss

they should hang it up soon. fix things a little and on that rise quit

They're past their prime at this point. Game Grumps is an adult going through their mid-life crisis. If you think their shitty now, wait until Let's Plays lose any and all relevancy in the online community lol.

Thanks Satan.


>caring about youtubers

wtf is this makeup

Jon hates jews because he got cucked off his own show by one

he is a man child

>He got cucked off his own show
He left by himself, Danny had absolutely nothing to do with it

good goy

good lord

>caring about bleach

>caring in general

I personally don't do the whole Let's Play thing on YT because I find them boring, but I did originally watch GG because I was an Egoraptor fan. Then I became a fan of Jontron because he was hilarious and I kind of just stop caring about Arin since he was really doing cartoons anymore. Once Jon left the show I kept watching for a bit since I originally started watching for Arin but quickly stopped because while Danny was a really funny replacement for Jon, Arin is honestly just fucking annoying as hell. The beat boxing shit he kept doing drove me away.

Good thing to come from all this though was that I stopped watching let's plays entirely, and I found two funny channels in Jontron and NSP.

I stopped watching after their OoT lets-play.
Never went back since.

Oney's content is pretty funny though, but I can see him turning into just another Arin if all he does is focus on lets-plays.

He claims he's working on animations, and that it's taking him a while (which to be fair animation is a lengthy process), but idk.


started watching GG around 17, 21 now, and weirdly attracted to Arin...not even joking i'd let him put in my bum bum
