Today I was sitting in a public park while listening some music...

Today I was sitting in a public park while listening some music, suddenly I heard a 40 yrs old man saying shit about me "-vales verga, pinche millenial que se esconde detrás de su música y tecnología, por eso el puto país está como está" (-you are shit, fucking millenial who hides behind his music and technology, that's why the country is so fucked), so I took apart my headphones and asked him if he was talking to me, he told me that he was not referring to me unless I myself identifies as a fucking millenial... blah, blah, blah, I can say whatever fucking want here... blah, blah, blah.

I noticed that he wasn't drunk or drugged, he seemed to be middle class and like he had a work, so after he shouted at me I calmly asked: Did something bad happened to you?

He said (with an angered tone) that he was ok even after some issues at the subway on his way to work, then that stuff like that is what is killing this country and that shit started from the 60's to nowadays and even after he did a lot to try and change things, that won't ever happen.

So far I concluded he studied and ended up working at something different that he didn't like and somehow became the angry man shouting at me and blaming everyone for the country's state.

After five minutes of conversation, he was telling me about having a degree isn't all, but it helps, I told him that opportunities appears and he said that my phrase was typical of young people, he told that the real thing is "opportunities appears once or twice but no more".

After sometime, he started calling me "bro", and we even ended our conversation with a handshake.

I don't really know what to think about my country, he just confirmed that I would like to help to improve things but the enemy is the society itself (he spent years trying and finally gave up), we don't listen or make things clear to others, or even care. My lifestyle fortunately is healthy and better than many, I still live with my parents and study at uni, I hang out from time to time but somehow feel very distant of my likes and actually for caring about people, even because I helped to a drunk old man in the subway people stares at you as if you were a freak. Apathy, cynicism an violence are becoming our culture. I'm visiting Victoria, BC on July and I'm afraid that could wake up from the mexi-matrix and if that happens I would feel way worst than I feel now.

If anything its the 40 year olds who decided to not do shit either that fucked the country

we are a pretty bad and selfish generation. you must admit.

>"opportunities appears once or twice but no more"

Where were my two oportunities?

(unless they were going to trade school to learn how to machine metal and geting a degree in fine arts instead of biocheminstry)

Well they raised us in a bad way so it's not your fault.

We learned from the best, the prior generation.
T. Every generation

how about we take a bit of responsibility for once?

Yeah, we are.

I'm studying Computational Systems Engineering and I could open a PC's business in the worst of cases.

My parents did a good job raising me, even if they used to hit me. Even so I've never laid a hand on someone or something, have respect for life (not a vegan though) and other's opinion while their actions won't damage to others. I prefer to do the job instead of talking how to do it. They introduced me to reading at an early age, got me to practice sports and letting me choose my likes. Fortunately we didn't lack money but I only buy what I need.

The best comes from all generations, the worst too.

>where were my two opportunities?

1) you were born in the most comfy country with free stuff like education and healthcare
2) you are not gypsy

You have your life setting on easy already bro.

Italians are very good at their oratory/social skills i guess? Dad always used to say they were a very expressive people

t. relativist

there's not denying that our generation is the mostselfish one to date.

the mantra of today is literally "b urself, fuck everyone else". even childrens' shows and books are teaching it.

then, in high school and uni, we get pumped with ideas of "slef realisation"(a term with origins among neoliberal yuppies, but got taken over by feminists somewhere along the way)

duirng the only few occations people actually appear to give ashit about anything other than themselves, it's always just for show (i.e. "look, I'm anti-racist, aren't I a good person").

everyhting is about honing your persona today, turning yourself into a massive trademark. even political activism is about increasing the value of that trademark.

The baby boomers are the most selfish cunts to ever grace the face of the earth.

Get fucked idiot.

>there's not denying that our generation is the mostselfish one to date.
Not remotely.
>everyhting is about honing your persona today, turning yourself into a massive trademark
Are you trying to imply it hasn't always been like that? You sound like some fucking stupid Sup Forumstard who likes to blame all the ills of the world on your generation, while arrogantly excluding yourself from that blame.
All young people these days hear is how how shit they are and how easy they have in when in reality kids these days are going into the hardest times for gaining social and financial security than we have had in almost a century. It's not their fault for this, it's the retiring age wealth who have spent their lives hoarding power and money while pushing political policies throughout the modern world to heavily favour them then once they got their easy jobs, education, houses, superannuation, etc. they put all that pressure back on the political sector to do away with those things so the younger generations got fucked over at the expense of making sure the old cunts get to hold onto their money and assets, all the while everyone else is footing the bill for them.

Get fucked, cunt.

There is no such thing as "millennials". The only generation to be recognized by a gov is the Baby Boomers, and that is in the US because they had such a huge impact on the birth rate.

>people just start fucking talking to each other like that

my dad is like this too sometimes

they are called 老害(old disaster) in Japan

>ywn cuddle a grill like that pic

feels bad

fucking this

>Thought this would be a thread about light femdom
>It's about user speaking with random crazies in the street

Disappointing desu. I would ignore the guy and keep moving, and if I had to be near him like a bus stop I'd just keep my distance.