interesting ideas for mouse colony experiments

Expose them to 240 hours of constant light with little food in a small area, then 2 hours of darkness and place large ammounts of food in large room

1 female tossed into a box of 20-30 males

Creating clones via severe inbreeding, father fucks daughter, then grand daughter, then great grand daughter, get as homogenized dna as possible OP

Feed them only semen


thats how it is now.

that happens all the time.

Test capsaicin dosing via food and investigate transcription of stress response and longevity related mRNA expression

separate males and females, complete darkness. have a path between the two genders (triggerd) that is SUPER bright.

only the mice that thrive in the dark BUT have no sensitivty to the dark will breed. led to mice with no eyes at all.

Release them and study their behaviors in nature.

Well, I think we found a faggot

i can do both, and feed them a paste mixture of semen and something ridiculously spicey

only those willing to ingest spicy cum will survive

favor one mouse/ penalize another constantly
observe if they get treated differently

also curious to test their capacity for empathy,
like if they'll acknowledge suffering or depression of other mice or be totally oblivious to a suffering colony member

now would it be better to make sure the penalized mouse is aware of the other mouse's preferential status,

or keep each mouse unaware of the other's treatment by my hand, and see if that affects their behavior among the group

Give all but a few of them hood rat nigger names. Treat them like shit. See if Jamal, Lawanda, Shawneice, and Demetrius resort to tomfoolery in the presence of respectable rodents named Harold, Amanda, and Joseph.

everyone of them should be aware that god favors one and disfavors the other

yeah, maybe have them listen to 21 savage all day while the others listen to the top-40, and see if it influences their behavior

do you think in turn the other mice would look up to the choice mouse, or be betrayed by them through envy,

or would they not give a shit

Thats why the mouse colonies always collapse. Its not some retarded behavioral sink.

If they started off with more breeding pairs, they would just end up with more mice.

would the choice mouse be betrayed by the rest of the group, i mean

Check their individual Privileges, and see how they succeed in a rodent society

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i dunno, that's what i want you to test

>Let them breed for generations.
>Add shitton of wheels for them to run in.
>Attach said wheels to generates.
>Infinite electricity.

yeah, but it doesn't hurt to theorize

I'm genuinely curious about the transfer of knowledge between rats by experience in a colony. Like, if one encountered a painful trap associated with a certain trap or food item, would it be able to convey that info to the others?

And in that sense, would others be able to reduce their chance of that same outcome having one or two experience it themselves.

This sort of experiment would question communication capabilities of rats to convey concepts of danger and negative effects

would mice actively try to save other colony members, where say, one mouse is in an active situation of peril where only the assistance of other mice can free it, would the other mice bother to, or ignore their struggling comrade?

get them high on crystal meth, see what happens

Chose a mouse
Punch/shock a random mouse near him everytime he eat


Keep 20 male mice in a cage next to a cage of 20 female mice. Enough so the pheromones will drive them crazy. After a month, put female pheromones all over the male mice and see if they try to rape eachother

the males would kill eachother before i could get anywhere with that

This. Only thing separating them is a wire mesh. Except feed the male mice crushed up dick pills in there water and put 1 female mouse with the males.

interesting, do you think the other mice would actively starve the choice mouse, maybe even kill it?


i'd have to select males from the same litter, in hopes of minimizing murder among the males, so i wouldn't be able to have that many males, but might be able to pull it off

bonus points if the female thrown in is a sister/related to all the males

mix gunpowder with their feed. everysooften zap on of them and make it explode, repeat and see if they stop eating

how the fuck would that work lmao

It wouldn't. Gunpowder would just poison them.

>zap on of them
>make it explode

yeah, my nigga trippin

Have a group of mouse ( specifically only blue eyes and white fur ) and treat them better than all the other mice, while any other "unpure" ( black, brown ect...) mouse is treated horribly. Finally have a glass wall showing all the white mice being few well to the other mice

Divide the mice by fur color and place each group in a separate habitat. Provide them with enough resources to survive and reproduce.

As time goes on, gradually shift the balance of resources so that each group has a slight surplus of one resources and a slight deficit of the others. Continue to widen the gap until each habitat is at the lowest acceptable level of the other resources.

Two or three generations have lived under these conditions - then completely remove the scarcer resources and add them to the corresponding habitat and connect the habitats to a common hub.

Ex. White mice get extra food, Black mice get extra water, Grey mice get extra nesting materials. When the experiment reaches this phase, the White mice have all their water and nesting material taken and given to the Black/Grey mice.

See if you get a mouse war or if they start trading.

i like that, i could pick a mouse hitler as my chosen male leader

have him and his fellow aryan mice execute any non-aryan mouse,
see if they learn that trait and begin killing off their colored young, and 'purify' their genes

>treat the lighter brown mice like shit and only feed them garbage
>treat the white mice like kings best food, mice bitches, and wheels and whatever else they'd like
>3 weeks later mix the mice into a larger environment
>give both groups of mice adequate bitches and food
>observe and document

damn literally hive minded

>colony of 10 white 1 dark
>give it small doses of cocaine at beginning
>once addicted, give it doses whenever it behaves violently
>see if mouse racism can be learned

bump 4 racist mice


I expect a daily lab report on Sup Forums about the racist mice experiment. Don't dissapoint us OP

can't do hard drugs, not willing to spend that much on the project
>coke addicted negro mouse

This. I like this. A lot. Like holy shit its feasible.

i would love to, but i'm not sure if i'll be able to start it any time soon

gotta get my dog rehomed first

fucker chewed a hole in the wall, ain't tryna lose that security deposit

Segregate by fur color, give the white mice more food than the others, then after a few weeks put them all back in together.


I think he would limit himself eating, but I have no idea what would the others do

we will breed a new aryan mouse race

it would be better for the other mice to see that the white mice are getting more food

>feed white mice more
>have higher female count to keep males placid
>nigger mice have few females to encourage violence among them
>nigger mice females likely frequently raped as a result
>keep both groups separated by mesh, so they can observe eachother's conditions but not interact
>encourage violence against darker colored mice in the white mice, so that they're hostile to nonwhites
>nigger mice see white mice as targets for more food
>white mice see nigger mice as impure
>epic racewar ensues

teach some of them judaism

I had a colony of mice
so did my mom
my mom fed her girls raw diet
eventually they resorted to cannibalism
only eating the brain of their cagemates
not even fucking kidding

on my hand, i had a basic set up
55 gal with a few males and females, equally spread
, they had kids, all was well
except for one male mouse who had to assert total dominance
i watched the shit play out
he was always taxing the others on food and shit
a real fucking asshole
meanwhile his brother (i dont name my mice but we'll call his aristotle) was always perching on the highest peak contemplating a way to escape (his son out of his 5 children, 4 females, was the only one to realize his father's dream)

that being said
the alpha mouse got usurped fucking hard
and was devoured whole

dont mistreat your mouse colony
just observe, keep it very simple, don't be cruel
and see what kind of shit happens

usurped? how?
what ultimately caused the other mice to do that, any idea? something had to break the status-quo

Pick one. Favorite it. More handling food, everything. allow it to interact with others and see what they do.

i guess they were fed up with his shit
the only thing i found was his tail
he was the hugest one out of all
we'll name him boss, 'cause he was the boss
he lost an ear, an eye, and one of his back legs was crippled, so I saw his demise coming, but he always fought back
out of the 1000 mice i've owned in my lifetime
him and 2 others have attacked me (they generally dont attack you) thus proving how alpha as fuck he was

Make pedomouse by giving the dominant male of the colony shavings of dick pill in water. Put in a cage with one baby mouse of each gender that has just started running around. take notes on which one he goes for.

i think the way i'd do that is rather than more handling, just offer higher quality and quantity food to the mouse during feeding time, and have the other mice eat very bland, base food, while they can clearly observe the choice mouse eating a good meal

i could also heighten it by over time inducing shock/pain to the non chosen mice, while the chosen mice eats so they begin to associate him eating with their harm

treat one mouse like a king and the others like shit and see if the mice will take out frustrations on him

Forgot to say to report the mouse to the police after he chooses.

wont happen, friend
they dont realize sexuality until much later
he might go for male first and dry hump his ass
to asser dominance, then female after he let the other male know whats up
the more males in cage, the more the aggresivity

Been done. The many ate the One.

I've had very young mice get raped to death before multiple times

any documentation of that?

like a report on the experiment, detailed results, etc

Get only white females and only black males. See if you can breed them until the colors become gender based. Start inbreeding then observe color mutations.

elaborate please?
>young mice raped to death
sounds hilarious

I had separated males from females but I missed a few females in the male tank I heard some screeching while I was sleeping. I woke up and one of the baby females had its insides hanging out of its ass and was barely breathing. Put her out of her misery with a bb gun I got when I was a kid.

Establish a Mouse Utopia with one pair sibling mice and see what effects inbreeding will have on their descendants.