More like this

more like this













thats nice




'Bone app tha teeth'

what the hell am i looking at? ive seen rekt threads lighter than this












>milksteak boiled over hard with a side of jellybeans, raw


>Italian commando



what it taste like?




the charlie special.

i think im goig to try to make a grilled charlie sometime.








Oh god no! I once used oj in place of milk on my cerial and on my god NO! IT WAS A huge mistake... I use to drink oj with breakfast and one day there was no milk so i figured why not use oj in place of my milk.. Well it was bad.. so bad i could not handle more then bites of breakfast ... Recommend anything that requires milk stays with using milk ...



> 'You ain't from *insert southern state here* unless you've had this!






lol id shit there no problem if they candle my stink i can give no fucks ... like going to the bathroom in basic

literally worse than most rekt threads





OP here, whoever it is posting all these, i thank you

I am mad now




daddy would you like some sausage

you son of a bitch