So is money just bullshit or what? seems like it is a tool which only opresses the poor and is abused by the rich

so is money just bullshit or what? seems like it is a tool which only opresses the poor and is abused by the rich

Well if you want the actual red pill you have to go deeper than that.

Do you not see how this planet is an actual prison?
I am talking literally, as in a literal sense prison

The problem is usury, not money itself.

How about you get a job fagot

So if you don't want money how are you going to find the time in your day to make a cell phone and TV and computer and a car and farm for all your food?

No money is not bullshit, and there's such thing as good materialism. The American mentality is such that most people look the other way when it comes to extreme forms of greed because we have people on TV that tell us to criticize somebody for their wealth is to be anti-hard work. That's obviously not true, but money can be used for good and there's goodness in the world.

Money is slavery
But the alternative is no medical maintenance nor food

This is a slave pit, and if you want actual free people look at the top families whose kids have a permanent security package

I'm talking international bankers and top of the top families, they own entire governments and sadly it will take many hundreds of years for the common folk to even acknowledge their existence

so is beauty just bullshit or what? seems like it is a tool which only opresses the ugly and is abused by the pretties

No it is not
Fat is ugly in every corner of the world
Athletic is beautiful, that is how it will be forever so fuck your fat shaming bait you liberal parasite

correct op money is bullshit and liberal arts degrees are not a waste of time.

I like you

mahogany Afrika wee wer kingz luk it up racists n c b me princes

How else is one going to trade for goods and services?



I hope you get hit by a meteorite

Finally someone got it lol

Money isn't slavery you fucking faggot.
Get some talent, learn a trade and do something that everyone wants or needs.

They'll pay you for it.

Money is nothing more than a credit note to trade work for other things.
Not anyone elses fault you dance to someones tune to beg for money.

finally someone understands me

things have vaule. gathering food, creating shelter etc take time.

we used to barter for goods created by specialized workers.

eventually, useful materials that were rare (gold silver etc) were used to trade instead, projecting value on a raw material and not finished projects.

paper money is essentially just an iou/representation of goldd (usa economy is gold based)

paper money really has no value but the value we've placed on it...

i love in Game of Thrones when Baelish explains that finance is just "numbers on paper"

Kek I missed that

Why a meteorite? A meteor would be much more devastating. Who fucking throws meteorites at people?

> Underage b&

We are all prisoners of mental slavery

If you want more info on money and it's role in this consumer world then look up fractional reserve banking.


ITT: 2 people who listen to SOAD

new album hype

They dobt understand that money is only credit for goods and services traded.

They think money is an actual thing that some people.magically get and somehow keep others from getting.

It's easy to understand why when almost everyone that has OP's opinion has no skills or services to trade.

It's like a hideously ugly morbidly obese prostitute complaining that the system isn't fair because the other whores get plenty of money and she doesnt

No, we all got it, just didn't care

If not trolling, check the dictionary

In many 3rd world shitholes being fat is a sign of wealth because you can afford enough food to get fat. and it will get you any skeleton pussy you want.

>money can be used for good

Yeah, I fertilize my soil with notes. My car definitely doesn't go as fast unless i pour a few coppers in the tank. And everybody knows they first pump gold down water pipes to get the water to chase it faster.

Being jacked is a sign of wealth everywhere, not only can you afford the food and resources to upkeep, but you also don't resemble an oversized clitoris.

But in America they are just fat and disgusting.

>be born into richfag family
>life handed to me on silver platter
>high end university fully covered by richfag parents
>richfag dad gets me job at big name company
>use last name as leverage and get to the top
>Fuck all those poor fags working in my factories
>im gonna cut their pay and give myself a nice big fat raise!
>silly poor fags protest that i cut wages
>well if they would just work hard in life like i did instead of being dumb poorfags they could have money too!
>they threaten to go on strike
>if those dumb fucks think they can get a different job in THIS kind of a market go for it!
>im not giving them a single penny an hour back
>they need to learn the only way to get ahead in life is hard work! life never handed anything to me after all!

>itt: Poorfags pretend to be redpilled

Money is just a medium. It doesn't matter what you call it. If you own the most shit that other people want then you get to call the shots.

Is simple economy too hard for you to understand?

>being this ignorant

well they do say ignorance is bliss...

>Get some talent, learn a trade and do something that everyone wants or needs.
>They'll pay you for it.

This is becoming less and less true as time goes on.

>assuming everyone who has good money was born into wealth

Wew lad. I can hear your "gibmedats" from here.

so you know that this economy is based on debt? A private banking institution loans money they don't have to your government and other public banks with the pretense of paying it back, like any other loan, with interest. This loan is payed back via yours and everyone elses taxes.

op have you listened to serj's solo stuff? Its pretty good. And The system is fucked, there will be a revolution mark my words

That was an awful lot of tl:dr to not actually make a point

What's your point?

Explain the ignorance?

If you are going to use people born into money, then you should realize that having that amount of money to trade is a service in itself.

But please educate me on your anarchist ideologies.

Look up how it came to be. Pretty crazy shit. It's another form of control and worship as is everything else.

so is beauty just bullshit or what? seems like it is a tool which only opresses the ugly and is abused by the pretties

And that prevents you from what?
How does that example you gave make you imprisoned?

Well, money can buy the new SOAD album and help support one of the greatest metal bands of all time, so it's pretty okay in my book.

Look up fractional reserve banking, this is where money comes from. A curency based on debt.

Do your homework kido

money is an exchange of energy

That it doesn't matter what the fuck you own, money is a worthless token for trade to keep the real rich getting richer. I don't mean the guys who one all the buisness conglomerates but those who own the banks which own everything including your government.

That's not where cash in hand money comes from though you retard.

That just determines the economy, which determines the value of the currency.

> money comes from banks/mints
> money's value as currency doesn't