Can you libfags stop complaining about the electoral college every fucking thread? By the way...

Can you libfags stop complaining about the electoral college every fucking thread? By the way, I don't deny that Hillary won the popular vote, but use your god damn heads

By running for president, Hillary AGREED to the rules. You need 270 electoral votes to win. The problem is that she's incompetent and never listens to anyone who doesn't donate to the Clinton foundation. Yes she went to key swing states, but she only campaigned in the major cities of those swing states. For example. She went to Pennsylvania but only campaigned in Philly and Pittsburgh, two places that would certainly go Democrat anyways. She flat out ignored the suburbs that usually lean Democrat but flipped Republican for Trump this year. She won the popular vote because she campaigned for it. Donald campaigned for the electoral college because THOSE ARE THE RULES. If the election was about the popular vote, he would have campaigned for it and won. Do you autists understand now?

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lib here. i personally never thought his win was rigged. didnt like hillary -or- trump but would have perferred hillary. not throwing a bitch fit over him being elected, it was fair.

Johnstown here, I agree with the PA thing.

Is that a suburban county?

It's not even the fucking point. Hillary was garbage but we wouldn't have even had candidates like her or trump at the national level if America wasn't so fucked it abandoned basic democracy. Mitt Romney won the popular vote, Hillary won the popular vote, the people spoke and by some quirk of the rules the system said, "Go fucking shove your goddamn vote up your goddamn ass we are going to make whoever the fuck we want president". Sometimes the people make bad decisions but more often than not it's going to work out well if you decentralize the governing system. Fucking hell, that's the historical president for christ's sake. But republicans have to go and gerrymander and rewrite voting laws and suppress millions of votes.

This is the first time I have interjected into any political talk on any format. This statement is the first and only statement that has some god damn sense. I did not like any of the assclowns running but this is exactly what happened. All you bitch ass whiney libs need to accept this as the unequivocal truth. All you alt right fuckin retards need to understand that a real, non retarded, non crimal, candidate would have defeated Trump. Trump ran the smarter campaign according to our current electoral rules.

Asking to prove that you are you isn't suppression. It's not our problem if you're too fucking lazy to get an ID. You need a photo ID to drive for christ's sake. Does that mean the DMV is trying to suppress minorities from driving?

New York City, LA, San Franciso, Chicago, Seattle, Houston, Washington D.C., Boston, Denver ... Weird how all the biggest cities that bring in the most money to our country voted blue and idiot dumb fuck white hillbillies who are too stupid to realize their jobs are easy to replace with automation voted red.

The electoral college was instituted in 1787 you austistic fuck. Republicans didnt rewrite any rules. Fuck....what the fuck are you taught these days?

This is exactly why you libfucks lost. All that matters to you is big cities. You don't even care about the suburbs anymore because they're "too white" or "too poor" for you.Then you wonder why more and more people are leaving the Democratic party, especially Midwestern whites who have voted Democrat their whole lives. Why should they keep voting for a party that thinks of them as simply racist white trash when all they want to do is work and feed their families but keep getting let down by both parties?

>Can you libfags stop complaining about the electoral college every fucking thread?

I'm apolitical myself, but you brought it up, asshole.

The fact is the majority of the money being brought into our country is being brought into these blue states. All the progress in technology and environment is happening in these states. If you overlap things like obesity and literacy rates they are in these red states, that have republican governors who are utterly failing them. The republican party isn't doing jack shit for them, never have and never will and it's so funny to see how much they cry when not onIy do they have no good jobs but no healthcare

the electoral college is counter-intuitive to a democracy because the people's votes don't matter. that's why people are mad.

These blue areas make so much money because of how much they tax their own people. It's the highest tax rates in the country but instead of using that money to fix your crumbling infrastructure, your high crime rates, or shitty public schools, you use it to house illegal immigrants so that Republicans can't take them away from you. I'd rather stay living in my quiet, WHITE, suburban neighborhood run by a republican governor and county executive than go live amongst you arrogant citiots and get shot for no reason by some hood rats who the mayor thinks of as victims

not even the right image


Blue is where the illegals are concentrated


blue also seems to be among the highest crime rates go figure.

See, you're a reasonable person

Fucking yes. Truth

Its unfair because someone could become president with 23% of the popular vote. That is not democracy.

Hillary did more to elect trump than anyone

America was never a democracy. So yeah. No shit it's not democracy

im happy Trump won.

fuck you!

Do you live in one state of america or united states of america?

If it's one state, then yeah, popular vote it is. If its multiple states then the college makes more sense.

There wouldn't be one utter of the electoral college, nor the media doing stories on it with a "do we really need this?" attitude/bias, if Clinton had won. It's so fucking pathetic I've hardly kept up with the news since the election (i.e. used to have NPR on in my car almost all the time) because the bias is so transparent and ridiculous. When I was younger, say in my early 20s, I didn't really think the media was that biased but Jesus, over the years I've come to certainly see it if you pay enough attention.

>"stop complaining"
>He complains
>While adding to the huge pile of shitposts of complaining maga kids

I see 3 posts a day about from complaining liberals. I see 30 a fucking hour from you easily triggered faggots. Take it to your containment board.

LOL. That might be mathmatically/theoretically possible, but I'd love to see it happen.

Well said

One citizen, one vote. As long as the citizen is above age and deemed competent.

Citizens notify representative of thier preferance in a general election.
Representatives meet in conclave to elect national leader.

With either forms, a free, unbiased and honest media is to provide the voters with the information to make an informed decision.
The media was neither unbiased or honest in the last election.
She still lost.

They *are* racist white trash. Fuck them all, those inbreds shouldn't be allowed to vote.

That's because if Hillary had won she would have had the popular vote too and it would be a non-issue num nuts.

You must be 18 because it was just as big an issue with Gore and Bush.

America is a Republic. It's in the pledge remember or did they take that out in your school?

Voting needs to be restricted to people that actually do their god damn research on the candidates and laws they're voting on. Idiots that are swayed one way or the other by TV ads and word of mouth shouldn't be allowed to vote. People that can't understand English also shouldn't be allowed to vote. people with an IQ under 120 should definitely not be allowed to vote.

>some quirk of the rules
Sounds like you really know what you're talking about, kiddo.

More so because bluer districts are able to push that variety of legislation more successfully. And bluer districts are really the only ones that bother trying to build sanctuary cities.

Whatever though, keep on your tinfoil hats. Watch put, "they" might getcha

Its not the govt job to hold your hand and provide everything for you.....

You voted for Trump because ...

... Clinton was going to be in Wall Street's pocket. Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank and eliminate the Fiduciary Rule, letting Wall Street return to its pre-2008 ways.

... of Clinton's emails. The Trump administration is running its own private email server.

... you thought the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play." Trump has refused to wall off his businesses from his administration, and personally profits from payments from foreign governments.

... of Clinton's role in Benghazi. Trump ordered the Yemen raid without adequate intel, and tweeted about "FAKE NEWS" while Americans died as a result of his carelessness.

... Clinton didn't care about "the little guy." Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires, and he took away your health insurance so he could give them a multi-million-dollar tax break.

... he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. American consumers will pay for the wall via import tariffs.

... Clinton was going to get us into a war. Trump has provoked our enemies, alienated our allies, and given ISIS a decade's worth of recruiting material.

... Clinton didn't have the stamina to do the job. Trump hung up on the Australian Prime Minister during a 5pm phone call because "it was at the end of a long day and he was tired and fatigue was setting in."

... foreign leaders wouldn't "respect" Clinton. Foreign leaders, both friendly and hostile, are openly mocking Trump.

... Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side.

Hildebeast did nothing to help me, under her my taxes were set to increase, id have to keep paying for everyone elses healthcare, and have my tax dollars continue to pay for sanctuary cities and entitlement programs.

Hilary has been doing politics for 30 years or so and is part of the problem. No one should be in political offices that long, no one should be able to make millions working in government.

Hildebeast was not your president. No wonder she did nothing for you. Duh.
Trump won't change that.

But America never embraced basic democracy? From the writing of our constitution we've been a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. That's not a democracy. A true democracy always employs lawlessness, mob rule, and scare tactics.

This thread again? Ok, you asked for it

Some facts for you:

Trump won the popular vote in 31 states to Hillary's 19 and DC. 62% to her 38%.
Trump led in the total popular vote for all states except California.

Hillary won California 5,860,714 to Trump’s 3,151,821. 61.6% to 33.1% exclusive of the other candidates. Thus California gave Hillary the popular vote for all states as claimed by the Democrats and their media stooges.

But deduct her California vote from her national vote leaving her with 54,978,783, and deduct Trump’s California vote from his national total, leaving him with 57,113.976, he wins in a landslide in the other 49 states, 51.3% to her 48.7%.

So, in effect, Hillary was elected president of California and Trump was elected president of the rest of the USA by a substantial margin.

This exemplifies the wisdom of the Electoral College, to prevent the vote of any one populace state from overriding the vote of the others. Trump’s Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway, whose expertise is polling, saw this early on and devised her strategy of “6 pathways to the White House”.

This meant ignoring California with its huge Democrat majority and going after the states that would give him the necessary electoral votes to win, FL, NC, MI, PA, OH, and WI.

Could this mean the end of the Democrat Party? At its lowest point since the civil war when the afternoon of January 20, 2017 arrives, the Republican Party will have:

1) The Presidency.
2) A majority of the House of Representatives.
3) A majority of the Senate.
4) Almost two-thirds of all the governorships.
5) Total control of the statehouses in almost two-thirds of all the states.

And in the near future, Republicans will be able to add:
6) A majority of the Supreme Court. The above has never happened before in American history.

So yeah, keep saying Trump lost.

Copy this and paste it whenever someone makes this thread.

According to the Constitution, THERE DOES NOT EVEN NEED TO BE A "POPULAR VOTE".
Let me repeat that....
States can pick a president any fuckin' way they want.

>Election Results of the 2016 Election

>Trump 62,985,105
>Hillary 65,853,625

>(subtract the AT LEAST 800,000 votes from non-citizens in favor of Hillary)

>Trump 62,985,105
>Hillary 65,053,625

>Population of US: 319 Mil

>Subtract those 17 and younger: 76.2 million (24 percent)

>Subtract felons who cannot vote: 6.1 million

>Subtract illegal immigrants in the US: 12 million

>319 Mil - 94.3 Mil

>224,700,000 Eligible voters.

>Trump 62,985,105 / 224,700,000 = 28% of the popular vote
>Hillary 65,053,625 / 224,700,000 = 28.9% of the popular vote

The difference in the Popular Vote was less than 1%

Despite the fact that Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 counties in the US (the vote that DOES matter), liberals still believe the LESS THAN 1% difference in the Popular Vote (The Vote that's never decided an election in the history of the US) matters.


Clinton literally told Wall Street that she had public opinions against them, but privately had their backs

Some people in Trump's administration are running email servers, but that isn't the issue. The issue is Hillary was conducting classified business on her private servers, even after being warned, and then tried to cover it up

Trump gave his businesses to his children, he isn't profiting

The issue was Benghazi was Hillary lied to the American people and tried covering it all up when it was clear if she'd been open then people couldve been saved. This was just a flubbed mission, of which Obama has had several, and just like most of those, this was no grand coverup

Clinton told the midwest to suck it up and die so the coastal elites could keep on making a buck. He killed Obamacare because it drove up rates for the middle class. 90% of Americans had care before Obamacare, and they all shouldn't suffer because of the 10%

If Mexican goods become more expensive, we'll just consume cheaper goods from other countries. While Mexico suffers. Economics 101

Clinton literally promised we'd go to war with Russia over Syria. Probably a bit more serious than pissing off the sand people

Globalists hate the anti-globalist president who wants the other countries to pay their fair share of our subsidization of their militaries and health care. OMG, who could've seen that coming?

The whole media united against Trump before the election, and it didn't work. They greatly overplayed their hand, and now over half the country doesn't trust half the shit reported on anymore. When truth has been replaced by spin, how can you tell who's lying?

Eat shit lib, you lost

>historical president
>p r e s i d e n t

Hillary went to campaign for the rich people. She ignored the poor plebs.

Donald actually brought truckloads of relief supplies like water, food and blankets for places that were flooded during his campaign. Never saw Hillary did anything like that during the campaign. Most of the media refuse to cover this. People who received help will remember for life despite the fact that the media refuse to cover this in their bias attempt to smear Trump.