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Based white bald man.
As a beaner, I acknowledge white intellectual superiority. It makes sense that natural selection would weed out lower IQ humans that couldn't plan ahead for cold winters.

In college, I find it even takes me noticibly more exposures for the same information to stick compared to my fellow white or asian scholars.


i think i do.

Cool now cut your dick of and become a cute latina trap so that you can be my concubine sex slave and worship my superior bwc

Is it cuckmanlike to recognize real general trends in a frank manner

Forreal tho. I know plenty of hispanics. Short sighted on the average. Not saying I'm dumb, but on the average I would agree that whites have a higher IQ

You're thinking of Asians

Low iq peope are naturally cucks.Now that you recognized your inferiority you to become a trap sex slave and serve white men and you need to chop your dick of so that you cant repoduce an create more low iq spics.


You have to be low iq to think hispanic is a race.

Yes, I do. I've hated you for years, since the first time I heard you open your idiot mouth.

See but I'm not referring to myself in particular as low iq. Only the general trend. Im actually in the ivy league fag


East Asians look to have the highest average intelligence, where blacks have the highest concentration in a certain range.

no must butt chug vodka first

People like you make me think the world has failed.I think their is no room for arguments anymore

Friendly reminder that this cuck leader forced her wife to cut all connection with her elderly-as-fuck parents who haven't seen or heard from her in 3 years. Whenever they come to visit, the baldy doesn't open the door and hid upstairs with his wife in case they peak through the windows. Best part is that he calls this "freedom"

But you are low iq because your comparing a culture(hispanic) to a race(white)

Seeing as how it's made up of mostly a mixture of native and European / black bloods, with few blacks and whites at opposite ends of spectrum seems fair to characterize it as a race

>People like you make me think the world has failed.I think their is no room for arguments anymore
Molypeux never made convincing arguments. If he is you, you failed a whole bunch of times. Like bitching about the price of donations to your shit audios - obviously didn't agree with free market solutions - " pay what you want" then bitch about it. I just fucking cant stand SM.

"Sure I became a prisoner in my own house everytime door rings but hey, it's still freedom because DUDE I'M AN ADULT WHO DON'T NEED ANY PARENTS LMAO

Hispanic includes mestizos mullatos and castizos

Oh, heres another example of his horseshit. Deserves a good asskicking for being a lame-ass motherfucker who can't talk to someone in person civilly and cut it short, or explain to them they should just fade off.

Stefan didnt force anyone to pay more so he didnt violate the NAP, he just got mad at the donnor because the donor was being ungrateful.

Yes. He's bald and it's gross. Makes me want to murder him myself.

Instead he acts like a teenager locking themselves in their room and tell you to just go away when you ask what's wrong.

>Stefan didnt force anyone to pay more so he didnt violate the NAP
No, he didn't force anyone to do anything. But he could've set the donation price to an acceptable minimum. If you can't pay $2, then just take it for free. Goddamn, Louis CK figured that one out, and he never claimed to be a philosopher.

These are pure Kino

wannabe cult leader who needs appendages removed with a bolt cutter
defoo everyone!

>wannabe cult leader
Been saying this since 2007

ITT : cucks lefties

I hope that bald autistic shitlord is throwing a rope over a rafter right now.