I just did 40mg of adderall for the first time

I just did 40mg of adderall for the first time.

Did I just fuck up badly?

go jerk off, its amazing.

drink a kickstarter for a stronger high!
don't focus on anxiety if you end up getting it. that happened to me but everyone is different.

40mg is fine
kinda high, but not nuts

did you take IR or XR
as intended or snorted?

snorted, that's too much for the first time, but probably not so much that you need to worry

drink lots of water and watch out for teeth grinding

I did it because I have 2 papers and an exam tomorrow. Its currently 1am and i took it at 12:30

18 yo senior btw

Naw homie yer about to blast off. Have fun and you have something to do.

Why would you go for the meme study drug OP? I get you're still a dumb teenager but what ever happened to just taking naps and drinking red bull?

I didnt have the motivation for some reason.

So my friend talked me into it. So here I am writing this shit at lightspeed


Im not feeling anything kick in guys. Im still feeling unmotivated.


Goddamn pussy. I was doing speed in the 90s and used to get really stinky base paste. It was cut down, but only about 2:1 with glucose powder (which is pretty good in the uk).

We used to do a gram in a night, which would have been the equivalent of about 330mg, except it wasn't that slow release crap like in adderall.

Just do your homework and prep for a wild ride of knowledge and don't forget to jerk off.

I mean ive done coke, weed, and lean.

I think im probably most terrified of adderall for some fucking reason.

You're gonna wanna masturbate


Yes i know. Some girl wants to do the nasty but first i gotta finish my shit.

I am focused just not motivated. I have short bursts of work until I get side tracked :(

I wouldn't worry about it. The worst I did was taking a g of the paste mixed in with a soft drink. Was a good buzz for a while but ended up puking. This was back in the days when I lived with my parents and TV only had 4 channels here. I spent the entire night bored out of my skull, with nothing to watch and tweaking too much to masturbate. Not fun at all.

So if you've got more adderall, then you can easily double what you've had

Im tryna stay tame at school. Me and my buddies usually get drunk on the weekends and play videogames or invite some grills over for some fun time.

Some of the other stuff doesn't faze me (probably because im trashed).

I dunno. Its been about 2 hours and I feel somewhat focused but I just lack the motivation. Like Im not interested in what Im doing and Im usually never like this when it comes to assignments which is why I tried this.

Its probably cuz I can rationalize shit that im scared of it. Overreacting tbh. So I dunno. I dont want to begin abusing this stuff.

My friends been telling me mixed stuff about this shit but nothing negative has happened. Except im not sleepy anymore.


Ya blew it

Don't worry OP. Taken near 800mg in one go