John Carpenter: Hollywood's Bane

The "Thing"
>Man is the Warmest Place to Hide

"They" Live
>You see them in the street.
>You watch them on TV.
>You think they're people just like you.
>You're wrong, dead wrong.

Holy fuck...

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm pretty sure The Thing doesn't have any political messages in it but They Live was very obviously an attack on Ronald Reagan and the mindless consumerism of the 80s. Although a ton of people think that They Live is actually an attack on Zionists.

>Ronald Reagan
Same shit, Reagan was a puppet.


I recently rewatched both and researched why big (((Hollywood))) elite snubbed Carpenter's films.

90% chance that (((They))) Live, and The (((Thing))) were exposing more than they should and that is the reason why they became underground cult classics.

Just look at the shit these days that gets full support of the executives and Studios.

You're definitely right about They Live but what makes you think The Thing is political? I would love to hear your theories, discussing The Thing is always fun.

>dat European trying to warn the intentionally multicultural Americans that their new immigrant was not their best friend (greatest ally) but actually an international parasite with the goal of enslaving/genociding it's host.
>those divide/conquer subversion tactics
>those inhuman monsters hiding in plain sight under the mask of a frequently white male

I am only scratching the surface

>tfw the Patriotic American good guy unknowingly shoots the Nazi-esque in the head before ever fully understanding why they were even fighting in the first place. But the (white) mans "best friend" ("greatest ally") sure as hell benefitted from the conflict (Israel/Survival).

Don't ask me, I'm just that human being guy that drives Sup Forums threads



Oy vey!

They Live was an attempt to expose how much power the Jews have over the American people, and their willingness to betray the human race on a whims notice for more power.

They Live and The Thing are exposing the same stuff as Conan the Barbarian. Reptillian shapeshifting interlopers whose goal is the complete and total subversion and destruction of the human race.

Is Arnold redpilled?

>Where are you...? Christ?

He endorsed fucking Kasich in the primaries

>what is 4d chess

That was Jnth moves ago

Summarize this film and how it is connected please

oy gevalt

>notthe reptillians


(((They))) are the same thing


You mean you swallowed whole lazy propaganda written conclusion-first by low IQ neckbeards with no basis in reason or fact. They Live is one of the most hilariously bad movies I've ever seen. I don't watch that many movies, so it's quite possibly the single worst movie that I've ever seen. It was snubbed because it's so bad that it's an unintentional comedy, just like Sup Forums shitposters are so stupid they look like they're being satirical.

>board literally infested with shilling inbred Sup Forums shitposters

b-but it's a boogeyman

jews didn't make you a loser. your own failures made you a loser. the sooner you realize this the sooner you can fix your life and stop making excuses and blame like a child

JIDF has arrived
>complains about the Sup Forums boogeyman
>insists that there is no such thing as the eternal jew

Everything I needed to know about the Jews I learned that night Mel Gibson got drunk and spilled the beans that ended his Hollywood career.

Why is realizing that many Jews have an anti-western sentiment synonymous with being a loser. Just look at Henry Ford, I don't think he liked Jews much, but he was a great businessman.

They Live is garbage.

They live is amazing. Perfect camp, awesome premise, spine chilling when the main character puts the glasses on for the first time. Camp can be intentional you know.


John Carpenter dropping the red pill back in the late 80s


Henry Ford was a very successful intelligent man

What is it McCready?

Everybody drops redpills, the goyim are just too dumb to see it

Robert Zemeckis overdosed on redpills

How you doin' old boy.

Did he have a flamethrower under his jacket in the final scene?