No YLYL? Better fix that

No YLYL? Better fix that.

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The sun will die out. You can't kill a color. Green always wins.


Sun dies=no light=no color=sun wins







Sind dies light still travels green ist there the sun ist not green wins


Fuck off fruit fag.



Sorry on phone stupid german autocorrect


Sun dies and becomes black hole from which nothing can escape, including light and especially the colour green. Checkmate colour green, you faggot. Sun wins, always.




> 2DAD-42F1

This must be the closest thing you have to a dad picture

The sun isn't large enough to become a black hole, genius

these are very good, i promise


It will be once it condences all of the universes green.

There is no such thing as black holes. I have a book written by a dead person who came to life and flew up into the sky and it says the world was spoken into existance and doesnt mention black holes. And you better not question my claim or else you wear funny hats and do not have a girlfriend.

why do women have legs?

so they don't leave trails like snails

Jokes on you, I already don't have a girlfriend

light bends near a black hole, but it wouldn't necessarily get trapped fagget

I laughed.



How to Switch Cities 101

Green = life / nature

Green cant die. Green 1 - Sun 0

imma need source
for science


all yours my friend







Visible light split into colour comes from sun. Sun is the colour green. Sun is win

All you idiots who say that the color green does not win, think about this. Our sun is not the only souce of light in the universe, and also not the only source of green.

How do I know? I have seen stars before.


