How to get a body like this?

How to get a body like this?

Combination of Chloroform, duct tape, transportation and a room to keep the body. And lots of stalking and right timing.

Look up 1st phorm proteins and preworkouts
Eat steak, fatty foods
Drink whiskey because it burns calories and tastes great
Run on the treadmill twice a week
Lift heavy ass weights 3 times a week
You should have this body in a reasonable amount of time

about a year of training, low bodyfat, not gym needed

You won't get chest muscles or bicep vein without the gym son

Is that what you really think? Who told you that, is is personal experience? cause it's absolutely not true

Yea if you require emotional reassurance

not to mention his photo was taken in a gym, so you should assume that the photot was post workout (which is when we look the best)

do a lot of gay porn

I'm an ectomorph, maybe that's the difference, because when I cut my chest muscles and waist are the first to go also no bicep vein. For that I have to train biceps twice weekly

Trips confirms, sorry OP Gata take a dick

How do you think?

nintendo 3h per day with 1lb op chips (any flafour will do)
and don't forget the diet coke cause u're on a mission

This is working your ass off for 2 years 40% cardio, 60% strenght 3-6 times a week. Don't focus on ''getting'' that body because that doesn't excist, focus on ''making progress'' towards that body and again, work you fucking ass off.

Um, you forgot something. Weight is gained or lost in the KITCHEN. Not by working out 24/7 like a dumbass. Working out to get muscles is ofcourse a must, but why 40% cardio? You might as well do 100% in the gym lifting wights. Or go calisthenics, that has some cardio elements too. In any case, you need to eat right, move your ass and maybe try to increase your testosterone too, with some supplements like tribulus or DAA or drugs like toremifene, nolvadex or clomiphene..

You're definitely right about the food part, but i totally disagree on the drug part. Pic is showing a skinny guy with no big muscles, hence the 40% cardio, but yeah the same can be done with high rep ranges in lifting.

Eat your proteins, healthy fats, and try to eat as little sugar as possible.

chloroform him and lock him in you basement

Do not increase you test!! Once you come off a cycle of that shit you get bitch tits and can't get good boners

That's roughly 2 years of training.

Used to be out of shape at the start, do full bodywork outs 5/7days of the week, protein, creatine and zyzz videos. Obtained this in 3 months time. This photo is 3 years old

i am a living proof you're wrong, kiddo


Read the thread dipshit I already said it probably depends on body types

>Whiskey burns calories
[citation needed]

>Drink whiskey because it burns calories and tastes great

Many people associate drinking heavily with developing a “beer gut” or losing their muscle tone due to excessive alcohol. That is completely true. However, drinking in moderation doesn’t necessarily have to impact your weight, particularly if you drink whiskey. This delicious liquor has no fat, very little sodium. It does contain calories and carbohydrates, but in the form of alcohol, and the small amount it does contain is simple sugars that are quickly broken down to be used as energy for the body. Therefore, instead of pounding pints of beer at the bar, have a few neat whiskeys instead to maintain your weight while still having a good time.

lower your bodyfat and do some basic bodyweight workouts. 90% diet

There is nothing in op's pic you can't reach with a simple pair of dumbbell... no gym needed indeed.