Your daily dose of red pill had arrived

Your daily dose of red pill had arrived.

The left is trying to push socialism in the united states?
Why are they pushing for socialism?
Whats wrong with capitalism?
I'm here to explain that for you.
The left wants socialism because socialism rewards laziness and passivity.
Think about the typical person you know that is on the left. Likely, they have shitty aspirations. They are trying to get a music degree, a art degree, and women's study degree or some sort of liberal arts peice of shit that will be worthless. People on the left have zero marketable skills by choice. Think about those on the left who don;t even attend college. They work at starbucks and mcdonalds and claim that everybody is racist and that's why they can't move up in life to make excuses for why they are so fucking pathetic.
The truth is there is nothing wrong with capitalism. There is just something wrong with the left. Anybody ever notice that anything the left says is an attempt to brow beat somebody so they can steal something from somebody else.
everything they say is an attempt to guilt you into giving your money and hard work away to someone who doesn't deserve it. If you make shitty decisions then deal with em and stop putting your problems on other people.

Fight back and let the left know you aren't gonna put up with their shit.

You can call me a racist, sexist, bigot. But at least I have a job and work hard and i'm not trying to steal from other people. The left is a bunch of brow beating lazy thieves.

>The left is trying to push socialism in the united states?
some things are better when ran by the government, specifically things that are rights not privileges. case in point is healthcare

insurance is essentially socialism. you do have the choice to opt out but then it's more expensive for everyone else who uses it and you can be royally fucked by no fault of your own.

other things are fine as capitalism, but you have to realize it has limits just like socialism.

Your little redpill shit is boring. You're just another snowflake who thinks he's got it all figured out and everyone else is stupid, and you get mad whenever someone triggers you. Not much different than a libtard

wow much enlightenment very smurt

thanks for contributing literally nothing intellectual to the conversation.
If you would like to shit post more let me redirect you to a better place.

Capitalism is just fine, when it's tempered with a little Socialism. Pure Capitalism is extremely Darwinian, Pure socialism is super oppressive. You need a little of both to offset the bad qualities of each.

wah give me free stuff!!!

Bet this op does not know who adam smith is

i'm OP and I can agree with that. Just stop abusing people who work hard with socialist ideas.

ad hom.
Fuck off

>mfw when OP still hasn't taken the bog pill

>Ideological Subversion
>yuri bezmenov
google it

>captcha is trying to silence me guys!

Do you insure your car?
Do you insure your house?
Do you have life insurance?
If yes to any of these, why? Why would you want to make yourself poorer paying premiums that other people can benefit from? Why not just go pout and use your stuff?

How are capitalist ideas better for people who work hard? If we accept that Conservatives are capitalists, and Libs are socialists, what conservative policies are beneficial for workers?

you do realize you would be paying for the same thing in taxes. Except likely you would be paying more. Also if i buy a $3000 car and a $50000 house why should i be paying the same in taxes to cover my insurance as someone with a $300000 car and a million dollar house.
Clearly you lack a concept of market and fairness and that's what socialism destroys.
Please don't ever vote. jesus christ you are retarded


But you didn't answer my question. Do you have insurance? if so, why?

there's just no middle ground with you is there
it's all extremes or nothing

not ad hom
my point is op never even read wealth of nations and has no idea what capitalism is
a lot of the things libs propose has to do with stoping rent seeking
and adam smith explained the importance of regulating markets

Your a dum fuk

because in capitalism you have the ability to own your own means of production. You can start your own business and market yourself to other business's as someone with valuable skills.
In socialism the government owns the means of production and they try to allocate resources to the people. This has been shown to fail miserably time and time again.
Free market is a better allocation of resources and it allows people to better market their skills and make money. Resources go to where they are needed based on how much people are willing to pay for them and they are instead not wasted by where the government says they need to be.
People who work hard can make themselves valuable, they can make themselves marketable or start their own business in a capitalist economy.
In a socialist economy you are punished for working hard and making more money. They tax you heavier and deincentivise you from trying to be successful because the more successful your are the more that is taken away from you.
In a socialist economy those who do not work hard or strive to do better are rewarded with free things from everyone else who is working hard. It incentivises people to not work.
This is exactly why socialist economies fail.
The farmer has no incentive to make more crops. The house builder has no incentive to build more houses etc.
Then people say they have no idea why people have no place to live and no food to eat in socialist countries.

Oh and if you wanna use a northern european socialist country as an example just remember that they are all white and have zero niggers mooching off the system.
Remember that.
To admit that an all white socialist country is the only one that works is to admit white people are superior.
and yet capitalism is still better because for example america is playing with a handicap. Our economy has socialist tendencies because of the left and they are handicapped by all the niggers that mooch off the system.

this is a brilliant rebuttal...I had heard rumors of right wing logic but I see they did not do justice

Such redpill, much truth

Me again.
I thought not. No answer, but a stream of invective against a strawman of your own invention followed up by an ad hominem.

You are the epitome of a retarded cunt. Now you've dragged me down you your gutter-like level, but I go willingly as it's probably the only thing your uneducated mind can handle.

Scream at me some more if you want - I won't be here to read it, but it'll probably make you feel validated.

if you disagree with what I say maybe you would be more effective in creating your own argument rather than complaining

you are just mad because you lost.
Stay mad
You have yet to bring a single argument to the table you just question other peoples intelligence and brow beat them.
Not interested n talking to you unless you say something interesting

so you believe roads, schools, bridges, dams, etc are free game for the private sector too i suppose?
>i sincerely wish all of you bootstrap "Muh Capitalisms" faggots would do two things 1: Understand we dont have a capitalist society, We have a Corporate Kleptocracy edging towards outright Oligarchy. 2:just kill yourselves

conservative politics is based in the reality of taxless utopia

taking my money and building a road i use is not stealing.
Taking my money and paying somebody else's healthcare is.


I think you're a nigger who woke up late on the wrong side of the bed. Clearly lazy and you haven't made a ripple in the world since you came out your mothers pussy.

The irony here is hilarious.

The real question is why are people so terrified that they might accidentally help another human being.

thanks for wasting everyones time, enjoy your little dick faggot

And the same for capitalistic ideas punishing working people. Most industrial societies are mixed economies. For certain industries central control create the best benefits and others a free market is the way to go.

In a particular sense, SJWs are really advocating pure competition by wanting to remove the "lottery of life" privileges from individuals. Pure competition is the best way to obtain the emergent properties of the free-market. Similar to how conservatives argue for small business and a marketplace for healthcare with competition.


the rate of healthcare inflation went down because of affordable hc bill.
so technically you did not lose money...but the finer points of economics is usually lost on cons

But that healthcare insurance will cover your own medical needs as well.
You pay for a part of that road, as well as other people do. All of them and you yourself use it.
You pay for a part of the healthcare system, as well as other people do. All of them and you yourself benefit from it.
It's absolutely the same.

Lots of young people don't want or need healthcare. You being born a pathetic faggot shouldn't impact my life in any way.


The south will rize agin nigger jew nigger

Charity is not charity when it's forced at gunpoint, you ultraniggers.

further explain how SJW socialism is good for society.
I want an in depth analysis.
The lottery of life stuff is bullshit.
If you give a bunch of money to your kids and they never learn anything or work hard all that money will be used up pretty quickly and they will have no to pass on to their own children. Books balance themselves

But user, OP is an edgy cunt who is absolutely scared shitless because that means he might have to help someone other than himself and he just can't stand that.

>but the finer points of economics is usually lost on cons
So is common sense,
when a company has a guy paid to bribe the political parties in power so they get the best deal possible (see Comcast and local monopolies as an example) that isnt Capitalism

Please tell me how paying taxes is immoral, user.

That's why it isn't called charity.

I dont mind calling out sjw's for their bs...if only the right would police their nut jobs too

Socialist want to expropriate rich people of their stuff. What's wrong with that?

some people who are working hard don't have enough time and effort in them to help themselves and everybody else.
Get a fucking job faggot.

go cry more about how everybody isn't helping you do shit you can do by yourself if you got off your ass and tried

It's bc he doesn't wanna. Like a little bitch


Healthcare is not a right

You need to study enlightenment philosophy to learn about the role of government.

LESS MARX MORE LOCKE. In your next life pay attention in social studies, hippy

>it hurts my brain and upsets me trying to have any sense of compassion or empathy for another living thing

Also you do realise that accidents and unforeseeable illnesses can happen to anyone, right?

if only 5% of the people that claim to be hardcore capitalist would pick up wealth of nations and thumb through it they would realize that right wing media advocates for rent seeking not capitalism

I was ready to have an honest debate, until you started in with all the "niggers dragging us down" shit. Its just complete rubbish, and doesn't hold water. I grew up in the southeast. There are acres upon acres of trailer parks full of poor whites that don't want to work. why is it only the "niggers" that are dragging us down? Also, we are entering into an age where there are going to be massive disruptions in the job market due to automation, there aren't going to be enough jobs for everyone that wants to work. what answer does pure Capitalism have for them?

>more Locke

calling the right nut jobs and proving the right are nut jobs are two separate things liberal fruit boi

>this is what ANTIFA actually believe ironically
When morons decide what is "helping", the government and the people in power win because they have the moral authority to take more and more. We're well beyond the somewhat reasonable aspects of socialism but you're too stupid to see that.

People who pretend that capitalism is a complete failure because the people in power are corrupt are morons. They never should have had the power to rule most of the things they rule but Supreme Court decisions made by activist judges over the decades have destroyed the checks and balances system. It all started when Lincoln killed states rights and it's gone rapidly downhill since then.

See the first part of

nice job avoiding the topic and calling me racist.
Thats not a typical liberal strategy at all

>t. 300 fat fuck who blames everyone else for everything that's ever happened to him

I'm only about a third of the way through it (I wish i still had time to just read) but it is an eye opener for sure

see that is the problem...the right won't police their own with reason

The truth is, there is no capitalism. There is cronyism or plutocracy though. And that is only beneficial to ultra rich. Which you are clearly not. The only viable sustainable way is socialism, which, to be honest though, is not realistic, since most people are egotistic, greedy assholes, who only think of themselves. Hence, there is no future for humanity


thats why you get a job and save money for accidents and unforeseeable illness.
It's called budgeting :)

Here's an interesting point for greedy socialist cunts to consider. The U.S. is the last bastion of right-wing ideology in the entire fucking west. If you want to live like a cuck, MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE. We will kill you all if you push us. Remember who has all of the guns.

Well stated, i disagree to a extent though.

If you want to do a bunch of drugs, eat like a dumpster, and drink like a fish. Is it rest of the communities issue? No.

If you are working 2 Jobs to support your kids because you lost your spouse or your spouse vanished and then you get cancer and you need Chemo then you should be able to recieve free chemo. For the sake of your children, your 2 employers, and you, a hard working adult.

Having socialized health care isn't bad, and having public hospitals for Emergency situations isn't bad either. I don't feel like my tax money should pay for the fuck ups of America who are getting sick and diseased by stupid decisions that most of the world would say "Is a bad idea". Wear protection when you have sex, make healthy decisions for consumption, and be careful in every day life.

If you look at the anti-trump riots you can literally see my point.

We have people lighting themselves on fire, burning possibly dangerous trash, and using air horns that can damage ear drums as they bash in windows with sharp glass and jump on cars.

This is the problem, people like that.

Well this was fun but it's not so much an argument or debate thread as a "try to have a conversation and get screamed at about niggers and jews" thread so see ya, OP.

Capatilists are terrified of that conversation.
When Automation fully hits (literally 10 to 20 years away if that, fuck we have cars that drive themselves now) 90 million are going to be out of a job. Do we tell them to fuck off and go die in the ditch?

>since most people are egotistic, greedy assholes, who only think of themselves.
that's US, not humanity

Quite simply, capitalism is not equipped to address the economic changes we are seeing nor is it able to adapt. Technological changes has ushered in a era when there will be fewer and fewer jobs for more and more workers. Capitalism cannot address this imbalance as it's goal is to concentrate wealth regardless of social imbalance as that is deemed most efficient. Either society or capitalism is doomed to fail. Both cannot coexist in an era of rapid technological change.

>tfw spouse vanished
You're too understanding, user. Give into your right-wing tendencies. You're being cucked just enough to not be free. Otherwise, reasonable points.

the problem is the private sector was not making healthcare the market responded by hiring the gov to do this...that is what happens when the private sector fails to provide for demand...the public sector winds up providing the supply...its simple econimics

I'm glad you're just as deluded as you seem. You're happier that way.

not an arguement

Your autism is showing, dont associate yourself with the right until that goes away.

Ah, the everyone who disagrees with me is uneducated tactic. Its an oldie but very reliable in shoring up your confirmation bias.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass kike.

My sociology professor keeps pushing the idea that we need to rise up against capitalism and that the closest we ever came to overthrowing capitalism was Occupy Wall Street. She's still in her 20's mind you.

not an arguement

Says who? Technological advancement means products become increasingly cheaper and cost less. You're describing a leftist fantasy that will never become true. You're arguing science fiction, you fool.

bye nigger kike

Same can be said for 90%(clearly hyperbole) of the replies in this thread. Just joining in.

not an arguement

not an arguement

you really are an uneducated Trump voting idiot, aren't you? Right ideology is DEAD. Most of worlds wealth belongs to a handful of people and its concentrating into lesser hands. So your trickle-down economy is BS and dead a long time ago.

you tards lost the your first civil war...but it is cute you think you could win a second states make all the money...your guns will be useless without bullets

>Give into your right-wing tendencies.
I own a kippah and menorah.

I cant user

>also libertarian

Yeah sorry, I was talking about USA mostly, should've clarified

Says the person talking like a racist... holy fuck you're deluded. I' never said I was against capitalism, just that it needs to be controlled.

Wow you're so cool I'm impressed

Inb4 misspelled reply

proof the rightwing are nut jobs
1 Thought a TV personality would make a good leader of a superpower, Granted both choices were shit
2 Fails to see that America is not a Capitalist country and hasnt been since the late 50's
3 Fails to see why basic's needed for life should not be controlled by private interests
4 Thinks divisive polices like "The Wall" or the "Muslim Immigration Ban" are anything except theatrics
5 Still yearns for an America that never was and never will be

Hey remember all of that food you can go buy for nothing at the store? Remember the AC that's on you right now? The cheap vaccines that keep you from dying? The cars EVERYONE has? Rethink your ignorance before it's too late or you'll get the rope too, nigger. Capitalism has helped everyone regardless of how much you want to shut your eyes.


There is a difference between regulated capitalism and socialism. Also, social programs paid for by taxes should not be a problem, as long as they are not the only option allowed as it is in Venezuela.
Here is the US you have social mail delivery via USPS. The catch is there are private alternatives that operate as competitors to the US Postal Service, e.g. UPS and FedEX.
ACA is/was a noble idea, but implemented in the wrong way. It should have entered the market as its own insurance programs in competition with the major carriers. Make the private companies compete with the federal program and not just with themselves.

Remember that blowjob I got last week? EVERYTHING GOOD IS CAPITALISM

Yes I suppose the Civil War did end the South's right to rape their slaves

Texas - Powerful industrial, energy, shipping and technology markets.
>But they can't make bullets.

>Capitalism has helped everyone
inb4 highest economic inequality since WW 1

I'm not debating about past achievements, I'm saying that it was in the past and now things have changed, capitalism as it was imagined by Keynes or whoever is dead and if you're too blind to see that, then by all means, go vote for a billionaire, who definitely will stand for small guy's interest.