This is good, right?

This is good, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yep. That's about where I land too.

You should get a free helicopter ride.

Are you getting this from some online test?

It doesn't fucking matter. If you aren't rich, you're little people. They love to watch us fight over ideals while they shovel more gold into their assholes.

Hey, what's shaking comrade?

Who cares? As long as you're a rational person

Because what you consider to be rational isn't want I consider to be rational.


Rational is being able to exchange ideas without acting like fucking kids

The rational thing to do is to remove all non-whites from America.

Also, on the test I was authoritarian right.

Eh if that's your opinion then that's your opinion. I think using the death sentence for mild crime would fix society pretty quickly

Walk me through that line of logic, please.

Because I don't see it.

What do you clasify as mild crime?

Jaywalking. I also believe in what I've decided to call "fascist humanism"

To do that you have to be willing to entertain the view point of others by principle of charity.
Rarely does political discussion between liberal and conservative ideology involve the principle of charity.

Is that you, my God-Emperor?

The foundations of capital.

Fucking statist. 10 on the Econ scale, -7 to -10 on social and you good.

Kek. Basically if you can't survive on your own you don't deserve to survive. Also people with hereditary genetic problems should not be allowed to procreate

>Calling other people statists


What defines "on your own", though? And what about individuals who are physically weak or deficient but still contribute to society through their intellect or skill, like Stephen Hawking?

Can someone hive me the link for the quiz for this?

Air should be privatized.

>cant fuggin use the goog-le. kek

Toothbrushes should be liberated for the masses.

If you're mentally handicapped to the point where you can't have a job, pay rent and buy food etc on your own you don't deserve to live. If you can however contribute to society without taking like Hawking you should be considered to be kept alive

Im pretty tankie so I agree

Fuck that, let the poor peoples teeth rot and fall out if they can't afford a price of plastic.

Gulag. Now.

Helicopter. Now.

>Ew Ba'athism
>Ew Juche

I'm an ancom myself, but I dig the


Comrade, your fanaticism for certain third-world puppet dictators cannot stop the immortal science of dialectical materialism!

When liberals threaten to throw you out of a helicopter but due to the effects of late stage capitalism, they have no monetary power for a helicopter ride just for themselves let alone owning aircraft for personal use.

Tbh, I only ironically like the not Marxist leftist governments. So I'm not a fan of Juche really.

Pathetic worms

I'm the same way with the Eastern Bloc. My anarchist friends think it is appalling that I make gulag jokes, but you know, fuck 'em.

Increasing the money supply would fix this.


Anything on the right side of the line just means you're an edge lord with ironic views

Money is illegitimate. It exists to alienate workers from their labor and to create the illusion of scarcity.



Anyone know the source of that doujinshi?


No, money is measurement of wealth that one has accumulated. A economy would remain static if money were not a thing.

Increasing the money supply in a right winged society only happens when workers are alienated from their labour and production which means only the capitalists with monetary power benefit from this. Your statement implies trickle down economics work.

Libertarian left, apparently. Guess that means something

i'd love to see Sup Forums take this

I see most of us are Libertarian/Left

forgot picture

No because inflation rises while doing so. When that happens you increase min. wage so the equilibrium expands.


The majority of the developed world's population falls around that area

Left/Right should be Economic Left / Economic Right and Authoritarian/Libertarian should be Social Duty / Social Freedom. You can't be Libertarian Left; Libertarians can only be in favor of total economic and social freedom, which would be in the bottom right. A "social Libertarian" is just a fag with a scraggly beard who is too scared to argue with liberals or conservatives.

god damn it, I've recently become completely lost in what I believe.
Like seriously, I feel like for most of the questions that are asked in the test I know nowhere near enough about the subject to answer seriously.


read some chomsky bruv

Read some Econ 101 bruv

you get fucked by the dickgirl in the opposite corner. go for it fags

t. retard american

Read some Friedman or Rand. Liberty includes freedom of one's property.

one can only own large amounts of capital through the (wage) enslavement of others

You're fucking stupid. Look up the meaning of slavery, retard.

You're mistaking free-market capitalism with your beloved crony capitalism.

When the free market is regulated by the federal government, it means the feds have power. Feds with power can (and regularly do) get bought out by big businesses because it's cheaper for the big businesses to buy the fed to regulate the competition out of the market than it is to compete with small businesses.

So, like the retard you are, your solution is to fuck over everyone else because you are unwilling to limit the power of the federal government.

>implying that the natural result of deregulation isn't monopoly

Is everyone on Sup Forums the same person.

Perhaps so, did this at the end of Dec.

lurk more, newfag

1. It's already been posted
2. I would have found it easily but I just preferred a link if someone would give it.
3. How the fuck is this even something just oldfags would know? Or did you just want an excuse to say "lurk moar"?

Again, you are retarded. Monopolies as you understand them are bad and can only exist when the federal government regulates small business out of existence.

In a totally free market, there is no such thing as monopoly. If one were to actually exist (i.e. WalMart being the only distributor) then it would only be because WalMart offered the best possible products at the lowest possible price. The moment that that is no longer true, someone else would come along and do it. That's what you get in a free market; self-regulation.

The same can be said about anything, whether it's retail or energy. 10 years ago, people said we only had 60 years of fossil fuels left (therefore subsidize our global warming research). What happened? Innovation led to new techniques and now we have thousands of years of fossil fuels.

Update your understanding of what monopolies actually are. If you were to write a book and self-publish under the title "I'm a Leftist Cuck Who Thinks I Understand the Market," you would technically have a monopoly on it.

Preferred a link kek, it's literally more effort to ask.

You do realize that the primary point of googling is just to actually get the name of the test and the subsequent URL right? If I had known it was called "" I wouldn't even needed to google it. If you notice all the posts before mine were just "chart.png". Was I just supposed to google "chart.png"? Also, I like how you prefer to expend more effort being argumentative than just giving the URL. I could understand if you were personally being bothered by the question but as it stands, you could just ignore it like the others.

Doesn't seem too far from the truth.

yes it is

Not too far from center, and on the right side of the y axis. We'd disagree, but I don't think we couldn't work through it like adults.