Raised and taught that I'm nothing but autistic filth, no self esteem, suicidal, blah blah blah...

Raised and taught that I'm nothing but autistic filth, no self esteem, suicidal, blah blah blah. Any reasons I should keep trying?

Can't think of any.


What they said.

alright, thanks for being honest. Glad to hear someone finally understands

yeah youre co payment is only 20 quid
heres your doctors note

when I'm ready I'll post a link to facebook live or something in one or twod ays

Ok man, we won't think of you.

is there a specific way that would make it easiest? I dont have access to much

Stop being a pussy. Do something with your life bitch.

the only role an autistic can have is killing himself before he starts causing problems

now I asked if there were a specific way that would make it easiest to do.

don't do it user!

have you tried everything yet? no way you have, so don't give up now!

Or he could stop being a bitch an do something constructive, or learn to play an instrument, or build a car, or go to college, or go fight ISIS. There are literally countless things you can do. To sit there and whine and nope and then kill yourself is a fucking waste of your dad's sperm cells.

or maybe I'm doing the best thing I can do for this world. Maybe I know the kind of person I am, and maybe I dont want to rape my kids like my father did, and his grandfather did to him. Maybe I can make my own mind and maybe I know whats best, even if people are too pussy to say it to my face

Yo, those headphones any good? What are they?

You know what I heard in all that? I heard you crying like a bitch. If you don't want to raoe your future kids, DONT FUCKING RAPE THEM or maybe don't have kids. You can still do something productive with your life. Volunteer at a soup kitchen even. Do something.

audio-technica ATH-M40, and yeah they're goor for editing music and stuff

Honestly op. You live in the greatest time to be alive. Life expectancy and opportunity is the highest it's been in all of human history. Your ancestors didn't survive through ice ages and world wars so their descendants could kill themselves.

and all I hear is just another person putting their perspective before mine. Perhaps you shouldn't force your views of suicide on me and maybe you should contribute to what I came here for.

Alright, thanks my man. Keep up the good fight of life.

You are contemplating suicide and yet you put your own perspective before other peoples' as in you actually care. Don't worry op. You aren't anywhere close to suicide and you know it.

I said that I'll post the facebook live link in one or two days. I know what I said and I'm not going back on it.

you have a choice

Ask yourself. If you are so convicted to killing yourself, why can't you show the same kind of conviction to doing something positive with your life?

Because if I'm alive, then people will get hurt. I don't have any more motivation left in life. I lost interest in everything. Its more complicated than you know.


The hope I'll get to fuck another kid keeps me going.

Wait til Trumps out of office, might see some funny shit go down, especially if from the US.