Official Sunday League Thread

Which teams wont make playoffs?
Who is the best new player on the rift?
What champs do you play?
Show your lootings
Guess ranks based on most played champs.

Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Dat Ultimate Tho


Which skins would you take/reroll?
I got Riot Kayle already ._.
Got 1224 orange essence.

> galactic Renekton
> triggered

I keep getting shards for that ugly as fuck skin. I hate it so goddamn much
three times
three times I've gotten a shard for it
one of them was from a winter crate

reroll that fucker along with riot Kayle

as for skins to keep
that's a great Syndra skin
Fizz is cool and the kindred one but Kindred is kinda shitty
tbh fam I'd reroll most of them but maybe turn the legendaries to shards


doba is full of elitists

Go with either the Fizz or Syndra skin.

Guess my rank


damn on point

Give me your op.gg and I'll tell you how you can improve

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Dat Ultimate Tho


play more sivir

guess my rank

silver 2

i am hardstuck d5..














Jesus christ, what's with you people?


It is what everyone looks for in league.

When people say "fuck teemo", they didn't mean literally have intercourse with him


so ive never played.. been playing hearthstone. is LOL easy to play as f2p? what can i expect as a new player?

Got Omega Teemo twice recently, one activated, one for shards. Sharded Eternum Nocturne skin and some unwanted crap.
Activated champship riven, def_not blitz, mundo mundo, demon vi, dj sona and some cheap skins for champs i playing alot.
As a russian player on EU West, who can't buy RP anymore (out laws sucks), i really love hexcrafting.

come on /b
give me the 411 on LOL

Expect toxic players -every moba has it, but I believe we have the best of the worst- in your games, don't buy skins, runes, or anything because there's this system that gives you skins (takes a while but you might get lucky), the easiest moba from the rest. Fun to play...with friends or if you're into going Han solo. Don't play ranked until you know how to play in almost every lane with more than one champ per lane

Old screenshoots was made for my friend, just to say. Now i have not much, but keep going with

Oh don't forget, if you get tilted, on a losing streak, remember it's only game, y u heff 2 b mad?

what do you collect? gold? what should i be saving for as a new player? im just installing right now, so i have no idea about anything.. redpill on the game would be awesome

That a shards from chests you can get by playing champs for rank S- and above. You should buy this champs also for getting chests. But keys parts you can get as much as you want if you just playing and win.

May I play with you?
Oh ok, so when you play the games, win or lose, you get influence points. Now, IP is used for buying champions and runes, runes that should not be bought until you're lvl 30. Hmmm, ask me more



The lanes are always as such: top lane, far left; bot lane, far right; and mid lane, durr have fighter, tank champs; mages or assassins; and supports with adcs. Although in early lvls, there may be some goofs so don't worry too much on it

what's a good strategy for playing? which champs should i focus on? what should i be doing in games?

Focus the champs that dealing most damage - adc's, assasins (can be mages and adcs also). Tanks can't do much without carry.

Last hit the minions, little soldiers in your lane that spawn every now and then. Last hit because it'll reduce the amount of poker that your enemy will give; always keep track of your gold and buy off the recommended for now from the shop. The big items can be bought in parts so do that when able; when possible poke the enemy and try to give in as much damage as possible when they last hit the siege, the cannon minion; ward as much as you possibly can, look to your minimap as much as you can, to check what abilities to level up, look at some guide and scroll over to what you need; certain champs will be squishy or tanky when it comes to damage; you may die a lot since you don't know what champions can do, such as crowd control, dashing, ults, so don't worry too much about it



I forgot to mention that IP is an out of game thing. In game, there's gold gained from killing minions, other players, and over time because gold is increased during game, but it goes up at a small rate so no, don't stay at base

is it better to rush or build?

It depends on how well you're doing and the team comp. Oh, focus on buying the parts of one item at a time. There will be exceptions, like getting a vamp scepter for sustain as an adc and if pushed back, but you won't have to worry to much about that. Focus on buying the parts of the item and then for the others. After buying the parts, if you have leftover gold, such as 250 gold, buy some pots and control wards (you can carry two, but can only place one at a time)


everyone got riot kayle, they gave it away for free







Which teams wont make playoffs?
> dont care
Who is the best new player on the rift?
> dont care
What champs do you play?
> ww, garen, trundle, jax







690k Katarina mastery.
Tell me how much you hate my kind

got perma'd a while ago. tryna get unbanned but impossible

sum thescarredburger n/a

mains were:
veigar, jhin, twitch



lux 350k
jinx 180k
diana 100k


