Name an anime character who could beat Merlin in a fight

Name an anime character who could beat Merlin in a fight.

Merlin's trump card is that he'll transform himself into a germ and infect his opponent so that he's unable to fight.



Hades from Hercules ?

He's based, but can be defeated


he just doesn't die?

any Jojo
they have bullshit power of dues ex machina

Esdeath from Akame ga Kill. She's broken powerful, pulling new skills outta her ass all the time.

stone golem

Demon form Inuyasha, he wouldn't get sick

If that's the trump card then any character that is immune to disease/illness would counter said tactic just by existing.

Disease immunity is a very common auxiliary power for characters. I.e. if you're super-durable and can't be harmed via most blunt/sharp forces, then you usually are also immune to injury/illness entirely.

Cory. He's a busta.

Nope. Illness killed Goku.

Like any Gundam would wreck Merlin.


Hoenhiem or father from fma

that bee in Bee movie

What about the ant from that ant movie?

Any anime/cartoon/comic character that has any power that could be considered a "superpower/s"
Basically around 50-60% of all the characters in existence,give or take.
Goku's power doesn't work that way,it works through "ki",Goku almost got killed by a shitty laser gun but can also probably destroy multiple galaxies containing millions of stars/solar systems.
His body is strong (REALLY,really,ReAlLy strong),but only when he's focused and when he's powered up. Also,Goku died like....2 times now? You could even say 3 times because Hit killed him but he came back to life using his own "ki blast" (absolute bullshit ex machina,by the way) I mean these faggots from DBZ just die and come back within a month because they have like 1562 magical dragons now? Including SUPER DRAGON that can wish them back an infinite amount of times and an 1000+ year old witch that can go to the spirit world and take their ass back into the real world. Fuck,GOKU TRAINS IN HEAVEN.
I don't think death really has that much of an impact anymore,honestly.

Goku was always super tough though. He was bulletproof before he learned to control his ki. And yeah, dying is their favorite hobby, but that Goku getting taken out by a disease pokes a hole in the "strong guys are immune to illness" theory.

I think he was bulletproof because he couldn't control ki,he was constantly powered up,think about it,why were scouters so integral to the saiyans and the other alien races? They couldn't sense energy so they used scouters,the scouters worked because they had their power at 100% constantly due to having no knowledge on how to control it.