What was this characters endgame?

What was this characters endgame?

>I didn't think they'd do anything after I invaded poland
>well, it's alright, the german army can fight the entire world on it's own if need be
>*sips kool-aid*

its simple; gas the bikes.

>kill jews
>kill slavs
>take meth
>kill self

Can't say I don't want to do the same.

domination just like pretty much all eurofriend nations before him.

Save the white race

A bullet.

Making the world a better place for his people. A pretty noble cause tbqh.

>dude lets start a war against the russians before we even defeat the english or secure control of the middle east lmao

nobody would have criticised hitler if he exclusively gassed gypsies

I agree. Fuck gypos. Pikeys too.

i miss u baby

gypsies are the only population on earth that has been universally hated by everyone since the dawn of time, not even muslim-loving SWJs defend them

I lived in Florence for a while. The place was infested with them. You couldn't stop at traffic lights without them trying to wash your windscreen with a bucket of dirty water or go to a train station or a supermarket without encountering them sitting on the steps begging.

In Rome gypsies run the organized crime

Kill all non-whites and world domination through a brutal dictatorship.

He was the grandfather of the Emperor in an alternate universe.

lmao no they don't

a gypsy couldn't run a fucking lemonade stand with a million dollar grant and an orchard of lemon trees

they are labor only, tools for the guys actually running the show

world peace

It was a good moment as any since Stalin had just purged all his army generals.

That would be even worse. The only reason they got so far was because Stalin wasn't expecting the betrayal. Once the push for Moscow failed and the USSR started for real Germany was fucked. But if they didn't attack then, a stronger USSR would steamroll them, possibly also betraying the pact and attacking first. And fuck knows what would happen to German tanks if they were never upgraded after facing almost unkillable Soviet tanks at the start of invasion.

i can understand that people are nazis and that but hitler was a dumb fucker

Probably a surprise party for America but the damn polish wouldn't pitch in their 20 bucks!

The jews tried to ruin Germany's economy but Hitler nationalized all the banks to save everyone from starvation. Germany wasn't seeking world domination. That has always been the desire of the jew. All Germany wanted was to free itself from the jewish usury banking system, which had already plunged the world into financial ruin via the great depression.

Hitler was no war monger. He sued for peaceful solutions many times to save the Germans who were being brutalized in Poland. He was forced into war in a last ditch attempt to save them.

Most real scholars of World War Two are aware of the reasons that Adolf Hitler sent the Wehrmacht into Poland. When we look back on what we now know, it was easy to understand why England and France threatened Hitler not to invade Poland. They all knew it was inevitable and they all knew why. Most governments knew of it; but the well-spun propaganda and controlled press made it appear that a power-crazed Adolf Hitler only wanted to kill jews and rule the world. Even today, this same false propaganda is taught in schools.

Simply put - not only was Germany herself under attack from the world jewish community (the call to boycott all German made goods in the early 1930's) but worse yet, the Polish authorities were engaged in mass murder, rape and robbery of Volksdeutscher (ethnic Germans) living in Poland. It reached such massive proportions that Hitler, as leader of the German people, could not ignore it. He had to send in the Wehrmacht.


Now as a result of the Allies winning WWII the German people are an occupied people. Occupied by the exact same treacherous people they sought to remove themselves from

>"I'm historically illiterate therefore things I don't understand or never bothered to research are dumb"

Read Viktor Suvorov's Icebreaker you dipshit. Maybe you won't come off as a fucking retard afterwards

No, you're the dumb fuck and you'd realise that if you had any self awareness.

Operation Barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike you knuckle dragging nigger. The USSR had a massive military offensive presence on the Eastern Front and had planned to attack Europe within the next 3 weeks. Pick up a book for once in your life you cretin

Jesus fuck, why is everyone so fucking stupid? I'm surrounded by idiots

He wasn't very good at not wanting war I guess. He didn't want war so he annexed vast tracts of land and immediately remilitarized. Also he confiscated tons of property and established slave labor camps, death camps, and imprisoned thousands for their political views.

You nazis are delusional. Hitler was a awful.


you faggots know nothing about ww2 history.

Hitler had an amazing understanding of military tactics. His downfall was his ego. He was too prideful for retreats and too egotistical to accept advice. This lead to angry outburts where he would make decisions in a fit rather than logically. This lead to his generals being afraid to make ANY movements without Hitler's approval.

It's not that hitler was dumb, he was emotionally unstable.

good goy. you really earned your daily dose of MTV.

A future for us

>There are probably all kinds of crazily advanced AI bots pushing all sorts of socio-political agendas on social media 24/7

We're fucked brehs

Word. Imagine if Hitler hadn't invaded Poland. He annexes the Sudentenland then spends his reign cleansing Germany. Think of the utopia that could have been. Think of how that could have spread to other countries and what a wonderful world we could be living in. The race war would have happened. Browns and blacks would have been wiped out. We'd be decades ahead technologically of where we are now.

>Now as a result of the Allies winning WWII the German people are an occupied people.
Which is why Germany is the leading country of the UE, deciding the politics and economic reforms of a whole continent and even got to decide how the € would work.
Fuck off naziboo.

That's why he had to conquer France and destroy a neutral country like Belgium.

They didn't do anything when he invaded Poland though.