We are human right, some still believe in survival of the fittest

We are human right, some still believe in survival of the fittest.

Who will gain more out of life...

1. The greedy and selfish one who just doesn't give a fuck about your needs?
2. The sharing and loving one who will go out of their way to help you?

What should we teach our kids?

Other urls found in this thread:


We should teach our kids that the world is flat

Get the fuck out with your first grade bullshit

none of these, because they are equally retarded.

teach them to first cover their own needs in order to have a stable position, and then use it to help others to advance to their position.

Let me guess, you are an over-caring libtard that never earned a cent in your life but is happy to make demands on where taxpayers money has to go, right?

let me guess, you're slow, right?

why so salty?

No I'm earning a decent income. The reason why I ask, my country's overall donation has dropped with 20% over the past three years. Less job opportunities, no salary raises in most companies, food just keeps getting more expensive. There are much more

> you are an over-caring libtard that never earned a cent in your life but is happy to make demands on where taxpayers money has to go, right?
> why so salty?

Less job opportunities, no salary raises in most companies, food just keeps getting more expensive.
If ou country is expiriencing a secession, this:
>my country's overall donation has dropped with 20%
Is a necessary move, since the government obviousy receives less taxes out of their declining eco. So instead of asking why the government is donating less (to whoever oO), ask for the reasons of this secession.

Every country has that problem, people are getting greedier because their expensive lifestyles are getting more... Well ya know. Expensive


Teach your kids that you cant get pregnant in the butt

>some still believe in survival of the fittest.
like the entire animal kingdom?


Oh my god we are animals I completely forgot about that logic.

Uhm... The right term for an human is

Psychotic Alien Bacterium

are you retarded!?
If they were getting greedier, jobs would pop up like dicks in a private table dance. Greed of the rich is the central motivation for them to invest their money, therefore support companies, which in turn expand faster, need more workforce, therefore hire more people, which in turn consume more of the goods the eco is dishing out. Greed makes the societal wealth go boom.
Far on the other hand, for example from less opportune business plans, shrinks the eco, and such fear comes from:
- government regulations of the market
- economic protection regulations which cut on the profit margin
- unsafe business locations (crime / riots / natural catastrophes)
- lazy workforce (high illness-rate / AWOL-rate)


In a culture full of #2, #1 would do well. In a culture full of #1, #1 would survive until society implodes.

So what exactly does the inferior members of a species offer to the stronger or more intelligent?


wild guess, is this the same poster?

im asking because both posts seem nonsensical

Maybe babies first shitposting-attempt?

Double tagged somehow buddy, my bad

You're full on retard

Humans are kids and earth is their play ground.

Play the game or die

1 smart enough to disguise as 2.
Also it seems that the red kid made those cookies and offered other two to take one each.

Game theory holds the answer.
Answer is tit for tat