Hi Sup Forums i am afraid of dying

hi Sup Forums i am afraid of dying
knowing that one day you will permanent nothingness and this is your only chance is overwhelming

how do I stop thinking like that? Either to come to terms with it, or distract myself from those thoughts?

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Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

When you are dead, you will not know that you are dead. That is all that matters, and that is why you should not waste one minute worrying about it.

>get the codes
Lmfoa you know he's the president now right? He's had the codes for weeks.

It's no big deal man. People are born and die everyday. Dwelling on it and freaking the fuck out turns you into a cuckservative obsessed with "muh legacy"
The only legacy that matters is that of our collective species. One day our entire race will die, and the art and culture we leave behind will be the testament of our progress to whatever spacefaring explorers that might come across our empire's ruins in the epochs to come. Imagine what they would think of us if we were to give up now?

OP doesn't give a fuck about his legacy hes freaking out because not being alive for
the rest of eternity is a long time.

I look forward to death. The only reason I live is for my family, I don't want them to see my brains all over a wall.

Death is the most wonderful part of life, outside of an avoidance of life.

dude just do drugs, enjoy your time on earth, expand your mind and think beyond your own existence. Life is a beautiful thing that you can enjoy benign aspects of without even having to put an effort in - and once you realize that, you'll also realize that a fear of death is irrational and you're better suited to making something of yourself and feeling fulfilled.

I grasp the finality of it, it sucks, not knowing you're dead and permanently gone
but it still keeps me up some nights, that i am like everybody else, will die, nothing can stop it
it's more being pissed off knowing it's my one god damn chance and i'm wasting it making myself happy when it's all for really nothing

humans having awareness was a mistake, other animals don't understand death

You should only be scared of the process of dying.
Not with what happens after

>trying this hard for (you)s

Have you tried mushrooms before?

Why would anyone fear that? If you're dead you won't have much time to contemplate eternity.
>inb4 afterlife

once, but it wasn't enough to get any feeling
I actually forgot about those, they're not common with my dealer, I really have to buy a good amount and finally get going

are you fucking kidding? dying is the best that can ever happen to you, as long as it is sudden and/or peacefully.

you won't ever have to worry about money, health, relationships, housing, or anything really. all your problems will go away.

im looking forward for the day.

"life is a struggle;
Death is the reward."

Because i'm missing out on everything that happens the next billion trillion years
How can that not bother you?

Also, why are you so certain that there is permanent nothingness? No one really knows what happens. It is ridiculous to be certain that there is a heaven with specific rules to get in, ect....but it is equally silly to be certain that there is absolutely nothing. No one really knows anything about it, so until we do, freaking out over it won't do any good.

My understanding is that mushrooms help alleviate the fear of death in people if you use them in the right setting and are really introspective.

I'm the generation before super-science that allows space-medicine to give us 200 years to live rather than 90

>that pic
made me laugh

The main idea I subscribe to is that death is like before you were born. You were nothing for so long, then you existed, then you're nothing again
I get that I won't care after I die, but making this existence fulfilling and worth the short amount of time I have it just sucks. Always thinking that you'll live forever, until reality sets in and you put those things in perspective, none of it matters, but I'm still human and still selfish

Doin mushrooms is what freaked me out about death in the first place.

Sure, but knowing our species, that technology will be restricted to the elite class. If it wasn't, the already exploding population would grow absolutely out of control. The way to remedy this is obviously to become a spacefaring civilization ourselves and colonize other worlds, but we have to unite as a planet to effectively do that. Imagine China, Russia, India, Japan, and the US all working together (in honest) to gtfo this poisoned blue marble? We'd have the first colonies started in 20 years.
>But no, let's keep arguing about which color hat our neighbors wear!

its best to just say "yeah ill die, but in 50-60 maybe 70 years" depending how old you are and how advanced technology is. So you really don't have to worry about it when your time comes you'll most likely be ready for it, that's why most older people often make offhanded dying jokes.

That thought scares me a bit too. I'm not certain that it is just a "this is all over" thing though. I mean....technically, you are just a bunch of atoms and shit that are organized a certain way. We aren't even sure why people are conscious. I don't see why it would just disappear, or why "You" couldn't be recreated naturally.

Another comforting thought which is probably about as unselfish as you can get is realizing when your gone, life still goes on, people fall in love and fight and cry and be born even after your dead and you've had your turn and now its time to let others live their life.

You think life goes on. Again, this could all be an illusion of your mind. I could be in your imagination. You could be in mine. Nothing is truly proven, we kind of just make assumptions and do shit that feels right.

that's a whole different way more complicated story, but this for argument were assuming theres no afterlife and were just here by accident

If that is the case, and you were just a random happenstance of a bunch of atoms organizing themselves in a certain way, why couldn't it happen again?


just become depressive and consider suicide. You wont have trouble with death afterwards.

np for the tip, im here for ya user

lol my thoughts exactly

As long as you don't die painfully there really is no reason to dear it since once you're dead you not longer have conciousness. However, if you really want to avoid death you should consider turning to the work and ideas of transhumanist. Scientist have discovered how to digitize memories and inject them into animals. Wait another few decades and we might be able to digitize the conciousness of a human completely; uploading "theirselves" into a computer. But even then, it's probably not that healthy clinging onto ideas like that. Death anxiety is just another strain on living the life you have currently.

Did you fear being born, before your mom gave birth to you?

Just because you're not self aware anymore doesn't make it better. Watch the movie awakenings

Just distract yourself.

You won't know it when it happens.

Could you link me some sources on that? It sounds a bit far fetched that an animal brain could process a human memory a\the same as we can.