Remember days ago when Trump supporters cried that the ban would be reinstated... so very sure of themselves

Remember days ago when Trump supporters cried that the ban would be reinstated... so very sure of themselves.

Then the appeal failed also.

How salty are Trump supporters right now?

It is like a Political Superbowl, Atlanta (Trump) taking an early lead, but ultimately New England (Sensible people) win in the end.

Does your faces look like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

In what fictional universe does New England represent rational thought?

Guess you didn't watch the Superbowl then, if you did you would understand.

Wrong. It's not over.

I don't think you understand the ban has completely failed.

It can never be reinstated during Trumps tenure again.

"Check carefully" is what he told guards etc at airports to do. Because that is all he can do with his removed power.

Silly legislature that was not fully thought out, and it is backfired. Just like the rest of his stupid ideas.

America is truly fucked for sure this time.

the moron said if something happen its the jugde fault is he 4 real???

Still none of his supporters are letting us know how salty they feel right now.

1. Clinton not in jail. Failed promise.
2. Ban on immigrants. Failed promise now also.

Next will be the wall. It will be stopped before barely started. And he will appeal against it and fail again.

He is truly the fucking puppet of the puppet master. And the supporters his dead flaky skin being shaked away.

Trump isn't even President. He's a puppet being played by multiple puppetmasters. He's taking orders from Bannon and Putin and others. He's not in control.

>(Sensible people) win in the end.





You dipshit.
Sense went out the fucking window a LONG TIME AGO

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, just because you say so?

Prove it. Show me how I am wrong.

I guess we will be waiting for a very long time for that huh.

Trump is building political capital whenever an opposition force publically blocks him. Midterms are mostly, mostly savage (save perhaps post-9/11) to the President's party, but gridlocking against his electing constituency can soften the blow.

What if these early promises are the ones meant to be blocked?

That's the art of the deal in Trump's view.

yall are falling for it so easily

Are you actually delusional? Trump is losing support both in and out of Washington faster than any president ever has. In just two weeks he has lost support on all sides and his cabinet has degenerated into in-fighting against each other blaming each other for all of the mistakes. This is a complete catastrophe.

You know, I've always suspected SJW social psychology experts created forum cancers like 'Milhouse is not a meme', 'Don't feed the troll', and 'Bait'.

Remember when liberals were so sure of themselves while saying that Hillary was going to win for one entire year?

How salty are they going to be for 4 to 8 years more? If the last two months are any indication they'll be the whiniest and saltiest snowflakes in the history of US politic.

So... good for you for your "victory" amounting to Trump waiting on the republican controlled Supreme Court to gtfo some federal judge that wanted to be to close to the sun.

Check or any other news source. Get informed before you embarrass yourself further.

>declare utterly neutered and useless """muslim ban"""
>cat ladies and the media shit themselves and riot in the streets
>leftists expend massive amounts of political capital trying to remove it
>the public and his support base gets inoculated against their autism
>real Muslim ban and right-dominated Supreme Court on the way
Yeah, I'm super salty.


Even the world is taking the piss out of him.

Nobody has respect for him as a leader at all. They are laughing at him and the people who voted him in.

And lets not beat around the Bush (excuse the pun), people voted him in for the wrong reasons, while having no clue themselves about the economy, unemployment etc.

Recall Trump at the beginning of his campaign, and the media and political opposition?

Best case scenario we've got an oddball president. What you should really be afraid of is that he's Van Buren, and there's a third Presidential catastrophe related to class politics that breaks down the tricameral. We lost bipartisanship with Nixon, and the federal state local downward delegation with Clinton.

If Trump gets a Van Buren from a media bash at the hands of the intelligentsia, then Lincoln'll be coming soon, and class has been the issue since college kids dodged Vietnam under Nixon.

Feel the Bern!

I like how op was trying to find butt hurt trump supporters and literally all I see is people against Trump sperging out

CNN reliable source.


Whats next Fox News?

Show me where I was talking shit? Using real law examples or legislature.

You can't can you... just because CNN said so doesn't make it actually true.

No wonder you voted for him, you are fucking ignorant to a new level.

BTW not American, and not a fan of Hillary either. But thats what happens with you Hillary and Trump faggots, when you get salty you blame the person telling you truths that they are the opposite side.

It is almost embarrassing and hilarious to read.

I like the Trump that the media portrays better than the genuine article.









It isn't over. More hearings will happen soon. One judge doesn't decide it.


>12 year old kid beat up for wearing Make America Great Again hat, then suspended by the school

Trump tards are just getting cucked one after the other at this point.

Not salty at all. It's gonna go to the Supreme Court even if the appeal court rules against us on Monday.

The court will find in Trump's favor because he's technically allowed to do what he did. Then when he expands it to all Muslim countries and he is obviously discriminating based on religion, it won't matter because the Court will have already said he can have the final say on all immigration. They played right into our hands. Couldn't have gone better - now it looks like some crazy activist judge vs. lawful authority instead of a racist Islamophobe vs. the rule of law.

>Being a dumb Americans
>Not knowing your own country's United States Code for repeals and the process it takes.

Congrats for being 12 this year.

>(Sensible people)

kek gr8 b8 m8


Yeah that makes perfect sense


I got wasted by Kerry supporters back in 2004, then within a month of my report several police chiefs had to step down and were replaced with George W. Bush loyal ones.

Hi Tarkin.


nicely written.
thank you, my thoughts exactly

Shame it is all totally bullshit and will never happen.

But Trumpers gotta Trump and believe anything.


All l see is trump making his peace, so that when the inevitable happens, he has something to say. You are all done, watch.