Has anyone on here ever been on any prescribed meds? do they actually work?

has anyone on here ever been on any prescribed meds? do they actually work?

You have to be a little more specific. What kind of meds?


I'm on Latuda for what they think is some kind of Schizo/ Bi polar thing. It does it's job.


I take 30mg of aripiprazole in the morning, and 600mg quetiapine in the evening, in addition to an intramuscular injection of risperidone every two weeks. Being on them makes things better than being off of them, but not by much.

No. You have another 30-40 years of this misery. Unless you kill yourself or get hit by a bus or something.

Enjoy the ride im on it as well

Nigger those are vitamins

what happens if you are off them

Im on Escitalopram for like 6 years now. 10mg a day. they work, but you're not like high all the time. It just makes you feel less worse

they do but you have to crush and snort them

what happens if ur off

I'm on 20nmg lexapro and 2mg abilify. They take about a month to really work but they've saved my life.

im high on blood sugar
beta blockers and not being on meds gives me a dizzy and trippy feeling

>but they've saved my life.
in what ways user?

Last time I was off of them, I burned every family photo with me in it because pictures and records are designed to keep the soul stuck on Earth instead of moving to the evolutionary level beyond here. On them, i'm actually productive but i've gained a bit of weight and i'm about as anxious as a bus filled with rattling aluminium pubes.

yes, they're quite adequate, but u wouldn't know! ;)

I'm on Venlafaxine 150mg. I wouldn't say they work but they definitely help.

yea, I take omeprazole for my acid reflux. Seems to work fine.

milnaneurax against depression
got more intense orgasms since then, otherwise nothing

I was prescribed azithromycin when I had bacterial conjunctivitis. Cleared my pink eye up pretty well.

adderall and prozac, yes

Just started 10mg Lexapro. First few days sucked (dry mouth, headache, nausea), but now all that went away. I have a lot more energy, don't feel like shit, and am actually motivated to get out bed in the morning. 10/10

dd you get it for depression only?

yep. 31 yo and 10mg a day. keeps everything down. i cant believe i only discovered that in last year.

Yes and yes.

But they don't actually sort out your life, you have to deal that.

Not wanting to kill my self and others 24/7

Tried too many antidepressants, none did much of anything for me except negative side effects.
Now taking amphetamine. 8/10

>Now taking amphetamine. 8/10
For now.

1200mg 2x daily lithium
40mg 2x daily buspar
20mg 2x daily xanax
800mg x1 nightly seroquel


I've been on about 50 other medications the past 5 years that ive been dealing with this bullshit

Too true, I take frequent breaks and take a moderately low dosage which help at least.

shit, how old

i'm bipolar too and tried just about every med under the sun.
anti epeleptic meds worked best for me.

Been dealing with shit since middle school,but never anything serious like it is now.

I'm prescribed lamictal for manic depression. It doesn't really do much--especially if you drink or smoke weed, or do any other drug basically. And I will not cut out alcohol just for this med that won't completely get rid of this shit. I'm cutting off my meds next month.

The best way to deal with depression related shit is to simply deal with it. Force yourself to be social. Get uncomfortable for the sake of your long term health. Your brain will forever be wired to fuck you up but if you distract yourself with engaging tasks and novel experiences, then you'll be just fine.

Godspeed my nigga

>20mg 2x daily xanax
what in the fuck

20mg citalopram since 2 months

can't say it's doing anything though.

checked those dub dubs

that has to be 2mg, otherwise a bar


lol your doctor is retarded

obv mistake

20mg xanax? Twice a day? And you aren't ded? Did you mean 2mg twice a day? Thats still a fair amount for a daily dose EVERY day. Good luck with your withdrawal goals of 2017 and beyond I suppose.

i've been on SSRI several times. they fucking work. nowdays i am clean.

Yeah 2mg bar twice a day

You're deriving this how? Ive been to multiple docs and they all agree on similar prescriptions.

you're the crazy one.

I've been prescribed xanax for 12 years and at one point hit a huge fucking problem abusing the shit out of them. But I only hit about 12mg a day. After years of steady tapering I'm now down to just taking them a couple times a week.

and there's no way you're pulling off getting that much xanax from your doctor. No doctor would ever prescribe that many benzos to somebody.

Anyway, enjoy your withdrawals.

I dunno yet.

Oh just noticed you said typo. The withdrawals are going to suck bro. Unless you remain on them until you just die. Benzos are a bitch.

so, do you let a medician kills you? do your own research. these faggots don't give a shit about your health.

they're not that bad at all if you go off them slowly. like 10% every week or 2 and you'll be fine.

I've never abused any of my meds, i know the risks of them alone and combined. I've been on xanax about 2 years now after a hospital visit.
Havent had an issue managing it.

>"medician kills you"
Care to be more elaborate? Im not sure what the fuck you're talking about


I take two 36mg of Methylphenidate (Concerta) "every morning"... Really I take it when I have hard classes (college fag) or I need to pull an all nighter.

I've been taking it since 8th grade. Yes this shit fucking works. It wakes you up and makes you go like a mad man. I gave some to my GF (at first a 1/4 dose than 1/2, shes small) some to help her study and she ended up studying for 6 hours straight and then cleaned her room spotless, and not being able to sleep until 12 hours after taking it.

It's not far off from actual Meth... In Junior year I was pulling too many over nighters and started taking too much of it. I started to get blurry vision, paranoia, I would lose track of time examining the lines of a wall for 10 minutes or vice versa I would have a long thought chain that would feel like minutes but would only be like 10 seconds... I never did it again, it was horrible.

They once tried to put me on ritalin. I took it for one day.
I can only cringe at the kind of detached, anemotional, greedy jew, dope fiend, gambling addict, alcoholic, psychopathic rapist I could have grown up to be if I complied with the JEWS orders to use speed as a child.....

what did it make you feel like?

hello fellow mental illness fags

i'm on 300mg wellbutrin
15mg buspar
10mg olanzapine

how do I get my doctors to prescribe me benzo? I just need a small dose to help with my intense paranoia/anxiety. i imagine myself being violently killed all day every day, going outside obv makes it worse.

i fucked up by telling them i've done drugs like mdma in the past so they prob think i'm an abuser. should i just find another doctor?


"The United States continues to account for more than 80% of global consumption."

I wish in europe they would give prescriptions left and right.

Yep hit the nail on the head. Why teach children to be decent humans when you can just drug the fuck out em and pay bIIIIIGGGG PHARMA

How do you teach a child to change the biochemical structure of his brain?

wish i could do that to myself tbh


trileptal 900mg
remeron 30mg