What are your thoughts on driving high Sup Forums?

What are your thoughts on driving high Sup Forums?
Is it ok? Is it wrong? Should it be treated as driving under the influence? Should the punishment be worse than alcohol?

Also general stoner thread. I'm bored.

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yeah totally go drive while you're high. Can't wait until you kill someone.

i smoke like 4-5 times a year but driving high with a few buddies at night when the streets are clear and listening to old hip hop is great

Personally I don't drive high but I know a lot of people who do.

I wouldn't recommend driving while high. That said, I do it all the time.

driving high is really fun to do. would recommend. although, because i am a huge pussy, i only do it at night.

Never a good idea to drive high, been in a few crashes while high mostly rohypnol combined with meth and weed also alcohol was involved.
I almost ran over a pregnant women with a little girl while I crashed into 4 cars.
Never driven a car again since then

Done it multiple times, haven't had any accidents.
Wouldn't recommend it though.

easier than drunk

Weed? Not terrible, generally I drive more cautiously when I'm stoned.

Dabs? Fuck that. Too high. Let me sit for like an hour and concentrate on not dying.

As an everyday smoker for years who just quit, my driving ability has noticeably gone to shit for not smoking weed.

Now i know this sounds ridiculous, but i reason its because i no longer feel like i need to be as careful because im not acutely aware of the fact im high. That and the fact i always seem to be in an awful hurry these days.

While I would say it's nowhere near as bad as driving after consuming alcohol, it's still potentially dangerous depending on the person and the type of weed they smoked so it should be discouraged...

however the new swab testers in use in the UK will test positive even you smoked the day before which is pretty fucked up - driving impairment does not need to be proven to prosecute, so you may as well just smoke and drive tbqh fam

also this, some people are genuinely safer drivers when stoned

I admittedly do it all the time. I usually smoke up in the car. Never been in an accident because of it, and I usually drive 10 miles slower when I do. I dunno if I'm just deluding myself or if it's not that bad.

this...helps control road rage tho lol

I don't recommend it. From my experience, I can either focus on the road, my speed or traffic lights, but only one at a time

I've done it 3 or 4 times. tl:dr: not a good idea. I don't care how confident you are.

I'm not a regular stoner because my job does random drug tests and I don't want to fuck with fake piss and all that. I don't know how tolerance works with weed so I can't say if there's a difference between a stoner and non stoner when it comes to driving.

My experience: I've driven drunk/tipsy/buzzed maybe a couple dozen times, never had a problem. One time I was 17 and driving my ex home at 3:30am. I get pulled over and am like 'fuckmylifefuckmylife'. Turns out just the license plate light was out and the officer didn't suspect anything. He also gave me shit about me being out late but w/e.

I've driven on 2nd and 3rd plateau of DXM. If you're not familiar, there's 4 plateaus. 1 being the weakest, 4 being the strongest (exploring universes n shit). I've done just fine.

Weed I can't handle very well. I have to really, really focus. I'm easily distracted especially with a drunk/high friend in the car and I go in and out of lanes, drive slow, make small mistakes like blinkers, etc. Maybe I'm just bad at it but this is coming from someone who has consumed much more in terms of volume and potency.

I remember reading a study they did recently that concluded basically that some people can drive just fine while Under the Influence while other people are greatly affected.

In my opinion drivers should be penalized for poor driving, no matter what substance they are on.

i drove like 20+ years of my life.
>always stoned as fuck
>never crashed
>hell of a driver

also this

Don't be a dick

I had a girlfriend once who's dad looked like a crazy mixed-up hybrid of total fucking nerd and raging redneck, used to smoke all day every day. He'd pick us up from the train station and drive us back to hers but he was always stoned as fuck. Sometimes he'd make comments like 'too fucking bright for these stoned eyes' while starign blankly at a green stoplight. Once he picked us up and didn't say a word the whole trip, then he pulled into a pizza place, brought out a pizza, yelled 'prawn horn!' and burst into hysterical laughter. I miss that crazy bastard.

how bout u visit him and bring some weeds/beer/pizza?

Political there should be like 0,5% alcohol allowed in my country an limit for being high. I mean 5-6 hours after you smoked you are allowed or if you Just took one hit. Everything influencing your cognitive more than loud music or talking in car shouldnt be allowed. Personally I have no Problem driving with high people as long as i trust them. On the other side I think all drugs should be legal. Border is where you influence other ppl

Same as this guy. I only drive high when there's no one on the roads, around 3-4 am. otherwise, fuck no

Because he also stole my coat and made me cry with bucket bongs, that and i broke up with his daughter a long time ago.

Same for me, but im think you drive on dxm shit too. On Plateau one you can Drive ok. But plateau 2 and 3 are already to fucked up.

well they are getting punishments for bad driving, or atleast people do here

I get you, Sup Forumsro.

I feel like driving while stoned is easier, you just focus on the road. I don't recommend driving drunk. Driving on acid is scary but kinda fun.

im too paranoid to try it/have no interest in it. I don't want to go anywhere when I smoke. I want to just stay in my room and eat food and watch TV. whatever that makes me I'm fine with it.

What if you drive bad without substance?

It's okay to do if you have the mentality of a 12 year old that believes nothing can go wrong

otherwise suck it up and just call dominos

Driving stoned is like driving tired. As long as you aren't an idiot, you won't crash.

I've driven shitfaced drunk once and I felt so guilty.


but tired people crash all the time


Drink, smoke and drive everyday. It makes me more aware that I should be extra careful. Weed adds more to the awesomeness of what I am doing, therefore adding the gravity of what I am doing.

>Know your limits.

Except you completely gloss over the reason most people drive high in the first place. When you're a chronic stoner you dont drive high just got get munchies or rent a movie, you drive high because you have commitments and responsibilities that you simply have to manage somehow which would be impossible without transport.

Add to this the fact that if you're at that point, your tolerance has likely progressed to such a stage that weed no longer makes you tired/hungry/stupid. The effects of weed change greatly over time.

I've driven on most drugs during my dipshit years, driving tired is hands down the most dangerous and the only thing thats ever made me pull my car off the road.

In Australia the police use chem-strips to test drivers when pulled over. You can test positive if you've smoked in the last 30 days.

Well fuck I can't do it

should only be treated as a DUI if the person is violating traffic rules and/or not complying with road regulations.

That's bullshit.

For one, they use a stick you rub on your tongue. Two, its so inaccurate as to be borderline useless if you didn't just smoke. I've seen people get pulled over ten minutes after smoking and show up clean, three hours later and you're almost guaranteed to come up clean.
>Source, i live in Australias nanny state.

I partially take back what I said.
on 1st and 2nd, I do fine. That said, you have to adjust your perception of how fast you're going and relativity to objects on the road like cars or tight spaces in a parking lot.

3rd is really pushing it and that's where I start to become paranoid. My memory is a little fuzzy but I have done it. I once did this in a land yachy/yank tank, my high school project car being a 72 Monte. Not recommended but nonetheless I felt a sense of accomplishment.

To this day I still drive and do quick runs under the influence of Dex. I enjoy it because it doesn't show up on drug tests, it's cheap, and fun.

>you drive high because you have commitments and responsibilities

Yeah, actually.

I drive to get to the gym, i drive to get to work, i drive to go out to dinner with family, i drive my dog to the beach. Believe it or not, being a stoner doesn't mean you have no life, grow up.

I'm aware of my impairment, therefore drive more cautiously.
It is the exact opposite in alcohol.
I drive high all the time.
Better driver.

I guess it really depends on where you live. If you love in a rural area I don't see a problem with it. You might end up hitting a deer or hurting yourself. If you live in LA like I do you either grew up doing it or you avoid it like a plague.

>grow up
says the guy who drives everywhere stoned

underrated post

there are some people who just wholeheartedly suck dick at driving

I'm glad you're not on the road. Thanks.

Drove through NYC once in traffic during the day. It really depends on the person. I enjoy driving normally so it is still enjoyable when I do it high. I would not recommend it normally but some people can still remain very focused. It can make you tired on long drives though.

Yeah you got it.

>implying people who smoke weed are automatically excluded from everyday life

You would think that driving around that late would be OK. In reality, that's when cops are are REALLY looking for someone to fuck up.

Found the straight edge faggot.

Completely agree, that's primo time for law breakers to be out doing shit and that's when cops Are on high alert. I hope OP doesn't really think that he/she is the only one with the whole mentality of "can't catch me bc I'm doing things early in the morning" ,, that's literally what everyone thinks. Kek

UNLESS they live in a town like mine where the cops go to bed around 12am. But I live in a very smal and rural town, less than 300 people

Done it a few times,. It's not enjoyable.

I always smoke when i drive

I don't usually do it because I don't wan to risk going to jail. But I don't believe it affects everyday smokes behind the wheel.