How do you explain to Republicans with reason and logic that they are morally fucked up?

How do you explain to Republicans with reason and logic that they are morally fucked up?

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my republican grandpa told me recently that facts dont exist. the republic mind believes what it wants to

You can't. Their either high functioning sociopaths or retarded trailer trash.






It would require you two first-half reason and logic.

>morally fucked up


>when democrats think things like gay marriage and men who dress up like women and get boob jobs is something that should be considered normal


Well this explains the insecurities of country bumpkins.

Why should me, you, or anyone tell anyone how to dress, what to do with their body, or who to date?


If you can't argue your own argument you should consider gassing yourself.

Because God!! Lol

why should me, you, or anyone tell anyone how to think, what to say, or who to let into their country?




morals are just a tool of the bourgeois to keep the proletariat down

tbh I'll just switch to whichever side is cooler imo, I lean libertarian though


its the left without any morals attacking blacks, Jews, Muslims, gays etc... seriously against free speech

funny the trump supporters are the most tolerant ones now


You can't, because that point of view of yours is not reasonable or logical.

Take a step back and reevaluate your own mirals and values from scratch, taking close note to anything you're basing on assumptions or prejudices. Be honest with yourself or it won't work.

Many things seem like obvious conclusions when they're based on shaky presuppositions. Start thinking with a wider lens and those little logical complications emerge, and what was clear as day, black and white, turns into a stormy rainbow that can be approached and addressed rationally and logically from MANY different political viewpoints.

>tldr; grow the fuck up

>my republican grandpa told me recently that facts dont exist. the republic mind believes what it wants to

tolerant left; so reasonable, so logical

I'm a Republican

I don't care what you do to someone else if everyone involved is consenting

I don't want to know about it, I don't want any of my money going to support our fund it.

It is abnormal, and that's ok too

>implying any political view has anything to do with morals.

>trying to argue morals with reason and logic.

this is why america is dying.

anyway, numbers are imaginary and motion is an illusion, and you cant even start to debate me those things so why worry about doing the same with something so absolutely meaningless as morals.

but to specifically make a counterpoint as in the time honored tradition of this shitposting website.

how do you explain to a democrat that money doesnt work like that, niggers shouldnt get that, our borders aren't for letting people through, and nuclear bomb usage is a natural conclusion if you wish to remain superior and be unopposed as a world leader.


what else do you want? is there any more reason or logic you need, mr brock?

Civilized behaviour being the fundamental condition of civilization, it should stand to reason the institutions of governance have some say in ensuring the restraint and refinement of the people.

bitch, i live in liberal hell, right on a coast motherfucker. also, bonus, IM NOT WHITE!!!!!! WHOA SHIT!!!! A POC THAT IS CONSERVATIVE HOLY SHIT


i'll see you in the ovens, boyo.

>Civilized behavior.

According to your own compass.

Someone else may think civilized behavior is counter from yours.

"morally" isn't logical nor reason, that's in the ballpark of feelings.

the most powerful propaganda, is true propaganda.

any more? any requests?

You can try but you will fail.
If they had it in them to be better people, they wouldn't be as they are. ...and they wouldn't find early civilizations crude attempt at an ethical code an unattainable high bar to set for themselves.

They're the anchor humanity drags forward in time. ...for now.


Which of my morals are wrong or fucked up?
Being Christian? Not stealing, raping or race mixing?
Being against abortion? Knowing that a microbe on mars would be given more rights than a 100% human 100% genetically distinct being developing in it's mother?
Being against illegals or prolific immigration? Because I know that there are limited numbers of dollars and limited numbers of jobs to go around as it were and 48 million Americans are on food stamps as it were anyway?

Which of my morals are fucked up? Love thy neighbor unless they're a degenerate fag?

sorry that logic does not agree with your emotions.

Depends on the subject. Repubs have a broad set of beliefs. And wide range of followers. It will be complex to make a statement that encomposses most of tbeir beliefs, apllies to most of them, and demeans them in a way that is convincing, rather than shit posting.

>posts a picture of right wing religious conservitards throwing defenseless people off buildings

>in defense of right wing religious conservitards



You just commited the same fallacy in your picture.

mass suicide.

what emotions?

Civilized behaviour is defined by the capacity to exercise control over the animal urges, to exercise order through taboo and through the creation of those intimate veils of opacity which hide, and therefore humanize, the baser instincts.

Crossdressing, perverting the good order of gender, throwing sex and sexuality into broad daylight where lovemaking cannot survive and only the biological act of sex remains, are not civilized behaviours. Much moreso than that, to be "free" from having anyone tell you not to behave like a damn animal is not any freedom at all in true sophistication.

"[...] a man whose appetite is his law strikes us not as liberated but enslaved."
-Anthony Malcolm Daniels.

you can't understand their logic user

it is beyond you

it is beyond all knowing

oh, i didn't realize republican = religious. I guess I better go sign up at my local church.

"You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into."

for how much they blame dems/libs about their feelings getting hurt, conservatives have some thin skin and easily rustled jimmies

>One person believes something stupid
>Everyone with similar political beliefs must also believe in it

i least i have the constitution.

Yeah but Hedonism

The problem is thinking that morals can be based in logic.
Hume identified the is ought problem, basically it is not logically possible to move from what is the case to what ought to be the case.
Values are normative not positive.

He was talking about your type, cupcake.
No matter what it is, your special little snowflake ass can't handle reality so you ignore things like facts - like Trump is your president now.

I mean, I guess if you want to go back to living in tribes..



google cognitive dissonance and realize that people will mostly only ever learn and believe what they prefer to, with a small amount of people who learn for themselves and don't need to be preached to. You're surrounded by simple baffoons dressed as adults and you always will be, don't surround yourself by people you think are like minded either because then you're just doing the same thing they are. The only real way to win is to realize your head is inside a box and pull it out through mental conditioning and disregarding inherent bias. Critical thinking is a skill you have to train like anything else, you can't force someone to work on their abs


You have early shit-tier civilizations understanding of civilized behavior user.

You claim to exercise control over the animalistic urges on one hand, and then impose strict ideology and authority to ensure those urges remain base and animalistic. Human sexuality exists for more than base animalistic breeding in the more developed of the species.

If you are such a simple fuck, perhaps try living up to your own standards first, and not being a bunuch of aggressive violent tribalists.

nah I prefer sponging off the comforts that my society offers. My mortality restricts me in investing in anything substantial or long term
I'd prefer base pleasures and good times

fucking repub retards; we should go all out left.... maybe some form of socialism....

You didn't make an argument. You just ad hominem'd.

And he was mocking you, because your post WAS just calling your dissenters unintelligent. Irony, that is.

History major here
You can't fault them for not adapting to the local culture, rioting in the streets and barricading them with garbage is about the most Parisian thing in existence.

How do you explain to lefties that humans are inherently violent and greedy and that if you can't adapt to it you will inevitably die off?

Serious question..I'm completely against violence but that's how the world works. with this.

career = over.

>I didn't realize something that was formalized and has carried the party ever since.
Welcome to the american political arena circa 1980.

You fucks created the patriot act, the biggest most egregious destruction of the constitution in US history.

Yeah, it sucked when the guy you didn't like enforced it as written, didn't it?

nice trips retard fag.

seriously, you guys are fucking retards.

not even trying to offend you. you are a fucking idiot. own it.


sucks that your black king didn't repeal it, huh?

>1 sentence in
>another american retard who doesn't know what a fascist is
>fascist = authoritarian
>fascist = totalitarian
>fascist = autocrat

Fascists can be those things, but those things are not fascism.

yeah, duh

you're gay for using big words
and by gay i mean pretentious

sick burn, that really disproved his argument that greedy people take advantage of trusting idiots.

>impose strict ideology and authority to ensure those urges remain base and animalistic
Repression is a silly meme. Not even the Puritans expected flawless restraint. We can't all end up like Angelo from Measure for Measure after all. The full understanding of humanity is that we are a collection of animal urges coupled with the good sense to control them. The good sense of control must win out virtually all the time, but still not quite always. For those moments where pressure must be vented, pro-social institutions were made. Holidays in exchange for labour, marriage in return for chastity.

But the crux of your misunderstanding is believing that a person who lives a life of discipline will somehow become broken and controllable by it. Most likely you've been told that the church invented the deadly sins to make a psychologically weak populace that was easier to control, which is also a silly meme. The sins represent animal urges, which are addictive by nature. For that reason alone the idea that a person can indulge in them and then be MORE free from control is as stupid as thinking that someone who has sampled heroin is more likely to "just say no". Obese people do not look like that because they decided one day they'd had enough to eat, and if you walk up to a fatass and a man who has only ever indulged his hunger on holidays and tell them to obey you or starve, it won't be the fatass who stands his ground because he's done all his eating anyway.

Vice is like that. The more you taste it the hungrier you get. That is why we demand that people learn to control themselves before someone else does.

ITT: Libtards thinking they aren't the scum of the earth. Go die, cucks.

It hurts just a little my dude


not interesting in explaining or disproving. just wanted to once again, remind a republicufck that they are vile hateful animals.

that is all.

What do you expect when the US doesn't bother teaching political faggotry, history, philosophy or anything that would make people functional citizens.

All any of these tards are taught is a binary system of [whatever appealed to them in their teens]: right, everyone else: wrong.

Only thing for it is civil war.

the context was climate change. so yeah

The next time a left-tard uses reason and logic will be the first time ever.

I may think civilized behavior involves cumming in my hand and slapping the hot load on your cheek...
Clearly, what we "think" civilized behavior is doesn't actually define it

How do you explain all of these bait threads?

how long till your shift is over, shareblue?

Surely you can't make it all the way to adulthood sincerely believing in the callow definitions of love and hate offered by the left?

Dragging you out of your fucking cave and teaching you how to use tools and your fucking brain since 100,000BC. Obviously a big mistake.

yeah, WE'RE the animals.

No normal person would truly be okay with this but something tells me there might be some spin there.

>X has different values than Y
>Y thinks that X is fucked up

k, go participate in some violent anti-democracy riots. fucking commie.

So you purposely misrepresented the situation and context for your own benefit.
Gee, that song sounds familiar too...

you both are animals.


Former here

>all these bait threads
>bait threads
>baiting people into conversation
>all threads are bait
>poor bait results in no conversation
>and 404s