How sad does your life have to be that this guy is your hero?

How sad does your life have to be that this guy is your hero?

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you're not even trying faggot.

sage and ignore

you lost
get over it

>> Not answering the question.

It doesn't matter who won. How sad is your life? Tell me.

No, we all lost. God help us all.






no need to worry, better man won and he ll make America GREAT AGAIN. You ll vote for his reelection, you ll see.

Agreed. Jesus fuck, our country is being run by an orange with hair loss

Why are you changing the subject to Hillary? We were talking about the idiot manchild piss fetishist that you idolize.

>How sad does your life have to be that this guy is your hero?

You mean the man who
- bangs 10s frequently
- dominated NY real estate for 35 years
- made a few billion $$$
- changed the political landscape
- became POTUS despite the efforts of his party, the media, and the dems
- did more in his first week as POTUS than most do in their entire terms

actually made me laugh

I miss Obama and his banker cabinet already. Remember Libor? No? oh

Really want to know for you in particular how sad your life is. How old are you? Have you ever had sex with a woman who wasn't your sister?

Yeah, no. He's destroyed us in 2 weeks. A new wave of liberals is coming and will be ready to vote this time around. If we haven't been nuked by then

I didn't ask about Trump. I asked about you. Do you bang 10s frequently?

No Obama already destroyed us by ignoring the Libor scandal and effectively losing trillions of dollars of US GDP which caused 20% inflation in a single year. Hey, but have you seen trump's hair? lol

>did more in his first week
Like what? Banning muslims, denying climate change, making abortions pretty much impossible? GOOD STUFF 10/10 BEST PREZ LOL LIBRUL TEERS

oh look, it's bullshit.

you lost.
we won
get over it.

pathological lying actually makes you lose elections
Just ask Hilary

>he thinks is accurate

>my ratings are great

Trump has lowest approval rating of any newly elected president in history.

The lowest!

20% inflation. all obamas fault. right.

kill yourself

if you are raised among kkk, creationists, and nazis, he is exactly what you're used to.



Actual Photo of Trump Grabbing a Pussy.

Not my hero, just my President.

Yours, too. only took one post to bring up Hillary. My god the uneducated need to get new material.


Oooh, good one.

Pretty damned sad.
But then, most of us voted for Trump because the other half has this for a hero.

Even sadder, half of Sup Forums want to fuck that abomination.

how sad is your life that you are a fag OP??

how sad do you need to be to even fake quote's about Trump?

He said among Muslims there is a disproportionately high number ..
Not all Muslims, for Mexicans he said the same thing among the illegals there is a disproportionately high number.

Stop making up stuff.
If you can't agree upon his policies fine, but lying about what he said? fuck of

I'd prove it to you but with such a scathing counter-argument I think I don't stand a chance.

Well, we are a diverse bunch.

Trump is politics for eight-year olds. The Internet had brought the loudest voice to people who have the minds of fat kids.

Want people to listen? Yell whatever shit occurs to you.

Somebody points out you're wrong? Call them ugly.

Get caught telling lies? Just tell more lies until the authority figure gives up.

America is now a fat eight year old kid from a broken home. Facts don't matter. The future doesn't matter. Common sense doesn't matter. The rules don't matter. The only thing that matters is that fatty's rage and need for attention are appeased.

This presidency is going to cost us incredible amounts of money, blood, prestige, leadership and resources we can't put back, and at the end the fat kids are going to blame someone else and pretend nothing is wrong.

you are an idiot....remember what the polls said about him being elected? you are a gullible fool...please kill yourself.

You don't know what 20% inflation means

Bro, you're asking too much from him

retarded argument

You do realize that with the way formatting works, for everyone on mobile that arrow is just pointing at literally nothing.

And hey, I've never heard anyone call her a hero, but at least she hasn't (tried) to ban Muslims, tell her staff to "dress like women", and she also doesn't have rape accusations from 3+ young women.

>Banning Muslims
>Making abortions near impossible
>Denying climate change

Why are you so mad that he is doing what he said he would do, make America great again?

>inb4 you are one of the spics he deported

>ITT: liberal tears

good night, Amerikkka

How sad is it that you believed that piss story?

You're fucking kidding right?

2 weeks into new job as ruler of the free world after being a fucking billionaire for 3 decades, this guy does the following:

>hangs up on the president of Australia because aussie president pissed him off. Won't answer calls because fuck Australia.
>literally gets the ball rolling on everything he said he was going to, especially Obama care
>tells the IRS to eat shit when it comes to the Bullshit penalty for not buying jigaboo health insurance. Also tells the IRS for the first time in fucking history that the benefit goes to the taxpayer in ANY audit or discrepancy situation.
>admits to calling Rosie O'Donnell a fat cunt, and then admits to saying the same about women in general because fuck you.
>is still a billionaire
>is still ruler of the free world
>fuck you

How is this guy NOT a fucking superhero?

Sage as fuck. Fuck you liberal scum.

is that a threat? lol

Because we didn't vote for him or want him. The majority does not want this hairy ass anywhere near politics.

Court Cases or i dont take the rape accusations seriously.

Also, The staff is his staff. Why shouldnt he decide that they should actually dress decently?


nothing scares Israel, China and Russia more than a sovereign United States.

sorry, i may not agree with Trump
>rape accusations from 3+ young women.
>rape accusations
You know its bloody easy to just say Trump raped me as woman, hell, its easy to say that any man raped a woman, without evidence that argument is worthless.

>anti-intellectual creationist

Is this all you guys ever say instead of coming up with an intelligent comeback? Wait, because there isn't a way to come back. If you voted for Trump, you've fucked not only yourself but all of us over

go home russia

Hillary raped me.

>implying the truth isn't an intelligent comeback

>A new wave of liberals
You mean indoctrinated communists aggressors

a list of president Trumps executive orders so far

The first of many executive orders signed by Donald Trump was an order that commands federal agencies to "ease the regulatory burdens" of Obamacare, and has them slowly repeal what was put in place by the Obama administration.

2. A freeze on all hiring for the federal government, excluding military. This is intended to help shrink the size of the government.

3. The US withdrawal from the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal) which Trump and many of his supporters say is a "great thing for the american worker."

4. The reinstating of the Mexico City Policy, which bans the federal government from sending funds to groups that preform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. This policy goes in and out of effect depending on if the President is red or blue.

5/6/7/8/9. Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access pipeline. He also signed three other related orders that would speed up the permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines. Directing the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process. And give the Commerce Department 80 days to maximize the use of U.S. Made steel for the pipeline.

10. A memorandum calling for a 30 day review of the Military's readiness for war.

>mobile posting
normie plz go

>you mean a bunch of dick sucking faggot sissybois wearing makeup and raging because theyre full of cow hormones

Fixed that for you user.


You'll be lucky if he gets to finish his first term

11/12. Two multi-purpose orders on border security and immigration reinforcement including the authorization of "The Wall" the stripping of federal money sent to sanctuary cities, hiring 5,000 more border patrol agents, ending "catch-and-release" policies for illegal immigrants, and reinstating local and state immigration reinforcement partnerships.

13. A 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven country's that the Obama administration put on their "high risk" list. (This order has since been blocked, as far as I know.)

14. An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

15. A memorandum directing "Mad Dog Mattis" to draw up a plan within 30 days to crush the Islamic State.

16. A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

17. An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

18. A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who charge commisions, and giving advice on retirement, to put their client's interests first.

19. An order directing the treasuring secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

Trumps twitter account is cancer and he says what he thinks which often leads to retarded statements, but he thinks at least some time before he writes an executive order, and he is doing what he promised he would do during his campaign.

How sad does your life have to be to have no patriotism?
How sad you must be, only looking for ways to speak out against a man who is on your side.
How sad you must be to not want to be on the same team with the President.
How sad you must be.

Anybody remember all the hate that retards spouted about president porch monkey when he started too?

Porch President might have fucked up health care real good, but he didn't do too bad for a nigger... no matter what everybody says.


you are just sad.
If you think i am raging, you must have a really sad life, good luck with that.

He didn't really do a whole hell of a lot of anything, which is good, but he was a bit too weak in foreign policy.

>instant salt
>ad hominem
>"virgin" tactic

>being this much of a triggered nazi faggot

... like I said, not too bad for a nigger.

How sad is your life that rather than live yours you'd rather try to minimize other peoples're not as clever as you imagine.


The man can't stop shitposting and SAYING stupid things on twitter, but when it's time to work HE FUCKING WORKS. Single most honest and efficient politician in centuries.
Broken campaign promises-0

>media said right would be pissed if hillary won
how could they fuck up so bad ?

>so autistic that he sees the world only in black and white extremes

Ladies and gentlemen, Sup Forums users

my life is great especially knowing little liberal pussies are crying every minute of every day for the next 4 years

The alternative was Hillary Clinton

You white-hating, man-hating, America-hating idiots thought we'd actually vote for that criminal just because your puppets the media told us to! That's pretty sad indeed. Your shit is so toxic and vile that people voted for DONALD TRUMP just to be rid of it!

Unfuck yourself or there's only more to come.

Hey now, we shitpost all the time. I mean, look at this fucking thread...

... or this whole fucking board.

Shitposting isn't indicative of anything.


This is what happens when a graduating class has 250 Valedictorians. This is what happens when everyone gets a participation award. This is what happens when kids sports stop keeping score.

The lefty Millennials never learned how to lose. They never learned critical thinking. They relied on their Reddit-connected phones to provide political insight. They relied on The Daily Show for news. They looked to YouTube for the truth.

It might take 4-8 years, but a Donald Trump presidency is the best thing to happen to these people. They will have to grow up.

>repeal obamacare
leaving millions without health coverage.

this is intended to overthrow the government in a christian fundamentalist coup

great if you want to work as a slave

abort everyone. especially you.

abuse the real americans so the corporatists can fill their pockets with ill gotten gold.

like how you avoided his failed attempt at breaking of the first amendment, and how he has given churches right to political lobbying. enjoy salem witch hunt 2. hope you liked the last one.

You have to go back.

>An order directing the treasuring secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.
> doing what he promised he would
That's a big "pick one" there m8

>waiting for OP to start posting about inaugural crowd size or Spicer's suit.

Millions lost healthcare under Obama. They couldn't keep their policy. They couldn't keep their doctor. They couldn't afford the "affordable" healthcare. And, as a bonus, they got fined for not being able to afford it.

How sad is yours that you hate him and can't think about anything else?

Because you have to be a complete idiot to believe BuzzFeed.

>Single most honest and efficient politician in centuries.

This dumb motherfucker couldn't go one day without endlessly lying about the size of his fucking inaugural crowd. He had both his press secretary and Kellyanne Conway go out and lie about it and attack the media for reporting on it accurately. Hell right out the gate and we have the Orwell-esque "alternative facts" because he couldn't help but lie about frivolous shit that hurts his ego.

>Millions lost healthcare under Obama.
>Making shit up

>leaving millions without health coverage

Then maybe they should get big boy jobs so they can afford big boy insurance. Just because they wanted to fuck off in school and flip burgers for a living while bitching about how they deserve 15 bucks an hour, doesn't mean that we should have to have to take care of them and their 8 kids. It's called natural selection and they can die off for all I care.

>que 'all them edges' remark.

Right the fuck on. This user knows the score.

The grown children will have to do some growing up. Right now we are witnessing the children throw the baba ad blanky in defiance. Next comes the "I want juice!!!!!!" stage, followed by "I don't want to eat the broccoli Yucky BROCCOLI!!!!!!!".